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n and the old times of the forefathers forming standing subjects for periodical eulogies, in which every new orator strives to outvie his predecessors, the true history of those times, in spite of ample records, illustrated by the labors of many diligent and conscientious inquirers, has yet been almost obliterated by declamations which confound all discrimination and just appreciation in one confused glare of patriotic eulogium. We find in 1866, even after the experience of the war, President Johnson declaring that the authours of the Constitution were divinely inspired; that they needed and obtained a wisdom superiour to experience. This is silly extravagance, if not worse. We shall see that there was one element of originality and of great virtue in the Constitution; but apart from this, the sober student of history, looking over three generations of fierce political conflict in America, must be struck by the enormous defects and omissions of an instrument that has shared so mu
financial difficulties at Washington. popular clamour against President Lincoln and Gen. Scott. Early indications of the real objects of the war. the rights of humanity. Virginia the great theatre of the war. the grand army of the North. consultation of President Davis and Beauregard and Lee. Beauregard's line of defence in Northern Virginia. sketch of General Beauregard. his person and manners. his opinion of the Yankee. the army of the Potomac and the army of the Shenandoah. Gen. Johnson's evacuation of Harper's Ferry. Stonewall Jackson's first affair with the enemy. Johnston amusing the enemy. affair of Rich Mountain. McClellan's march into Northwestern Virginia. Rosecrans' capture of the Confederate force on Rich Mountain. retreat of the, Confederates from Laurel Hill. death of Gen. Garnett. extent of the disaster to the Confederates. the grand army advancing on Manassas. Johnston's movement to Beauregard's line. the battle of Manassas. the affair of 18th J
cceeded to the command of Jackson's old corps, were assigned the divisions of Early, Rodes, and Johnson; and to Gen. A. P. Hill was the third corps given, consisting of the divisions of Anderson, Penet advanced against the Federal left, and Ewell, from Gettysburg and Rocky Creek, moved forward Johnson's, Rodes', and Early's divisions against the right, his guns keeping up a continuous fire on the left, Ewell's success had been better. He had moved forward to the assault of Cemetery Hill; Johnson's division forced its way across the broken ground near Rocky Creek, sustaining considerable loded in capturing the first line of breastworks, but were driven back by the weight of numbers. Johnson, however, gained important ground, and when night fell, still retained hold of the position he ning of the 3d July wore away with but little incident of conflict. On the extreme left, where Johnson occupied the right bank of Rocky Creek, there was some desultory action; but Gen. Lee did not a
ont him. On the 6th November the enemy came in force upon Lee's army at Rappahannock Station and Kelly's Ford. Near the latter place the enemy crossed the river; and Gen. Rodes, who had fallen back before superiour numbers, was reinforced by Johnson's division. To meet the demonstration at the bridge near which Ewell's corps was stationed, Early's division was put in motion, and the two brigades of Hoke and Hayes were passed to the other side, to hold the north bank, and watch the enemy's se. On the 27th November, another incident, but without general significance, occurred on the line of the Rappahannock. On that day Meade again advanced upon the Confederates at Germania Ford, his immediate object being to get in the rear of Johnson's division,which was posted in the advance about a mile and a half from the river. In the action thus brought on, the enemy was punished and repulsed with a loss of several hundred in killed and wounded. The next day, Meade withdrew from the f
head of the enemy's column. The advance of Ewell's corps-Edward Johnson's division-arrived within three miles of Wilderness Run in the eveth May the enemy was discovered by the skirmishers thrown out, and Johnson immediately pressed forward to gain a hill where he proceeded to fses delivered from a forest of rifles a fast and furious fire upon Johnson's line. Closing in upon it with great spirit in front, and threately before the close of the evening, the skirmishers of Pegram, on Johnson's left, came running in, and soon afterwards his sharpshooters sprnd that Hancock was again in the centre, and vigorously assaulting Johnson's division. This division held a salient of the Confederate linle, they were quickly in possession of the work, capturing most of Johnson's men along with their commander, and taking twenty pieces of artiaken twenty-five pieces of artillery and about two thousand men in Johnson's division; he had inflicted a loss of about six or seven thousand
ly authorized by act of Congress passed expressly for the purpose. The project of requiring the admission of negroes to full citizenship and suffrage, had not then taken the form of a distinct, express additional exaction. The National Convention of the Government party was held at Baltimore on the 7th of June, 1864. The votes were all given for Mr. Lincoln, except that of Missouri, which was cast for Gen. Grant. The ballot on the Vice-Presidency was nearly unanimous in favour of Mr. Andrew Johnson. A platform was unanimously adopted declaring in favour of maintaining the Union in its integrity and supreme authority against all enemies; of quelling the rebellion by force of arms and duly punishing traitors for their crimes; approving the determination of the Government not to compromise with rebels, and to refuse all terms except an unconditional submission to the Federal authority; promising bounties to maimed soldiers; upholding the acts and proclamations of the Executive in r
most of his command, crossed Duck River, a few miles above Columbia, and Hood followed early on the morning of the 20th, with Stewart's and Cheatham's corps, and Johnson's division of Lee's corps, leaving the other divisions of Lee's corps in the enemy's front at Columbia. The troops moved in light marching order, the object bein. Though owing to delays the signal opportunity to do this had passed at daylight, there was yet a chance of dealing the enemy a heavy blow. Stewart's corps and Johnson's division were arriving upon the field to support the attack. Stewart was ordered to move his corps beyond Cheatham's, and place it across the road beyond Sprin November Stewart's corps was placed in position on the right, Cheatham's on the left, and the cavalry on either flank, the main body on the right under Forrest. Johnson's division of Lee's corps also became engaged on the left during the action. The line advanced at 4 P. M., with orders to drive the enemy, at the point of the ba
icans with the conservative plan. position of President Johnson. estimate of the views and character of the nesiduum of State Rights claimed by the South. President Johnson's declaration of another war. have the Americ Executive office passed to the Vice-President, Andrew Johnson, the Southern people ignorantly deplored the chas a mistake. At any rate, it must be confessed, Mr. Johnson had no literature and but little education of anyated men. Before his elevation to the Presidency, Mr. Johnson was considered a demagogue, who seldom ventured oAn example of such change was afforded by plain Andrew Johnson, when he stepped to the dignity of President ofensible to clamour and patient for results. President Johnson belonged to an intermediate school of politicst medium doctrine of State Rights professed by President Johnson to make the necessary explanation, and to dist the shadow of State Rights, if we may believe President Johnson, who has recently and officially used these te