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Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing), chapter 1 (search)
al success that Edgeworth has. I met with a parallel the other day between Byron and Rousseau, and had a mind to send it to you, it was so excellent. Cambridge, Jan. 10, 1827.—As to my studies, I am engrossed in reading the elder Italian poets, beginning with Berni, from whom I shall proceed to Pulci and Politian. I read very king. I should judge, too, that she possesses peculiar purity of mind. I am going to spend this evening with her, and wish you were to be with us. Cambridge, Jan. 3, 1828.—I am reading Sir William Temple's works, with great pleasure. Such enlarged views are rarely to be found combined with such acuteness and discrimination.ealities. Also it gives much interesting information about that noble philosopher, Joseph II., and about the Turkish tactics and national character. Cambridge, Jan. 1830.—You need not fear to revive painful recollections. I often think of those sad experiences. True, they agitate me deeply. But it was best so. They have had<
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing), chapter 2 (search)
e to be one of those shallow beings who can never get beyond the primer of experience,—who are ever saying,— Ich habe geglaubt, nun glaube ich erst recht, Und geht es auch wunderlich, geht es auch schlecht, Ich bleibe in glaubigen Orden. Yet, when you write, write freely, and if I don't like what you say, let me say so. I have ever been frank, as if I expected to be intimate with you good threescore years and ten. I am sure we shall always esteem each other. I have that much faith. Jan. 1832.—All that relates to——must be interesting to me, though I never voluntarily think of him now. The apparent caprice of his conduct has shaken my faith, but not destroyed my hope. That hope, if I, who have so mistaken others, may dare to think I know myself, was never selfish. It is painful to lose a friend whose knowledge and converse mingled so intimately with the growth of my mind,—an early friend to whom I was all truth and frankness, seeking nothing but equal truth and frankne
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing), chapter 11 (search)
for little money; and we prefer to economize by a briefer stay, if at all. to E. H. Paris, Jan. 18, 1847, and Naples, March 17, 1847.— You wished to hear of George Sand, or, as they say in Parshe expends force enough upon a part to furnish out a dozen common lives. to R. W. E. Paris, Jan. 18, 1847.—I can hardly tell you what a fever consumes me, from sense of the brevity of my time a have shed on so many darkened spirits, Yours, most respectfully, Margaret Fuller. Paris, Jan., 1847.-I missed hearing M. Guizot, (I am sorry for it,) in his speech on the Montpensier marriagthe innumerable temples glitter, and the Via Sacra swarms with triumphal life once more. Rome, Jan. 12, 1848.— In Rome, here, the new Council is inaugurated, and the elections have given tolerabley see me ill, and who so affectionate and kind as Mr. and Mrs. S.? to Madame Arconati. Rome, Jan. 14, 1848.—What black and foolish calumnies are these on Mazzini! It is as much for his interes