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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 2.-fight at Port Royal, S. C. January 1, 1862. (search)
le information, he returned to headquarters at daybreak, having been in the saddle or on foot all night. When starting on this perilous undertaking, he left his roll-book with his Colonel, who gave him the necessary permit to pass our lines, remarking that if he was taken he must destroy it. I don't intend to be taken alive, was his reply. One of the principal features of the fight of Wednesday was the deployment of an entire regiment of the enemy as skirmishers, with the view of crossing Kean's Neck in order to turn our left. They were met by our skirmishers, conspicuous among whom was Capt. Tompkins' company, from Jones's regiment. These brave fellows left their mark upon the invaders, and many a Yankee fell before their unerring aim; but, owing to the complete arrangement and forethought of the enemy in providing litters, their killed and wounded were all rapidly removed. During their retreat, Major Oswald's cavalry, with double-barrel guns and revolvers, did good service.