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Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4, Chapter 1: no union with non-slaveholders!1861. (search)
f the congregation. W. L. Garrison to Oliver Johnson. Boston, Jan. 19, 1861. Ms. It williving me an extract from Mary Ann's, Mrs. Oliver Johnson. She had clairvoyant powers. relative tresult of a correspondence Mss. W. L. G. to O. Johnson; E. M. Davis, J. M. McKim, J. S. Gibbons, O.O. Johnson to W. L. G., April 19-25. between the leading members of the Society in Boston, New York, at such a moment. As Mr. Garrison wrote to Oliver Johnson: Now that civil war has begun, and a w removed to New York (Ms. April 13, 1861, Oliver Johnson to W. L. G.). The omission of the annu and sovereignty of Hayti and Liberia. To Oliver Johnson he wrote: What a wishy-washy messagevin, Oliver, Wendell, and myself, went to Oliver Johnson, W. P. Garrison. Brooklyn in the morning, t with Oliver and Wendell, and Phoebe Cary, O. Johnson, W. P. G. to Dr. Cheever's church, to hear o the following letter from Mr. Garrison to Oliver Johnson: You will see in the Liberator, this
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4, Chapter 2: the hour and the man.—1862. (search)
nforced by Mr. McKim and Oliver J. M. McKim. Johnson, Mr. Garrison wrote to the latter: I haet the oppressed go free. Lib. 32.42. To Oliver Johnson he wrote: I am afraid the President's mess President Lincoln at the White House, and Oliver Johnson as their spokesman read the Appeal: now be enforced there, but was reminded by Mr. Johnson that he did not on that account relax his e283). The proper correction was applied by Oliver Johnson in the N. Y. Tribune of Sept. 6, 1885. ation is almost completed, Ms. he wrote to Oliver Johnson, on July 31, and will be entirely so to-daht before, he was fearing Ms. Sept. 9, to Oliver Johnson. that its influence and that of the Borderth the President. W. L. Garrison to Oliver Johnson. Boston, Sept. 9, 1862. Ms., in possessio hundred (Ms. Sept. 9, 1862, W. L. G. to Oliver Johnson). If slavery were really abolished, I shou mast-head (Ms. Dec. 14, 1862, W. L. G. to O. Johnson). A quick and generous response from long-tr
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4, Chapter 3: the Proclamation.—1863. (search)
or a day or two. To-day, there are symptoms that a riot is brewing in this city, and, should it break out with violence, it would naturally seek to vent its fury upon such as Phillips and myself, and upon our dwellings. The whole North is volcanic. . . . My heart bleeds to think of the poor, unoffending colored people of New York, outraged, plundered, murdered by the demons in human shape who now hold mastery over New York. How long, O Lord, how long? (Ms. July 14, 1863, W. L. G. to Oliver Johnson.) Happily the riot was crushed in its incipiency by the prompt action of the authorities; but when the Fifty-fifth Regiment departed for the South, the following week, a dress parade on the Common was abandoned, and the troops marched across the city with loaded muskets, ready for a possible attack in the Irish quarter of the North End, where they embarked on a steamer for North Carolina. W. L. Garrison to George T. Garrison. Boston, August 6, 1863. Ms. We have all been made
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4, Chapter 4: the reelection of Lincoln.—1864. (search)
d to accompany Mr. Thompson to Washington, but decided not to do so, because, as he wrote to Oliver Johnson, who enjoyed that privilege in his stead— I wish him to be the one sole object of attentonclude to visit Washington before the final adjournment of Congress. Ms. Mar. 14, 1864. Oliver Johnson to W. L. Garrison. Philadelphia, April 11th, 1864. Ms. You see we are thus far on our wee. If I am required either to set the Standard in opposition to Lincoln's reelection, wrote Oliver Johnson to Mr. Garrison, or to suppress my honest convictions in regard to the Fremont movement, itsuntil the passage and ratification of the Amendment should warrant their discontinuance. To Oliver Johnson, who had strongly urged their union, on the ground that Mr. Garrison would thus be relieved s to accord with the judgment of the Executive Committee at the present time. Accept, dear Johnson, a renewal of my grateful acknowledgments for your many kindnesses, and the lively interest you
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4, Chapter 6: end of the Liberator.1865. (search)
ib. 35.81, 82, 85, 86. Frederick Douglass, Robert Purvis, S. S. Foster, and Anna E. Dickinson, while Samuel May, Jr., Oliver Johnson, and William I. Bowditch favored continuing the Society only until the Thirteenth Amendment should have been officialessentially, and with him withdrew from the Society. A resolution of thanks to the retiring editors of the Standard (Oliver Johnson and Edmund Quincy), with especial commendation of their conduct of the paper during the war, was introduced by S. Maythese views, I cannot consent, by accepting this Resolution, at once to deny them and to stultify myself. See, also, Oliver Johnson's farewell to the readers of the Standard (Lib. 35: 88), and pp. 387-390 of his Garrison and his Times, for a full a Lib. 35.159. in its Constitution. The disloyal element at the South were encouraged by this, and by symptoms that President Johnson regarded them with less disfavor than formerly, and desired their readmission to representation as soon as their le
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4, Chapter 9: Journalist at large.—1868-1876. (search)
Chapter 9: Journalist at large.—1868-1876. Through Oliver Johnson, Garrison becomes a regular contributor to the New York independent, and writes much for that and for many other papers, chiefe now addressed sixty thousand readers instead of twenty-five hundred. You will speak, wrote Oliver Johnson, who had become Ms. Jan. 27, 1868. the associate editor of the Independent, to a great audicemetery. In the following letter two more instances are recorded: W. L. Garrison to Oliver Johnson. Roxbury, Dec. 28, 1873. Ms. Last Friday, I attended the funeral of our old anti-slaveron was earnestly besought to write his autobiography, and an appeal to that end, inspired by Oliver Johnson, was addressed to him by many of his old associates. Edmund Quincy and others to W. Lite an Ms. July 23, 1868. address to the freedmen, urging them to vote for Grant— Greeley to O. Johnson. believing himself too little known to the beneficiaries of his life-long endeavors in behalf
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4, Chapter 11: last years.—1877-79. (search)
tly modify the appearance of my eyes, and my general expression of countenance. In fact, when I lay them aside, I am almost another man (Ms. May 1, 1858, to Oliver Johnson). She succeeded admirably, however, and the bust, when completed, received the emphatic and unanimous approval of Mr. Garrison's children and friends. With n anti-slavery and kindred reformatory movements, The pall-bearers were Wendell Phillips, Samuel May, Samuel E. Sewall, Robert F. Wallcut, Theodore D. Weld, Oliver Johnson, Lewis Hayden, and Charles L. Mitchell. and with these were present many of the race to whose redemption he had consecrated his life, and others who, formerlylished in a small volume, Tributes to William Lloyd Garrison at the Funeral Services, May 28, 1879. Mr. Phillips's address is also printed in the Appendix to Oliver Johnson's William Lloyd Garrison and his times. See a striking article from him on Garrison in the North American Review for August, 1879. The closing scene took
is Jackson, or Henry C. Wright, or Samuel May, Jr., or Oliver Johnson —in singing hymns in his own parlor, or wherever they roducing proofs of the charges he makes. . . . And Oliver Johnson records, in his Life of my father: He was not, irazor. Here may belong an anecdote related to me by Oliver Johnson. A good abolitionist in the rural districts of Massac; and thus it was that he endeared himself to all. Oliver Johnson, more than once an inmate of our family, Ante, 2.329;bility of being reached by any clamor about him. And Mr. Johnson again: He was always courageous and hopeful. Never , and whose presence is ever welcome, wrote my father to Mr. Johnson in 1857, with reference Ms. Apr. 16. to the difficulty known to have been drafted by him was (on request) for Oliver Johnson's use in preparing the article Garrison in Appletons' er group of closer attachments consisted of S. J. May, Oliver Johnson, and H. C. Wright. But, taking one degree of nearness
burn. Page 176, line 2. It is literally incorrect to say that the Massachusetts A. S. Society continued the Standard. This paper remained the organ of the American A. S. Society after the schism of 1865. Nevertheless, as previously, the main support of the paper (through the Subscription Festival and otherwise) came from the Massachusetts organization, or what was left of it. Page 324, second paragraph. In reading our remarks about our father's title to be called a Christian, Mr. Oliver Johnson reminds us of the following passage on p. 366 of his Life of W. L. G.: Several years since, a clergyman, bearing a name of great eminence throughout the Christian world, said to me in substance: I should not dare to call Mr. Garrison an infidel, for fear of bringing Christianity itself into reproach. For, if a man can live such a life as he has lived and do what he has done,—if he can stand up for God's law of purity and justice in the face of a frowning world, and when even the pr