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ins. As an apology for the delay in transmitting this report, I would state that the officers and men of my command have, since the occurrence of the engagement, been constantly occupied in active field duty, leaving no time for the preparation of the details by the company and regimental commanders from which alone a correct report could be made. Upon the seventh day of May, I was first advised by my scouts and spies that a junction had been made between the armies of Gens. Jackson and Johnson, and that they were advancing to attack me at McDowell. Having, the day previous, sent out a large portion of the Third Virginia, Seventy-fifth Ohio, and Thirty-second Ohio regiments to Shaw's Ridge and upon the Shenandoah Mountain for the purpose of protecting my foraging and reconnoitring parties, I immediately ordered my whole force to concentrate at McDowell, and, expecting reinforcements, prepared for defence there. In the afternoon of the seventh inst., a large force of the rebels w
ose above named, Brigade-Surgeon Peale, at Winchester; Surgeon Mitchell, First Maryland, at Front Royal; Surgeon Adolphus, Best's battery, United States army; Surgeon Johnson, Sixteenth Indiana, and Surgeon Francis Leland, Second Massachusetts, on the field. It is seldom that men are called upon to make a greater sacrifice of coagement on the twenty-fourth, tended to a conviction of the presence of a large force under Gen. Ewell in the valley of the Shenandoah. The union of Jackson with Johnson, composing an army larger by many thousands than the two small brigades, with some cavalry and sixteen pieces of artillery, which comprised the entire army corps n the heights, from fugitives and deserters, the number of regiments in the rebel army opposite Winchester was twenty-eight, being Ewell's division, Jackson's and Johnson's forces, the whole being commanded by Gen. Jackson. These regiments were full, and could not have numbered much less than twenty-two thousand men, the corresp
omposed of cavalry, the Twenty-fifth New-York infantry, Col. Johnson, and a section of artillery, the pickets of the enemy weldpieces, thus making a respectable show for a fight. Col. Johnson boldly pressed forward, and engaged them at close range G, carrying them to their rear promptly as prisoners. Col. Johnson now anxiously looked for help, when a section of Marin'n and confined in a barn to the rear of the house where Col. Johnson was re-gathering his regiment, and bringing together thhem volley after volley of the most terrible musketry. Col. Johnson was ordered to relieve Col. Roberts, and the Second Maiurth desperately, but it was more than a match for him. Col. Johnson was here wounded, and subsequently had his horse shot uy the enemy had been found. The Twenty-fifth New-York, Col. Johnson, was in advance of the division. The rebels had chosenplanted two guns, supported by a regiment of infantry. Col. Johnson's attack upon this position was brave and impetuous, bu
acking enemy, Colonel Dodge had to act without orders, and do what he thought best for the common cause. He might have ordered a retreat, but did not. At last Capt. Johnson, aid-de-camp to General Naglee, brought an order for him to bring his regiment and report to his headquarters. When this movement was executed, he found the balthough manfully attempting to regain the position lost the evening before. We are sorry to add that in this engagement the Third Alabama lost Col. Lomax and Adjt. Johnson, while the Twelfth Virginia, and Richmond Grays particularly, lost many valuable men. The Ninth Virginia did not act so well. The enemy were particularly acticut up badly. The Richmond Grays lost two killed and five wounded and missing. Probably no regiment suffered more than the Third Alabama. Besides Col. Lomax, Adjt. Johnson, Capt. Mays, Capt. Phelan, and Lieut. James Brown were killed, and Capt. Ready, Capt. Robinson, Lieut. Witherspoon, Lieut. Gardner, Lieut. Patridge were wounde
ood. At the head of that band was Gen. Milroy. He never asks his men to go where he will not go himself. Now the cannonading quickens. Our guns are at work, and the enemy are doing all they can. Milroy presses forward at the head of his men. Johnson's battery passes through the wood and over an intervening field, taking position near a barn. Now we hear musketry. The skirmishers of the enemy are lying along the fence near by. Here Capt. Charlesworth, of the Twenty-fifth Ohio, falls mortally wounded. Johnson has lost four horses, but he still deals out the deadly missiles. Gen. Milroy has his horse disabled by a ball, but he exchanges him for another. In the centre, all goes encouragingly. Hyman's and Ewing's batteries are both at work. To the right, Gen. Schenck, with his characteristic energy, presses on. De Beck is shelling the woods, both to the right and in front. Captain Morgedant, of Gen. Schenck's staff, in a reconnoissance, discovered the enemy, in considerable
Doc. 27.-proclamation of Gov. Johnson. Executive office, Nashville, Tenn., May 9, 1862. Whereas, certain persons, unfriendly and hostile to the Government of the United States, have banded themselves together, and are now going at large through many of the counties of this State, arresting, maltreating and plundering Union citizens wherever found: Now therefore, I, Andrew Johnson, Governor of the State of Tennessee, by virtue of the power and authority in me vested, do hereby proclaim that in every instance in which a Union man is arrested and maltreated by the marauding bands aforesaid, five or more rebels, from the most prominent in the immarties committing such depredations. This order will be executed in letter and spirit. All citizens are hereby warned, under heavy penalties, from entertaining, receiving or encouraging such persons so banded together, or in any wise connected therewith. By the Governor, Andrew Johnson. Edward H. East, Secretary of State.
e establishing of a great portion of our line within a thousand yards of the rebel works. This latter was carried on by Gen. Alexander McCook, and conducted in a masterly manner. Involving long-continued fighting, and much military address, energy, and knowledge, it was successful at every point. Gen. McCook was supported by his brother Robert, with his brigade, and, covered by the advance troops, the lines of this brigade were advanced still further; and after the advanced brigades of Gen. Johnson on our left, and Gen. Rousseau on our right had intrenched themselves, Gen. R. L. McCook's brigade moved upon their line. Though the task be a most difficult one, yet I will try to give your readers a faint idea of the scenes which an advance presents. First the enemy must be driven back. Regiments and artillery are placed in position, and generally the cavalry is in advance, but when the opposing forces are in close proximity, the infantry does the work. The whole front is covere
Doc. 64.-expedition to east-tennessee. Despatch from General Negley. Shelbyville, June 12. To Governor Andrew Johnson: our expedition into East-Tennessee has proved successful. We are returning with eighty prisoners, including a number of prominent officers; also captured a drove of cattle and a large quantity of horses intended for the rebel army. The defeat of Gen. Adams's rebel forces in Sweeden's Cove was much more complete than reported. He escaped without sword, hat, or hthem in the sum of two hundred dollars each, which was appropriated to the relief of the Union people in Tennessee who had suffered injury at the hands of the rebels. This was the first practical illustration of the character and intention of Gov. Johnson's declaration that rich rebels should be made to pay for Union losses incurred by rebel predatory bands. Passing through Jasper, Gen. Negley encamped at the foot of the first ridge of the Cumberland mountains, early in the evening, at an old
onet, yelling like madmen. Col. A. P. Thompson, of Paducah, fell, wounded severely through the neck, and Adjt. R. B. L. Soery was wounded dangerously. Other officers went down, but the men marched ahead. After the fall of Col. Thompson, Colonel Ed. Crossland, who had been leading his brave Seventh wherever the fire was hottest, assumed command of the brigade, and he discharged this difficult duty with equal bravery and skill. Capt. Bowman led the Third Kentucky, and did it gallantly, Major Johnson not reaching the field until it was well-nigh won. Lieut.-Col. Coffer was in command of the Sixth Kentucky during the first of the action, conspicuous for his daring, but weak from sickness, and scarcely recovered from a terrible wound received at Shiloh, he was forced to yield his position to Major W. L. Clarke. This young officer was quite equal to the task. He was intrepid, skilful, and prudent, and brought his men safely out of more than one tight place. The Thirty-fifth Alabama,
. M. I first heard firing — more than there had been for several days. I sent Lieuts. Hunt and Johnson, two of my Aids, to the front, to learn what it was. At two o'clock P. M. I received a note froad, and encamp about three quarters of a mile in advance of Savage's station. Lieuts. Hunt and Johnson returned about half-past 2 P. M., having seen Gen. Keyes, by whom they were directed to report eting most cordially approve of the address made to the people of Tennessee by his Excellency Governor Andrew Johnson, dated March eighteenth, 1862, and the policy of his administration since that timdiately hurried my cavalry across the road to a safe position, and ordered my battery, under Capt. Johnson, forward on the double-quick. Too much praise cannot be accredited to the Captain for the and Keating, (the latter both wounded,) company E; Riley, River, Connor, (wounded,) company G; Johnson, Byrne, (wounded,) and Hodges, company H; Ross, company I; Color-Sergeant Myers, company C, (wo