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Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865 203 1 Browse Search
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Soon the city, the islands, and the shores faded from view, as the De Molay steamed rapidly out of harbor. The Fifty-fourth was en route for rebellious soil. The following roster of officers of the Fifty-fourth comprises all those who departed for the field with the regiment on May 28, and their respective rank and assignment at the time.— Colonel,—Robert G. Shaw. Major,—Edward N. Hallowell. Surgeon,—Lincoln R. Stone. Assistant-Surgeon,—Charles B. Bridgham. Adjutant,—Garth W. James. Quartermaster,—John Ritchie. Company A. Capt., John W. M. Appleton. 1st Lieut., Wm. Homans. Company B. Capt., Samuel Willard [Mann]. 1st Lieut., James M. Walton. 2d Lieut., Thomas L. Appleton. Company C. 1st Lieut., James W. Grace. 2d Lieut., Benjamin F. Dexter. Company D. Capt., Edward L. Jones. 1st Lieut., R. H. L. Jewett. Company E. Capt., Luis F. Emilio. 2d Lieut., David Reid. Company F. Capt., Watson W. Bridge. 2d Lieut., Alexander Johnston. Comp
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Chapter 5: the greater assault on Wagner. (search)
e south face of the fort. So many of the officers behaved with marked coolness and bravery, I cannot mention any above the others. It is due, however, to the following-named enlisted men that they be recorded above their fellows for especial merit:— Sergt. Robt. J. SimmonsCo. B. Sergt. William H. Carney Co. C. Corp. Henry F. PealCo. F. Pvt. Geo. WilsonCo. A. The following is the list of casualties:— Officers. Col. R. G. Shaw killed Lieut.-Col. E. N. Hallowell wounded Adjt. G. W. James wounded Capt. S. Willard wounded Capt. C. J. Russel missing, supposed to be killed Capt. W. H. Simpkins missing, supposed to be killed Capt. Geo. Pope wounded Capt. E. L. Jones wounded Capt. J. W. M. Appleton wounded Capt. O. E. Smith wounded 1st Lieut. R. H. L. Jewett wounded 1st Lieut. Wm. H. Homans wounded 2d Lieut. C. E. Tucker wounded 2d Lieut. J. A. Pratt wounded Enlisted Men. Killed 9 Wounded 147 Missing 100 Total 256 I have the honor to be, very respec
ive line of earthworks was begun, encircling the town. General Finegan, having repaired the railroad, advanced, occupying the territory to within ten or twelve miles of Jacksonville. He was soon succeeded by Brig.-Gen. W. M. Gardner. By March 3 the Confederate force in front numbered some eight thousand men. Their position was soon protected by earthworks, and was called Camp Milton. A mail received February 24 brought news of the discharge of Captain Higginson for transfer, and Adjutant James and Lieutenant Pratt for disability. Assistant-Surgeon Bridgham resigned, and departed on the 26th. In accordance with the desire of his officers as well as his own, Colonel Hallowell on the 24th recommended to Governor Andrew that Sergeant Swails be commissioned, in recognition of many soldierly qualities and his gallantry at Olustee. Our short season of quiet was disturbed on the 25th, when, in the morning, camp was moved to a point south of the railroad near the cemetery, in a gr
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Chapter 13: operations about Pocotaligo. (search)
nately, our pickets wounded. General Hatch pushed the One Hundred and Second United States Colored Troops along the railroad, and the Twenty-fifth Ohio through Green Pond, to Ashepoo, on the 14th, where the bridges were found burned. A force crossed the river in boats, and drove a few of the enemy away. Meanwhile, during our field service, the following changes had occurred in the Fifty-fourth: Lieutenant Duren, having broken a leg by falling from his horse at Morris Island, went North, and never returned. Lieutenant Littlefield resigned, and Lieutenant Hallett took charge of the camp. Lieutenant Rogers re-joined the regiment from there. Lieutenant James, recommissioned, reported; but his old wound soon forced him to return to Hilton Head. Captain Pope was made major, Lieutenant Howard captain of Company I, and Second Lieutenants Stevens and Charles Jewett, Jr., were promoted first lieutenants. Lieutenants Charles F. Joy and William L. Whitney, Jr., newly appointed, joined.
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Chapter 14: Charleston and Savannah. (search)
ris Island passed the winter months with little of moment to disturb the quiet of garrison life. At about 1 A. M., on February 18, the bridge over the Ashley River was discovered burning, fires were seen in various parts of Charleston, and the storeship John Ravenel was a mass of flames lighting up the harbor. At 6 A. M. the magazine of Battery Bee blew up. When day dawned, a heavy fog covered the waters, but at 7.45 A. M. it lifted. With powerful glasses no enemy could be seen at Sumter, James, or Sullivan's Island, although Rebel flags were over the works. Lieut.-Col. A. G. Bennett, Twenty-First United States Colored Troops, commanding Morris Island, gave orders for his force to gather at Cumming's Point, and had boats prepared to transport the troops. Major Hennessy, Fifty-second Pennsylvania, was sent to Sumter, and Lieut. John Hackett, Third Rhode Island Artillery, to Moultrie, and the navy despatched Acting Ensign Anson to Moultrie, and Acting Master Gifford to Mt. Pleasa
tenants. Joshua B. Treadwell reported for duty as assistant-surgeon. Colonel Hallowell was brevetted brigadier-general. Major Pope was promoted lieutenant-colonel and Captain Walton, major. Lieutenant Emerson became captain of Company E; Lieutenant James, captain of Company C; Lieutenant Reed, captain of Company K; and Lieutenant Newell, captain of Company B. Lieutenant Cousens, promoted first lieutenant, was afterward made captain of Company E. Lieutenant Joy, after taking the intermediate nant-Colonel, George Pope; Major, James M. Walton; Surgeon, Charles E. Briggs; Assistant Surgeon, Joshua B. Treadwell. Captains,—James W. Grace (A), Thomas L. Appleton (G), Charles E. Tucker (H), Willard Howard (I), Charles G. Chipman (D), Garth W. James (C), Lewis Reed (K), Robert R. Newell (B), Joseph E. Cousens (E), Charles F. Joy (F). First Lieutenants,—Benjamin B. Edmands, Stephen A. Swails, Peter Vogelsang (Regimental-Quartermaster), Frank M. Welch, George W. Cranch, William L. Whitn
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
3; deserted 16 Apl 63 Readville. —— Martin, James M. 43, mar.; cook; Cambridge. 11 Dec 63; 20 A Monson. 4 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Wallis, James 23, sin.; farmer; Monson. 3 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65imself 2 Jly 64 James Id. S. C. $325. Cole, James 19, sin.; farmer; Oxford, Pa. 14 Mch 63; 20 Au 15 Apl 64 Jacksonville, Fla. $50. Elletts, James. 27, mar.; laborer; Hollidaysburg, Pa. 11 Mchester, Pa. 9 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Smith, James 20, mar.; laborer; Philadelphia. 14 Mch 63; 27 Jly 64; 20 Aug 65. Richmond, Va. Downing, James 26, sin.; barber; New Bedford, 28 Feb 63; 28 M. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Johnson, James P. 21, sin.; barber; Owego, N. Y. 8 Apl 63; kid. 5 May 63; 28 Sep 65 Boston. $50. Rickman, James M. 19, sin.; laborer; Greensville, O. 5 May 63$325. Holmes, Charles 22 Aug 64 $295.99. James, John 11 Jan 65 —— King. Antony L. 24 Aug 6. Thompson, William 11 Nov 64 —— Thorne, James P. 26 Aug 64 $325. Tillman, Henry 3 Feb 65 [77 m
; exchanged March 4, 1865, at Goldsboro, N. C.; returned to regiment, June 7, 1865. Caldwell, James. Private, Co. H; exchanged March 4, 1865, at Goldsboro, N. C.; discharged, May 8, 1865, at Bostnown to us, is therefore increased to twenty-nine, and embraces— List of prisoners. Allen, James. Private, Co. A; died a prisoner, Dec. 20, 1864, at Florence, S. C. Anderson, Solomon E. Priwell, George E. Private, Co. D; died a prisoner, June 17, 1864, at Charleston, S. C. Elletts, James. Private, Co. B; died a prisoner, at Charleston, S. C.; no date. Ellis, Jefferson. CorporalEllis, George J. F., Private. ford, Joseph, Private. garrison, Silas, Private. Jackson, James H., Private. Johnson, Peter B., Private. Lamb, Marshall, Private. Townsend, Ralsey R., d, William, Private. Co. I. Augustus, Charles, Corp. Brady, Randolph, Corp. Freeman, James E., Private. Gaines, Noah, Private. Lyons, Robert, Corp. Pillow, William, Private. S
List of missing at Fort Wagner. Co. A. Benton, Andrew, 1st. Sergt. Dugan, George W., Private. Ellis, George J. F., Private. ford, Joseph, Private. garrison, Silas, Private. Jackson, James H., Private. Johnson, Peter B., Private. Lamb, Marshall, Private. Townsend, Ralsey R., Private. waterman, George F., Private. Co. B. Allison, George, Private. Bailey, David, Private. Brooks, John Henry, Private. Brown, Morris, Private. Glasgow, London, Privady, Charles, Private. Myers, William, Private. Nichols, Harrison, Private. Stevens, John, Private. Tyler, William H., Private. Underwood, William, Private. Co. I. Augustus, Charles, Corp. Brady, Randolph, Corp. Freeman, James E., Private. Gaines, Noah, Private. Lyons, Robert, Corp. Pillow, William, Private. Stoner, Thomas, Private. Williams, Ezekiel, Private. Williams, Henry B., Private. Williamson, John, Private. Co. K. Mahan, Jesse, Priv
n, 263. I. I Company, 20, 38, 54, 75, 92, 145, 148, 150, 164, 188, 191, 198, 207, 234, 237, 245, 254, 261, 262, 266, 273, 276, 285, 286,291, 298, 802, 309, 310, 311, 312, 314, 317. Illinois Troops. Infantry: Thirty-Ninth, 123, 124. Island City, steamer, 309. J. Jackson, Levi, 300. Jackson, Stonewall, 70. Jackson, William, 12. Jacksonboroa, S. C., 52, 277, 279. Jacksonville, Fla., 151, 153, 155, 156, 157, 175, 176, 177, 178, 182. Jacksonville, Peninsula, 177. James, Garth W., 34, 57, 62, 72, 75, 81, 90, 176, 276, 316, 317. James Island, S. C., 52, 53, 54, 189, 194, 197, 199, 200, 207, 208, 270,274,275, 281, 282, 283, 310, 311, 315. James Island batteries, 69, 107, 192. James Island Creek, 53. Jarvis, George, 297. Jay, Private, 304. Jeffries, Walter A., 97. Jenkins, Mike, 262. Jenning's Swamp, S. C., 299. Jewett, Charles, Jr., 183, 202, 205, 237, 276, 316. Jewett, R. H. L., 23, 24, 55, 85, 90, 105, 145, 164, 166, 196, 237, 316. Johassie Isla