Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 6, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Andrew Johnson or search for Andrew Johnson in all documents.

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by the Federal since their occupation of Middle Tennessee. The bogus military Governor, Andrew Johnson, has been reduced to the necessity of keeping an armed guard at his door all the time, as a lous Yankee scoundrel who several years ago occupied the same position in Washington city. Johnson has been attempting for more than a month to raise a full regiment as a body guard, but has so upon the city from Lebanon with a force of 1,800 cavalry. Great consternation prevailed among Johnson and his captions in consequence, and the full available Federal force was kept under arms all night in anticipation of an attack. About 800 cavalry were kept around Johnson's premises as a special force to resist any demonstration that might be made upon him. The despot himself is said to have hostile in their feelings towards the Lincoln Government than ever. The flagrant outrages of Johnson's minions have exasperated and embittered them beyond the description of words, and they earnes
$30 reward --Deserted from the First Maryland Regiment, George W. Bishop, formerly Sergeant Major of the Regiment. Said Bishop is about five feet four inches high, twenty-two years of age, and quite fat. supposed to be lurking about North Carolina somewhere, pretending to be a Lieutenant. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to his regiment. By order. Lieut. Col. Johnson, Com'd'g First Md. Reg't. F. H. Ward, Adjutant my 1--6t*