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s high, and about 26 years old; no scars of note about his person. The said Negro had on when committed a red flannel shirt, dark grey cost, and black pants. He was sold from this county in October, 1860,by Mr. John R. Wilson, to (he says) Mr. Andrew Jones, of Wilmington, N. C. from which place he ran away; but that Mr. Jones lives now in Richmond. The owner of said Negro will come forward, prove property, now charges, and take him away, else he will be dealt with as the law directs. Geod Negro had on when committed a red flannel shirt, dark grey cost, and black pants. He was sold from this county in October, 1860,by Mr. John R. Wilson, to (he says) Mr. Andrew Jones, of Wilmington, N. C. from which place he ran away; but that Mr. Jones lives now in Richmond. The owner of said Negro will come forward, prove property, now charges, and take him away, else he will be dealt with as the law directs. Geo. W. Goldsby, Acting Jailor je 26--2aw6w* Westmoreland county. Va.
of action. My word for it, old Fuse' feathers will fall as soon as he hears we're "comind" Ever yours, dear Virginia, till death. Koosy. P. S.--I nearly forgot to inform you that two volunteer companies, numbering nearly one hundred men each, have left our city for Virginia. The military spirit of our county is up to the fighting pitch, and we will soon be, if we are not now, the banner county of the State. It will be gratifying to the members of our regiments, now stationed at Winchester, to know that the Rev. Mr. Jones, the pious and popular pastor of the Presbyterian Church in our city, has gotten the unanimous consent of his congregation, who almost idolize him, to tender his services to the President as Chaplain to the regiment. He is a man of property, and his services will be rendered entirely gratuitously, purely as a work of love. He leaves us on next Wednesday, and will carry with him the warmest sympathies and best wishes of our entire community. K.