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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1,296 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 888 4 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 676 0 Browse Search
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain 642 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 470 0 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 418 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 404 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 359 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 356 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 350 0 Browse Search
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uer him—he unflinchingly stemmed it and resolved to lift himself and the Union out of it. Colonel Henderson, of the British Staff college, in his life of Stonewall Jackson, says: Before twenty-four hours had passed reinforcements had increased the strength of Johnston's army to 40,000. Want of organization had doubtless pespecially of new troops, yields at a touch, and who above all, saw the necessity of giving the North no leisure to develop her immense resources. For three days Jackson impatiently awaited the order to advance, and his men were held ready with three days cooked rations in their haversacks. But his superiors gave no sign, and he ttle in Virginia many officers served, on both sides, who afterward became distinguished, or famous. On the Confederate side were Johnston, Beauregard, Stonewall Jackson, Stuart, Fitz Lee, Longstreet, Kirby Smith, Ewell, Early, Whiting, D. R. Jones, Sam Jones, Holmes, Evans, Elzey, Radford and Jordan—all graduates of West Point.
First North Carolina, was sent in pursuit of a second band, with a result described by Colonel Hill, with his peculiar dry humor as: the second race on the same day over the New Market course, in both of which the Yankees reached the goal first. Colonel Magruder came up in the evening of the 8th and assumed command. On Sunday a fresh supply of tools enabled Hill to put more men at work on the intrenchments, but worship was not omitted, as Hill was a Presbyterian elder, of the Stonewall Jackson type, who mingled faith and works. Magruder roused his men at 3 o'clock, on Monday morning, June 10th, for a general advance upon the enemy, which he had planned, but he had marched only 3 1/2 miles when it was learned that the enemy in large force was also advancing and but 100 yards in front; the opposing commanders each having decided to attack the other on that day. The Confederates quickly fell back within their intrenchments and awaited the coming of the invaders. Colonel Stuart, w
al reports of the battle of Alleghany Mountain, in which our troops, 1,200 in number, successfully stood the assault of more than fourfold their number, and drove the enemy from the field after a combat as obstinate and as hard fought as any that has occurred during the war. . . . I doubt not that Congress on the reading of this report, will cordially concur with the Executive in the opinion that in this brilliant combat officers and men alike deserve well of their country and merit its thanks. In consequence of this battle, which revealed the intention of Milroy to gain possession of the pass in the Alleghany mountain and form a junction with Kelley at Moorefield or Romney, if he should succeed in his attempt, General Johnson was ordered to remain at Camp Alleghany while Loring with the rest of his command was sent down the Shenandoah valley to join Stonewall Jackson at Winchester, in an expedition against Romney that would successfully checkmate Milroy's plans and intentions.
des]. Consequently he withdrew in order. The enemy was evidently too much crippled to follow in pursuit, and after a short halt at the railroad I proceeded to Fryingpan church, where the wounded were cared for. Early next morning, with two fresh regiments, Stuart returned to the field, and found that the enemy had evacuated Dranesville and left some of their wounded there. The official returns of casualties were, on the Federal side, 7 killed and 61 wounded; on the Confederate, 43 killed, 143 wounded and 8 missing. The return of the department of Northern Virginia, Gen. J. E. Johnston commanding, for December, showed for the Potomac district, General Beauregard, aggregate infantry, cavalry and artillery, present and absent, 68,047; aggregate present, 55,165; effective total, 44,563. The forces in the Valley district, General Jackson, were reported at 12,922 present; in the Aquia district, General Holmes, 8,244, raising the aggregate present of Johnston's command to 76,331.
Chapter 12: Stonewall Jackson's Romney campaign. On the 7th of October, 1861, in recns of the army of Northern Virginia. When Jackson took command in the Valley the advance of Gencamp on Alleghany mountain on December 13th. Jackson promptly advised that Edward Johnson's force oring and the last two of his brigades joined Jackson on Christmas day of 1861. It was agreed thatnfederate authorities would intrust him with, Jackson, feeling that the force in hand was inadequatrty of the enemy. On the morning of the 4th, Jackson disposed his forces to surround Bath, sendingth to be captured. Finding the enemy gone, Jackson ordered an immediate pursuit, his main body mcontinued scene of desolation. On the 13th Jackson resumed his march to Romney. During this delpable commanders in the field of operations. Jackson promptly obeyed the order; recalled Loring toterference of the secretary with his command, Jackson consented to the withdrawal of his letter of [23 more...]
the line of the South branch of the Potomac, which Jackson, by order, had abandoned, and Gen. Edward Johnson, t Fredericksburg, in command of General Holmes, and Jackson held its left in the lower Shenandoah valley. Pracd., toward Harper's Ferry, to attack and drive back Jackson. McClellan advanced his great army, from the intretomac, had put his forces behind the Rappahannock. Jackson, preferring fighting to retreating, skirmished wit reopened, and 35,000 were to help Banks look after Jackson in the Valley. The force that had followed Gen. Ed47,000 men that had fallen back from Manassas; Stonewall Jackson safeguarded the lower Shenandoah valley with s his numbers permitted him to place before Johnson, Jackson, Johnston and Holmes, while he landed his great armfive Federal armies —which the compelling genius of Jackson soon made but two—that at the opening of the Virginand those of the opposing Confederate forces. Stonewall Jackson was first in the field of actual combat, and s
y Banks marched from Frederick to attack him, Jackson, in obedience to Johnston's orders, sent the t 10 a. m. and his main body until 1 p. m. Jackson's men were much wearied by the long march of keep up a bold demonstration on the right and Jackson now opened on the left, and soon forced his fhed from his own army, to aid in driving back Jackson or to meet another anticipated attack. McCnemy in front of Ewell to prevent his joining Jackson, as McDowell's army, now that all threatened f the citizens of Staunton when apprised that Jackson had left the valley was unexpectedly turned ie from the blows of his sturdy antagonist. Jackson's immediate victory was a glorious one, even d to be a very important factor, in so far as Jackson was concerned, in the field of action. Tak the houses in the cross streets. As soon as Jackson got across the bridge and gained the bluff beforce a passage eastward, concluding, I think Jackson is caught this time. Carroll remained quie[179 more...]
on the alert, watching the slow but certain advance of his powerful antagonist, prepared to meet his coming assault on Richmond by gathering to that city the troops that had been left at Fredericksburg, Gordonsville and elsewhere. He instructed Jackson to do what he could to retain in the Valley the Federal forces he was already contending with, but to be prepared to come to Richmond with Ewell on short notice. Apprised of the formidable movement of Mc-Dowell from Fredericksburg with 40,000 mahominy above Mechanicsville. At nightfall of that day his troops were on the march for their assigned positions, but just before dark, Johnston, who had called his division commanders together for final instructions, informed these officers of Jackson's great victory at Winchester, and that McDowell was already marching north and away from Richmond. A discussion followed, in which these various commanders expressed differing and diverging views, the upshot of which was that the movement was
ed to Washington: I am inclined to think that Jackson will attack my right and rear. The rebel fornto the road following down the Pamunkey. As Jackson crossed the railway be was to inform Branch, of the same flank, supported by D. H. Hill. Jackson's order read: Bearing well to his left, turniJackson at Ashland, as had been promised him. Jackson, in person, was pushing forward with all possf the staff were scattered, under orders, and Jackson began giving instructions to Major Dabney to more of precious time was lost, during which Jackson was impatiently waiting to hear the sound of nter and left, which held on stubbornly after Jackson had crushed their right. To the disposing of By 11 o'clock in the morning, the head of Jackson's column appeared at the northern end of the ick's division, giving him 25,000 men to meet Jackson's 21,000. Jackson, seeing that the odds weredisposed a portion of the forces of Huger and Jackson, which had approached by the converging roads[53 more...]
f Jackson, was but a part of this number, and Jackson knew it. This partial force was the 8,000 men but these were promptly answered by those on Jackson's left, center and right, and an active artils to the front to make an immediate attack on Jackson. Ricketts' division was held some four mileser brigades. The Federals attempted to break Jackson's line through this opening; but Early, alway two brigades that had been flanked, aided by Jackson in person and all his staff, made heroic effo. As soon as this Federal attack developed, Jackson ordered Winder's brigade, the old Stonewall, ch's brigade, of A. P. Hill's division, which Jackson had, by orders, been urging forward during th thrown forward for this purpose and to check Jackson's pursuit. The latter pressed forward, from and the hard struggles they had undergone. Jackson's losses in this battle were 1,314; 61 of theof the 9th had taken 1,000. When informed of Jackson's advance, on the 8th, Pope ordered King's di[30 more...]
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