Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 18, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Daniel Jones or search for Daniel Jones in all documents.

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n the enemy's movement in that direction was fully developed, first Jones's and then Hampton's brigades were moved directly toward Brandy. Ted them, with sword and pistol, in their defence. In this conflict Jones's brigade occupied the centre, moving directly upon the hill — Hampand artillery, which moved quickly to his support. One regiment of Jones's brigade charged their flying columns for some distance down the rspace by Dr. Green's entirely back to Beverley's ford. Portions of Jones's and Hampton's brigades were moved to the support of Gen. W. H., 2nd N. C. cavalry; Lieut. Col. Frank Hampton, 2nd S. C., and Capt. Jones, 1st S. C. Col. Butler, 2nd S. C., was so severely wounded as touarters and train had been removed beyond all danger — and that General Jones was not taken by surprise at Beverley's. To the praise of our c batt, Co. A, Richmond; Chas Ellington, 13th Va Co. B, Richmond; Daniel Jones 2d N C, Co. F, Richmond; Robt Swith, 1st N C, Co. R, Richmond; C