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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1,296 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 888 4 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 676 0 Browse Search
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain 642 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 470 0 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 418 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 404 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 359 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 356 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 350 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in John Dimitry , A. M., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.1, Louisiana (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Stonewall Jackson or search for Stonewall Jackson in all documents.

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owing itself in a systematic organization of independent companies and battalions. To the progress of this work the news of December 21st, which bore with it the secession of South Carolina, proved neither an impetus nor a check. No words were quite so commonly heard on the streets as drilling, organizing, election of officers, the convention, secession! Apropos, on the score of separate action, some of the parishes were at odds. Among others, the parishes of Claiborne, St. Helena and Jackson declared in favor of united Southern action. On the other hand, Plaquemine pronounced in favor of separate secession. It looked as though, on the score of State action, Louisiana had, by its preliminary announcement, decided against going out alone. Meanwhile the drill and organization of commands went on with Southern ardor. In the First district—beside the Orleans Cadets and the Louisiana Guards, our old campaign friends of the Breckinridge and Lane club, under a war name—a new corp
vessels of our fleet it may be said, once for all—so valueless did they prove to be—that the unwarlike river steamers bore such martial names as the Warrior, Stonewall Jackson, Defiance, and Resolute. These sponsors for success were belied by the facts of their brief and inglorious existence—the Defiance being the only vessel saveficial pen should rehearse the incident which blurred the first page of the war in Louisiana. I quote, therefore, first from Lieutenant-Colonel Higgins, commanding Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on the mutiny itself; and second, from General Duncan, giving desertion to the enemy in the city as the closing scene in this ill-conceivlled with the wives and children of absent soldiers, he proposed, after turning the city over to the mayor, to evacuate. With his command his objective point was Jackson, where he hoped to prevent the enemy from get. ting in the rear of Beauregard at Corinth, via Vicksburg & Jackson railroad. Report of General Lovell, April 26,<
it was by your (Farragut's) orders, that the United States flag was attempted to be hoisted upon certain of our public edifices. On April 29th, two days after Mumford's act, Flag-officer Farragut addressed the following communication to Mayor Monroe. It was delivered to the mayor by two naval officers from the fleet: U. S. Flag-ship Hartford, At anchor off the city of New Orleans, April 29, 1862. His Honor, the Mayor of the City of New Orleans, Sir: The forts, Saint Philip and Jackson, having surrendered and all the military defenses of the city being either captured or abandoned, you are required, as the sole representative of any supposed authority in the city, to haul down and repress every ensign and symbol of government, whether State or Confederate, except that of the United States., I am about to raise the flag of the United States upon the custom house, and you will see that it is respected with all the civil power of the city. I have the honor to be, very respe
in the Port. Without a dissenting voice the council decided that he could not hold out longer. Vicksburg on the Mississippi surrendered on July 4, 1863. General Lee began his retreat from Gettysburg on the same day. The coincidence was strange. By many south of the Potomac it had been thought tragical. Sometimes it happens, says Herodotus, speaking of the defeat of the Persians at the same time at Plataea and Mycale, that two mortal blows strike the unhappy on the same day. Did Stonewall Jackson inspire victory?—John Dimitry, Belford's magazine, September, 1863. The surrender of Port Hudson to General Banks (with the fleet) on July 9th, followed, as has been seen, the surrender of Vicksburg to General Grant on July 4, 1863. History of Confederate States, Jefferson Davis. The surrender of Port Hudson by General Gardner included about 6,000 persons all told, 51 pieces of artillery, and a quantity of ordnance stores. Our loss in killed and wounded in the assaults was small co
and Ecore to Pleasant Hill on April 6th, with a force (estimated) of 25,000. Taylor, to meet this large army, had on the field only 8,800 men. Though given with apparent precision, this was a very full estimate. During the early part of his administration of affairs, civil and military, General Banks had shown some substantial result in civic affairs. Results as substantial might be expected from his feverish energy in the field. Here, in New Orleans, his tarnished record against Stonewall Jackson in the valley of Virginia was not a pleasant reminder to himself. In March, 1864, his plans for a triumphant movement into the bowels of the land were revived. His previous expedition had been attended by no practical success. Alexandria had been occupied for a short time, but Shreveport still remained Confederate. For the year 1864, operations began in North Louisiana as early as March 1st. On that day, Black river was the medium, through an attack made by a small Federal fleet
l devolve upon you. Adversities can only strengthen the ties that bind you to your country and increase the obligations you owe to her interests and her honor. As soldiers you have been among the bravest and most steadfast, and as citizens be law-abiding, peaceable and industrious. You have not surrendered and will never surrender your self-respect and love of country. Taylor, in his new department, without a strong army, was as much a problem in the field as he had been when with Stonewall Jackson in the valley of Virginia, or teaching Banks the art of war in West Louisiana. On May 8, 1865, he surrendered to General Canby at Citronelle, 40 miles north of Mobile. North Louisiana, when freed by Richard Taylor, one of her sons, from the invader's chains, stood erect among her children. The shackles had fallen from the once stately limbs, now withered by their rust. In her chair of state sat Henry Watkins Allen, a Paladin who had won spurs of gold; a citizen spotless in chiva
the battle, had incapacitated General Johnston. Among the troops at Seven Pines, the Chasseurs-à--pied, of New Orleans, after rendering excellent service, had come out with the loss of Edgar Macon, killed, and M. Goodwyn wounded. Colonel Coppens, of the Zouave battalion, was also wounded. On June 1st, R. E. Lee was assigned to command of the army, vice J. E. Johnston wounded. Such was the first association, bringing together Robert Edward Lee and that army of Northern Virginia which for three years he led, with unsurpassed genius, to ever-widening renown for it, and for himself immortal fame. General Lee's first order was to direct Jackson to rejoin him from the valley. Jackson was about seeing the end of hopelessly confusing the enemy in that region. Suppose we follow in the footsteps of the great soldier. We do so the more freely, since Richard Taylor, now in command of the Louisiana brigade, is riding the same stirring road, whose mile posts are to become victories.
nd the Seven days. From May 8, 1862, when Jackson swooped down on McDowell, defeating Milroy, tringiness of step. The first time Taylor met Jackson was in the valley of Virginia. Over 3,000 strpest point of danger was always the place of Jackson, watching all things. The Federals, posted othe bridge toward Winchester. Next morning Jackson took Taylor's brigade and struck the Federal ch the artillery and Taylor's infantry, said Jackson, promptly opened, and in a few minutes the tuon the 25th. Again was Taylor called upon by Jackson. It concerned a high ridge on the west, mass gray-coats. You must carry that ridge, said Jackson softly as Taylor came up. Taylor, never rash ivity, bearing all opposition before it, said Jackson, who was no flatterer. The loss of the brigae thin line that remained was so pressed that Jackson ordered Hays to stop, and meet the enemy's rule service. Taylor's brigade remained with Jackson from the first to the last of the unparallele[1 more...]
treet, through Thoroughfare gap, in search of Jackson. The Louisiana Guard, from New Orleans, le the war; its first corps commander was Stonewall Jackson; its field of valorous action, all Virgiemainder of the army was to concentrate after Jackson, lightning-like, had flitted northward. Johnr, too, had the trust in the invincibility of Jackson been so deep in that larger army which was fots at the key point. Swiftest of commanders, Jackson was prompt in seeing his advantage. From Sud through—he did not. Believing fatuously that Jackson alone was in his front, and borrowing his adv and at 3:30 Colonel Forno was ordered by General Jackson to advance the brigade to the support of this battle of the rocks was still going on, Jackson, in response to Starke's report of the failurinforcements or ammunition could reach them. Jackson smiled rarely. He may have smiled, for aughtg fighter had come to the help of a greater. Jackson, on the qui vive, hears the welcome note. Th[5 more...]
14th the white flag hoisted rendered fighting unnecessary. Harper's Ferry had surrendered. On September 17th the armies met face to face at Sharpsburg, where Jackson, having left A. P. Hill attending to certain details of the bloodless surrender of Harper's Ferry, had joined Lee on the 16th, bringing hope with the sight of hissnatching brief rest between the outbreaks of musketry. At the first dawn of day skirmishing began in front, followed by a severe artillery fire. About sunrise, Jackson reported, the Federal infantry advanced in heavy force to the edge of the wood on the eastern side of the turnpike, driving in our skirmishers. Batteries were op Guard artillery, Captain D'Aquin, entered into the fight with the bubbling enthusiasm which so signally marked the members of every command that fought with Stonewall Jackson. I belong to Jackson's corps, as a military vaunt, is quite as fine as that republican boast, egosum civis Romanus, uttered nineteen hundred years ago by a
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