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onvicted and sentenced to transportation beyond the limits of the Confederate States. Joe's value was assessed at $3,000. In this case, as in one of a similar character decided yesterday, some of the Magistrates favored hanging. Alfred Moss was examined on the charge of stealing eight pounds of thread, valued at $16, from the C. S. Clothing Bureau; but owing to the insignificance of the amount involved the case was referred back to the Mayor for settlement. The Court then went into the examination of Thaddeus A. R. Hopkins and Augustus Shepperson, charged with breaking into the store of Henry M. Jones and stealing a large lot of coffee, sugar, gun caps, &c. After a hearing of the evidence and argument of counsel Shepperson was discharged, but Hopkins was sent on for trial before Judge Lyons. Lelan Carter, charged with stealing a silver case, containing military trimmings, from David M. Hughes, was discharged. The Court then adjourned till 11 o'clock this morning.
200 dollars reward. --Ran off from Hungary Station, on the Fredericksburg Railroad, on Sunday night, the 24th of July, 1864, two negro men--one a black man, about 5 feet 6 inches high, about a years old, hair, rather gray, named the other a mulatto, about a pumpkin color, about 5 feet 8 or 20 inches high, rather a stout man, speaks sharp when spoken to; his name H Peter Stetrurds. I will give $100 reward each for the delivery of them in Richmond to the agent of the Fredericksburg Railroad Company, or to me of the office of the Chief of Police, or in jail. Henry M. Jones. jy 28--1t
Mayor's Court. --Before the Mayor, on Saturday, the following cases were considered: Henry M. Jones a detective in the Chief-of-Police office of the Confederate States, was charged with fraudulently obtaining $1,600 in Confederate money upres to comply with his word, Mr. Cook began to suspect the fair dealing of the defendant and insisted upon a settlement. Jones did not have the money, but offered to cancel the debt by selling a negro girl which he claimed as his property. Cook ags unable to find her at either of two places where he had been informed she was living. He then became importunate, when Jones offered to and did sell him the negro man, Jim, giving what the complainant supposed to be a genuine bill of sale, Cook pmpowering him to act as agent for receiving said hire. It was at this stage of the case that Cook obtained a warrant for Jones's arrest. Several witnesses were examined for the defendant, their testimony going to prove that he had been empower
th her husband, when he positively refused to live with her again.] The Mayor remanded both Mr. Harvie and Miss Lee for examination before the Hustings Court on the charge of desertion and lascivious and lewd association with each other. Henry M. Jones was again present to answer the charge of feloniously obtaining, under false pretences, three thousand six hundred dollars from William B. Cook, for the purchase of a negro, named Jim, sold to him by Jones as his property, when the said negroJones as his property, when the said negro did not rightfully belong to him. No further progress was made in the examination, and the case was therefore continued for ten days longer. Joseph and Rachel Leinburg, white, charged with stealing three pairs of shoes from Jacob Huffman, were discharged. The shoes were, however, surrendered to Huffman. Julia, slave of Sarah Gamble, charged with using insulting and provoking language towards Reuben T. Seal and William S. Jenkins, officers of the day police, was ordered to be whipped
g and beating Josephine Demerritt, was again taken up and again continued. The accused was required to give bail for his appearance on the 1st of April. Henry M. Jones, charged with feloniously obtaining, under false pretences, three thousand six hundred dollars from William B. Cook, for the sale of a negro man which did not belong to said Jones, was discharged. [This case has been before the court for some time, but was continued, after hearing the evidence of the complainant, in order to enable the defendant to procure the attendance of the owner of the negro to prove that he (Jones) was authorized to make sale of the negro. His witness appeared yJones) was authorized to make sale of the negro. His witness appeared yesterday and testified to the legal right of the accused to sell said negro.] Noble, slave of Angelina Lawson, charged with breaking and entering, in the day time, the dwelling-house of Angelina Lawson and stealing therefrom a lot of sheets, table cloths, and ladies' wearing apparel, valued at one thousand dollars, was ordered