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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Corpus Christi-Mexican smuggling-spanish rule in Mexico-supplying transportation (search)
n exchange except silver. The trade in tobacco was enormous, considering the population to be supplied. Almost every Mexican above the age of ten years, and many much younger, smoked the cigarette. Nearly every Mexican carried a pouch of leaf tobacco, powdered by rolling in the hands, and a roll of corn husks to make wrappers. The cigarettes were made by the smokers as they used them. Up to the time of which I write, and for years afterwards — I think until the administration of President Juarez--the cultivation, manufacture and sale of tobacco constituted a government monopoly, and paid the bulk of the revenue collected from internal sources. The price was enormously high, and made successful smuggling very profitable. The difficulty of obtaining tobacco is probably the reason why everybody, male and female, used it at that time. I know from my own experience that when I was at West Point, the fact that tobacco, in every form, was prohibited, and the mere possession of the
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Conclusion (search)
nwilling to commit themselves while we had our own troubles upon our hands. All of the powers except France very soon withdrew from the armed intervention for the establishment of an Austrian prince upon the throne of Mexico; but the governing people of these countries continued to the close of the war to throw obstacles in our way. After the surrender of Lee, therefore, entertaining the opinion here expressed, I sent Sheridan with a corps to the Rio Grande to have him where he might aid Juarez in expelling the French from Mexico. These troops got off before they could be stopped; and went to the Rio Grande, where Sheridan distributed them up and down the river, much to the consternation of the troops in the quarter of Mexico bordering on that stream. This soon led to a request from France that we should withdraw our troops from the Rio Grande and to negotiations for the withdrawal of theirs. Finally [A. F.] Bazaine was withdrawn from Mexico by order of the French Government. F
cessible sections of Mexico were in his possession, and the Republic under President Juarez almost succumbed. Growing impatient at this, in the latter part of Septemsite the Mexican town of Piedras Negras. Here I opened communication with President Juarez, through one of his staff, taking care not to do this in the dark, and theImperialists he had absented himself from Mexico, hence the patriotic course of Juarez in continuing himself at the head of affairs was a necessity of the situation. ve House, General Sheridan's headquarters at Cedar Creek. ecutive authority by Juarez. The protest had little effect, however, and his next proceeding was to come tMatamoras was turned over to General Escobedo, the authorized representative of Juarez; then Escobedo took charge of Ortega, and with ease prevented his further machiding as many as 30,000 muskets from Baton Rouge Arsenal alone-and by mid-summer Juarez, having organized a pretty good sized army, was in possession of the whole line
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Sibley's New Mexican campaign.--its objects and the causes of its failure. (search)
chase or by conquest, would be opened; the state of affairs in Mexico made it an easy thing to take those States, and the Mexican President would be glad to get rid of them and at the same time improve his exchequer. In addition to all this, General Sibley intimated that there was a secret understanding between the Mexican and the Confederate authorities, and that, as soon as our occupation of the said states was assured, a transfer of those Mexican states would be made to the Confederacy. Juarez, the President of the Republic (so called), was then in the City of Mexico with a small army under his command, hardly sufficient to keep him in his position. That date (1862) was the darkest hour in the annals of our sister republic, but it was the brightest of the Confederacy, and General Sibley thought that he would have little difficulty in consummating the ends so devoutly wished by the Confederate Government. The direct cause of our discomfiture and the failure of our campaign was
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Book and heart: essays on literature and life, Chapter 13: the dream of the republic (search)
re left on the British Isles when it withdrew from them. To this day there are no roads on those islands so good, no walls so solid, as those built by the Roman conquerors. Shall we say that it would have been better if Great Britain had remained forever an outlying colony of Rome? Not at all; she has worked out her own salvation by being thrown on herself, and so must these South American republics. We did not require Maximilian to leave Mexico for fear he would not govern vigorously under the direction of his master, Louis Napoleon; but we required it in order that Mexico should be free. See what progress Mexico has made since then-first under Juarez, a pure-blooded Indian, and since 1877 under Diaz! Brigandage has almost disappeared; the laws are administered; there is religious freedom; the army has been reduced. Yet there was a time when the very word Mexican was a synonym for disorder. Even a Hispano-American race, it seems, can fulfil the dream of the republic. 1896
ded that the Chief Justice of Mexico, then General Juarez, should become President, until the end ofy rebellion headed by General Zuloaga; and General Juarez consequently became the constitutional Pre independently to defend their rights. President Juarez, after having been driven from the city oors. They naturally favored the cause of President Juarez, and expressed ardent wishes for his succn; whilst none had been organized with that of Juarez. The President. entertained some hope that ttitutional cause. Ere long the Government of Juarez extended its authority and was acknowledged inhe surrounding States. The final triumph of Juarez became so probable, that President Buchanan de authority to recognize the Government of President Juarez, if on his arrival in Mexico he should fivernment by presenting his credentials to President Juarez, having no hesitation, as he said, in pronouncing the Government of Juarez to be the only existing Government of the Republic. He was cordia[1 more...]
one of his many daring and successful affairs with the enemy in the campaigns in Arkansas and Missouri. General Shelby's generous disposition, careful regard for his followers, and dauntless courage, made him the idol of his men. When the surrender had been made and the army disbanded, Shelby gathered about him 600 men, for the most part Missourians ready to follow him anywhere, whom he led to Mexico to take part in the war between the imperialists under Maximilian and the republicans under Juarez. He had expected to aid Maximilian, but the emperor's propositions did not please him and hence he changed his military scheme into a colonization enterprise. Among those in the colony with him were Gen. Sterling Price, General McCausland of Virginia and General Lyon of Kentucky. In 1867 General Shelby returned to the United States and to his farm in Missouri. He was to the last thoroughly Southern in sentiment, and remained in retirement most of the time after the war. In 1893 he was ap
ever fought against him was ready to do him honor, for every man felt that he owed him his parole, and every officer his sword. All this was known to the President, who came, as I have said, to Grant's parties with all the rest of the world. At one of Grant's receptions at which Mr. Johnson was present, I recollect also Alexander H. Stephens, the Vicedent of the down-fallen Confederacy, recently released at Grant's interposition from his prison; the Minister of the French Emperor, and the family of the Mexican President, Juarez, whom that Emperor had through Grant's interposition resisted in vain; a crowd of fashionable Northern women whose husbands had opposed the war, and every officer of the Union army who was then in Washington. The spectacle of this complex society crowding around the first soldier of the country impressed the Head of the State, and made him understand that it was better to seem, at least, in accord with this man than to be known as his political adversary.
c, and were confidential, though it gives authority for just the instructions you have given to General Sedgwick, barring perhaps calling Maximilian a buccaneer. I have thought it proper to renew my letter to you for official record, leaving out the objectionable passages [those referring to Seward]. Do not understand me as shrinking from the responsibility of the letter I wrote to you. On the contrary, I am delighted with your letter. It will have a great effect in sustaining the cause of Juarez both by encouraging his adherents and by discouraging other factions. In view of the fact that Max and the French are about going out of Mexico, it might have been well to have left out the term buccaneer. If, however, the explanation is called for, I will be glad even of the use of that expression. Thus the matter dragged along for nearly two years, Grant doing everything in his power to hasten the result at which he was aiming, and Seward opposing Grant's measures if not his object,
ur own Government, but of course he exchanged no courtesies with the Ministers of France and Austria and England; his diplomatic consequence was therefore lessened, but Grant took every opportunity to show him deference and attention, and thus enhance his consequence; and Grant's own position was so peculiar at this time that any civilities from him possessed unusual importance. Before Romero left the United States he had the gratification of presenting the family of the Mexican President, Juarez, at Grant's house. The French Minister, with his wife, was present on this occasion, and Grant took pains to treat his republican guests with significant distinction; a fact doubtless reported to the Tuileries by the imperial envoy. As soon as Grant was elected President he opened a correspondence through me with Romero, who had now returned to his own country; the nature of this I have elsewhere described; but during the period of Grant's two administrations Romero remained in Mexico, a