Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Andrew Johnson or search for Andrew Johnson in all documents.

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Dec. 22. Senator Andrew Johnson was burned in effigy at Memphis, Tenn., to-day. There was a secession meeting in Ashland Hall, in Norfolk, Va. Disunion speeches were delivered by Colonel V. D. Grover and General John Tyler. The speeches were enthusiastically applauded.--N. Y. Times, Dec. 23. Senator Crittenden, of Kentucky, made a speech this evening to the citizens of Washington, in which he advocated Union and the laws. This evening the New England Society at New York celebrated the anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims, by a dinner, toasts, and speeches. The reading of the sentiment, The American Union; it must and shall be preserved, was received with unbounded applause. Among the speakers were the Vice President elect and Senator Seward.--(Doc. 4.) The Charleston Mercury insists that the President will not reinforce the garrison at Fort Moultrie. The reinforcement of the forts at this time and under present circumstances, says that paper, means c
avery. The people of the North, he said, would not fight, and the first result of a military demonstration would be the complete surrender of the North, and the concession of everything that might be demanded at their hands.--(Doc. 81.) Andrew Johnson, U. S. Senator from Tennessee, passed through Lynchburg, Va., on his way from Washington to Tennessee. A large crowd assembled and groaned at him. They offered every indignity, and efforts were made to take him off the cars. Mr. Johnson wasMr. Johnson was protected by the conductor and others. He denied sending a message asserting that Tennessee should furnish her quota of men.--Commercial Advertiser, April 26. The citizens of Baltimore were fearfully excited on account of a rumored descent upon them by Federal troops from Cockeysville, seventeen miles distant from the city; but at night the excitement subsided on receiving intelligence that the troops had been turned back to Harrisburg, Pa., by order of Gen. Scott.--N. Y. Tribune, April
States against her, it therefore becomes the solemn duty of every citizen of Virginia to prepare for the impending conflict. To this end, and for these purposes, and with a determination to repel invasion, Governor Letcher authorizes the Commanding General of the military forces to call out, and cause to be mustered into service from time to time, as the public exigencies may require, such additional number of volunteers as he may deem necessary.--(Doc. 129.) The First Regiment, Colonel Johnson; the Second, Col. Baker; the Third, Col. Napton; the Fourth, Col. Miller, of New Jersey Troops, with Brigadier-General Runyon and staff, left Bordentown for the seat of war, proceeding down the Delaware, via the Delaware and Chesapeake canal. The troops and stores, are in a fleet of fourteen steam propellers, the W. Woodward, Henry Cadwalader, Octorora, Delaware, Raritan, Trenton, Patroon, F. W. Brune, Elizabeth, Franklin, Farmer, J. B. Molleson, Eureka, and Fanny Gardner.--World, May
lly's men were wounded, but none dangerously. The amount of ammunition captured was not large, but there was a lot of camp kettles and provisions, and miscellaneous camp equipage, that fell into the hands of the federal troops; also seventeen horses. Col. Kelly's wound was not mortal.--(Doc. 228.) Stephen A. Douglass, Senator of the United States from Illinois, died at Chicago at ten minutes past nine o'clock in the morning.--Buffalo Courier, June 4. The Fourteenth Regiment, Colonel Johnson, and the Fifteenth, Colonel Oakford, of Pennsylvania Volunteers, arrived at General Patterson's camp at Chambersburg from Lancaster.--National Intelligencer, June 6. The British Government decided not to allow the entry of privateers into any of their ports. This was announced by Lord John Russell in Parliament, saying that Government had determined to prohibit privateers from bringing prizes into any British port. It was also stated that France intended adhering to the law which
e sovereignty, and the heresy of a confederated republic, were first published at Boston.--(Doc. 19.) The Twenty-first New York Regiment, Colonel Rogers, from Buffalo, arrived this afternoon at Washington. They are a hardy-looking set of men, and number about eight hundred. The uniform is of gray cloth, and they are well armed and equipped. Many of the regiment served in Mexico, and Col. Rogers was a captain in that war, and distinguished as an efficient officer.--(Doc. 20.) Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, arrived at Cincinnati, en route to Washington. He was escorted across the Ohio, by the Newport and Covington Military, and a large concourse of citizens. At 3 o'clock he was formally waited upon by the Chamber of Commerce, and made a speech from the balcony of the Burnett House to a large gathering of citizens.--(Doc. 21.) The 8th and 10th Indiana Regiments, Colonels Benton and Mansen, passed through Cincinnati, Ohio, for Virginia.--Albany Journal, (N. Y.) June 21.
ie; the Thirty-second N. Y. S. V., under the command of Colonel Matheson, and Colonel E. D. Baker's California Regiment, left New York for the seat of war.--The latter for Fortress Monroe.--(Doc. 50.) The Charleston (S. C.) Courier, of to-day, prints the following from a private letter received from Manassas Junction: Our force is less than has been supposed. Two days ago it consisted of only about 7,000, and so also are all our forces at other points smaller than is supposed. Johnson, when he evacuated Harper's Ferry, had not more than 7,000 effective men. Two thousand joined him about that time, and in one way and another, he has now a force of about 10,000 men. It was a military necessity, and he is the man to make the most of it. These facts account for the retreating and apparent indisposition to meet the foe. Their invasion of Virginia, and our inability to repel them, have been the result of the strange notion that we are engaged in a five years war, and of the co
ll authorizing the employment of 500,000 volunteers, and making an appropriation of 500,000,000 dollars, for the purpose of suppressing the existing rebellion, was passed. Mr. Saulsbury of Delaware desired to amend, by inserting, in the place of 500,000 men, 200,000; he desired peace, he said, and had faith in compromise measures. To him it was pertinently replied that 200,000 men were too many for peace and too few for war; and the amendment was rejected--33 voting against it, and 5 (Messrs. Johnson of Missouri, Kennedy, Polk, Powell, and Saulsbury) in favor of it. Gen. Banks issued a proclamation, appointing Geo. R. Dodge, Esq., of Baltimore, Marshal of Police, vice Col. Kenly, Provost Marshal, relieved. He also directed the military occupation of Baltimore to cease, and ordered the regiments to resume their old positions in the suburbs of the city. The regiments affected by this order are the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-second Pennsylvania; the Thirteenth and Twen
July 19. Last night a party consisting of Capt. Holliday, Capt. Edward W. Jenkins, Lieut. Johnson and private Small, of the Naval Brigade, Maj. T. Edward Rawlings, of the Kentucky Light Cavalry, and R. W. Shurtliff, left Hampton, Va., without permission, on a scout.--They were poorly armed, and but one of them mounted. At 4 1/2 o'clock this morning the party were surprised in the woods, a short distance beyond New Market bridge, by twenty dismounted horsemen, who fired upon them. Rawlings was instantly killed by a bullet through his head. Lieutenant Johnson and Mr. Shurtliff were also seen to fall, and have been carried off prisoners. The rest of the party escaped.--Baltimore American, July 20. By an order from the War Department at Washington, it was forbidden to muster any soldier into the service who is unable to speak the English language. By the same order, Brevet Second--Lieutenants Clarence Derrick, James P. Parker, and Frank A. Reynolds, (having tendered their
rs of this date, General Resecrans assumed command of the Army of occupation of Western Virginia, lately commanded by General McClellan.--(Doc. 119.) General Cox occupied Charleston on the Kanawha, the rebels retreating and burning the bridges. A rebel steamer was abandoned and burned. It is supposed the rebels will be met by Colonel Rosecrans' column, sent out some day ago to intercept their retreat.--N. Y. Times, July 27.--(Doc. 119 1/2.) In the Senate of the United States, Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, moved a resolution, stating that the present civil war was forced on the country by disunionists in the Southern States, who are now in rebellion against the Constitutional Government; that in this emergency Congress, banishing all passion and resentment, will only recollect its duty to the whole country, and that the war was not waged with any spirit of oppression or subjugation, or any purpose of overthrowing the institutions of the States, but to maintain and defend the
July 27. Major-General Robert Patterson, of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was honorably discharged from the service of the United States.--(Doc. 106.) The Odd Fellows' Hall, jail, and four other buildings in Hampton, Va., were burned by the national troops in apprehension of an immediate attack by the secessionists.--N. Y. Times, July 30. In Confederate Congress, at Richmond, Va., documents were read which show the cause of the late flag of truce from the Confederate lines to Washington. One of these was a letter from Davis to President Lincoln, with the threat of retaliation if the privateersmen taken from the Savannah should be hanged.--(Doc. 128.) The Sixty-ninth Regiment N. Y. S. M., arrived in New York from the seat of war.--N. Y. Express, July 27. Senator Johnson, of Tennessee, spoke in the Senate in favor of the joint resolution to approve the acts of the President.--(Doc. 129.)