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e on, trains coming in occasionally only to disappoint the crowds that rushed to surround them. No one came who had seen the battle-all had heard what they related. And though no man was base enough to play upon feelings such as theirs, the love of common natures for being oracles carried them away; and they repeated far more even than that. Next day the news was more full, and the details of the fight came in with some lists of the wounded. The victory was dearly bought. Bee, Bartow, Johnson, and others equally valuable, were dead. Some of the best and bravest from every state had sealed their devotion to the flag with their blood. Still, so immense were the consequences of the victory now judged-to be, that even the wildest rumors of the day before had not told one half. At night the President returned; and on the train with him were the bodies of the dead generals, with their garde d'honneur. These proceeded to the Capitol, while Mr. Davis went to the Spotswood and addr
of troops; the lower counties were watched and guarded. And, moreover, the Confederate army was not practically in Maryland, but from the 20th of June to the 1st of July. The taunt to the down-trodden Marylanders-oppressed and suffering bravely for conscience sake-we must in justice to ourselves believe only the result of grief and disappointment. Men, like goods, can only be judged by sample; and, from the beginning to the end of the war, Maryland may point to Archer, Winder, Elzey, Johnson and many another noble son-unhonored now, or filling, perhaps, a nameless grave-and ask if such men came from among a people who talked but would not act! And so in sorrow, disappointment and bitterness ended the second Maryland campaign. And with it ended all hopes of carrying the war beyond our own gates in future; happy could we beat it thence, baffled and crushed as ever before. For the short, sharp raid of General Early-penetrating to the gates of the Capital and with possible
but by a steadily diminishing few-dauntless, tireless and true-but still how weak! Yet there was no give to the southern spirit, and — as ever in times of deadliest strain and peril — it seemed to rise more buoyant from the pressure. Next came the news of those fearful fights at Spottsylvania, on the 8th and 9th--in which the enemy lost three to our one-preceding the great battle of the 12th May. By a rapid and combined attack the enemy broke Lee's line, captured a salient with Generals Ed Johnson and George H. Stewart and part of their commands, and threatened, for the time, to cut his army in two. But Longstreet and Hill sent in division after division from the right and left, and the fight became general and desperate along the broken salient. The Yankees fought with obstinacy and furious pluck. Charge after charge was broken and hurled back. On they came again-ever to the shambles! Night fell on a field piled thick with bodies of the attacking force; in front of the b
f operation and supplies, to march up the peninsula between the James and the York, flanked by a strong naval force on each of these great tidal rivers, by the nearest roads, to Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy as well as of Virginia. The defenses of Washington were to be held by some 18,000 men; some 7,000 were to occupy Manassas, that the railway thence to Strasburg might be reopened, and 35,000 were to help Banks look after Jackson in the Valley. The force that had followed Gen. Ed Johnson as he fell back from Alleghany mountain, and that in the South branch of the Potomac valley were soon to be combined, and thus 16,000 men placed in command of Fremont, in the Mountain department, to menace Jackson's left flank and rear, while the 8,000 under Cox, on the Kanawha line, as well as some Pennsylvania reserves, were ordered to Manassas. A grand total of more than 200,000 troops, of all arms, saying nothing of the large supporting naval force, thus began converging on Richmon
at intervals during the whole of last night. This morning at daylight, the enemy having massed heavy forces in front of Johnson's division, made a most vigorous assault upon Jones's brigade. For a while our line of battle was broken, and the enemys, about 2 o'clock, made a most gallant charge, capturing about 300 prisoners and a number of stands of colors. Gens. Ed Johnson and G. H. Stuart are missing, and are supposed to have been captured. About 3 P. M., the firing ceased in front. The battle yesterday lasted all day and late into last night. Our men, after a temporary repose in front of Johnson's Division, successfully resisted every onset of the enemy, who repeatedly assaulted our lines with troops massed in, asis believed that Grant had Heintzalman with troops from the fortifications at Washington, in the fight of Thursday. Johnson's division, in the fight of Thursday, lost about 2,000 prisoners and 16 pieces of artillery, principally from Page's and
. Laurel and Point Branch bridges on the Washington and Baltimore railroad were burnt by the rebels on Tuesday, and the railroad, cut in five different places. The Chronicle says it will take some time to repair the road. Sumner, of Mass, was on board the train with Gen. Franklin, but not being recognized escaped capture. The Chronicle says the crack of the rebel rifles are heard in the very environs of Washington. A letter from Nashville, dated July 7th, says the final and decisive battle for the possession of Atlanta must shortly ensue in the vicinity of that city, and adds should Johnston stand, Sherman will probably cease flanking and deliver battle. Owing to the interruption of the telegrapic communication the Chronicle has no dispatches north of Baltimore. Generals Ed Johnson, G. H. Stuart, Frank Gardner, J. J. Archer, and Jeff. Thompson, have been placed under the rebel fire in forts near Charleston. The Florida has captured five more vessels.
been read to his troops, was a failure upon the part of his corps commanders to comply with Johnston's plan of battle. Gen. Johnston having determined upon his line of battle, notified his troops that he was now ready and about to lead them to victory. Every heart pulsated with patriotic fervor in response to the call of the tried and trusted chieftain. Joe. Johnston had deliberately chosen his time and his position — the word had been given, and the deed must be done. Accordingly Gen. Johnson ordered his corps commanders to advance their commands and occupy certain designated positions. All was progressing admirably for the happy consummation of this splendid conception — when a staff officer, charging up to one of Johnston's distinguished Lieutenant Generals, made the starting announcement that the enemy were on his flank in large and threatening numbers. Placing implicit confidence in the announcement of a staff officer, the Lieutenant General, fearing to move, failed