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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 42: Red River expedition.--continued. (search)
Paymaster, J. W. Gardner; Acting-Ensigns, C. L. Manly and Daniel Jones; Acting-Master s Mates, R. W. Brown, H. M. Scott and G. T. Miller; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, A. G. Perkins; Acting-Second-Assistant, C. C. Streepey; Acting-Third-Assistant, B. T. Graham. Steamer Brown. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, J. A. French; Acting-Ensign, Jacob Shinn; Acting-Master's Mates, Martin Kelly and H. A. Thoburn; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, Rensler Cutter; Acting-Second-Assistant, N F. Johnson; Acting-Third-Assistant, A. N. French. Hospital steamer Red Rover. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, Wm. R. Wells; Acting-Assistant Surgeons, Geo. H. Bixby, Wm. F. McNutt and Wm. H. Willson; Acting-Master, Henry E. Bartlett; Acting-Ensigns, J. G. Waters, Charles King and Jos. Beauchamp; Acting-Master's Mate, C. B. Plattenburg; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistants, W. J. Buffington and W. O. Logue; Acting-Second-Assistant, W. F. Holmes; Acting-Third-Assistants, J. A. Goodloe and G. W. Voice;
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 43: operations of the Mississippi squadron, under Admiral Porter, after the Red River expedition. (search)
s ship so well. It will be noticed that the name of the Forest Rose frequently appears in this recital of events. She was a small vessel, but one that did good service under the gallant officers who commanded her. The following is Captain Anderson's letter: Headquarters' Post, Waterproof, La., February 19, 1864. Sir — Permit me to return you many thanks for the gallant manner in which you defended my little force against the rebel force of Colonel Mores, Colonel McNeal, and Major Johnson, in their several attacks of Saturday, February 14th, Sunday, the 15th, and Monday, the 16th of February, 1864. I hope you will not consider it flattering when I say I never before saw more accurate artillery firing than you did in these engagements, in variably putting your shells in the right place ordered. My officers and men now feel perfectly secure against a large force, so long as we have the assistance of Captain Johnston and his most excellent drilled crew on board the No. 9
after. The regiments of my brigade were commanded as follows, viz.: First Tennessee, Colonel Turney; Seventh Tennessee, Major Sheppard; Fourteenth Tennessee, Colonel Forbes, until wounded, and then by Major Lockhart; Nineteenth Georgia, Captain F. Johnson; and the Fifth Alabama battalion on the twenty-ninth August by Captain Bush, and on the thirtieth August by Lieutenant Hooper. Among the officers whose gallantry I especially noticed in this action were Lieutenant-Colonel N. J. George, F of march the same night toward Martinsburg. The regiments were commanded as follows: First Tennessee, Colonel Turney; Fourteenth Tennessee, Lieutenant-Colonel Lockhart; Seventh Tennessee, Lieutenant Howard, Adjutant; Nineteenth Georgia, Captain F. Johnson. The loss of the brigade was six killed and forty-nine wounded. Respectfully, your obedient servant, J. L. Archer, Brigadier-General, commanding. Report of Brigadier-General Pender. Camp near Bunkersville, Virginia, October
4. Johnnie Rebs, VIII., 121. Johnny Rebs, IV., 190. Johns, a surgeon, VII., 222. Johns Island, S. C., III., 326. Johnson, A.: VII., 205, 207 seq., 208; IX., 128; X., 19, 48. Johnson, A. R.: II., 322, 352; IV., 318; X., 269. Johnson, B. R.: I., 34, 360; II., 256, 257, 282, 396; III., 330; IX., 311; X., 295. Johnson, B. T.: I., 342; III., 328; V., 108. Johnson, E.: III., 57, 62, 64, 70, 160, 306, 320; VII., 171; IX., 213; X., 107, 244. Johnson, F., V., 65. Johnson, J., I., 100; III., 333; IX., 337. Johnson, L., III., 332. Johnson, R., X., 305. Johnson, R. M., X., 85. Johnson, R. W., II., 172; III., 105; IX., 115; X., 220. Johnson, S., quoted, IX., 292. Johnson, W. C., X., 296. Johnson, W. H., III., 330; V., 29. Johnson, W. P., quoted, X., 73. Johnson Island Prison, O., VII., 44, 136. Johnsonville, Tenn.: III., 257 seq.; inadequate redoubt at, IV., 161 seq. Johns
etourt; Travis H. Epps, Esq., was nominated to fill the place of Mr. J. W. Massie; and James. F. Johnson, Esq., of Bedford, was nominated to fill the place of John R. Edmonds, Esq. The vote was y law, the Chairman requested gentlemen to prepare their ballots, to vote for President. Mr. Johnson suggested that each Elector, as he deposited his ballot in the box, should declare the name of the person for whom he voted. After the ballots were deposited, Messrs. Robertson and Johnson were appointed a committee to examine and count them. They performed the duty, and reported that and might not be recovered He wanted a clean sheet for the proceedings of this College. Mr. Johnson preferred the old one. He was for Union, and did not like to see a severance commenced here.positions as such Electors, and thus giving full effect to the popular vote of Virginia. Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, nominated Jos. Christian, of Middlesex, as Messenger to deliver the vote of the
. S. Shepaid, $1; Mrs. Alex'r Hogg, $1; Mrs. W. L. Hargrave, 25; Mr. J. B. Staughter, $1; Mrs. M. Harrison, 25; Miss Nannie Harrison, 25; Mrs. W. P. Beaman, $2; little Annie Beaman, $1; little Sallie Beaman, $1. Articles for Yorktown Hospital Contributed by ladies of Murfreesboro', N. C. Mrs. S. J. Wheeler, 2 sheets, 3 pillow cases, bundle of linen; Mrs. N. Rea, 1 quilt; Mrs. J. M. Trader, 1 counterpane; Mrs. J. V. Lawrence, 4 sheets, 4 pillow cases, 5 bottles cordials and jellies; Mrs. F. Johnson, 1 mattress; Mrs. M. M. Wise, 2 mattresses; Mrs. P. S. Williams, 2 pillows, 4 pillow cases, 2 sheets, 2 towels; Mrs. J. J. Yeats, 1 bottle blaskberry cordial; Mrs. W. P. Beaman, 2 sheets, 3 pillow cases, linen, 1 mattress; Mrs. R. S. Parker, 2 calico spreads; Mrs. J. W. Southeli, 2 sheets, 2 pillow cases, bundle linen; Miss Sally Futrell, 2 sheets, 3 pillow cases; Mr. J. J. Vaughan, 2 bottles port wine. Very respectfully yours, P. E. Hines, Surgeon to the Hospital.