Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Andrew Jones or search for Andrew Jones in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of the companies. (search)
e, July 4, 1863; A. S. Cosby, killed at Green River Bridge, July 4, 1863; Weston Deboe, Nathan Deatherage, James Davis, Wm. Dickerson, Thompson Duerson, Peter Dozier, Thomas Fowler, Zack Ferrell, John Ferrell, captured at Springfield, Ky., December 30, 1862; Anderson Ferrell, Wm. Fox, John Fox, Wm. Farris, Chas. Garrett, Dan Griffith, Wishfred Goodman, Leroy G. Haden, James Hugeley, Squire Hugeley, David Hill (Old Pap), died at Camp Douglas, February 18, 1864, of smallpox; Anderson Jones, Andrew Jones, James Jones, Wm. Jones, G. R. Kester, Benj. Lear, Newton Later, G. E. Musselman, W. E. Mattinkly, John Newby, Cyrus Newkirk, Meredith Perkins, J. W. Parmetier, Alexander Rossell, John Rice, died in Camp Douglas, April 12, 1864, of smallpox; Thomas Rice, Dr. Aylett Raines, promoted to assistant surgeon, 1862; Tillman Shanks, Wesley Smithheart, John Shearer, Joseph P. Simmons, orderly to Colonel Chenault; Ira W. Scudder, commissary sergeant; Sidney Shaw, Harrison Shaw, James Shearer, Ande