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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 17: between Gettysburg and the Wilderness (search)
forward, run-march! In a moment or so I had the men in the works, and returning, reached the General just as the old colonel got there and tendered his sword. General Ewell declined to receive the sword, ordered him back to his command, and turning to me said:-- Do you still insist, sir, that you don't know tactics enough to justify your being promoted? The other movement was what is generally known as the Dahlgren raid, which started in three co-operating cavalry columns, under Kilpatrick, Dahlgren and Custer, about the last of February, 1864, having Richmond for its objective, with the intention to sack and burn the city and kill the prominent Confederate officials. The history of the expedition is familiar. I did not come into personal contact with it in any way, and it cannot therefore be said to fall within the domain of reminiscence. If, however, the generally-accepted version of the famous Dahlgren orders be correct,--which would seem to be beyond question,--then i
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
at Second Manassas, 122-24. Johnson, Edward: described, 218; mentioned, 215-16. Johnson's Island, Ohio, 120, 147, 220, 352-54. Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, 18, 88-91, 300-301, 317 Jones, Hilary Pollard, 185, 193, 196, 213, 219 Kathleen Mavourneen, 49 Kean, William C., Jr., 45-46, 145-51, 229, 241-42, 258, 305, 316, 351 Keitt, Lawrence Massillon, 26-27, 273-74. Kershaw, Joseph Brevard, 270, 273-78, 280-83, 286-87, 294, 299-300, 339 Killing of prisoners, 80-81. Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson, 237 King William Artillery (Va.), 91 Kingsley, Charles, 92 Lane, James Henry, 134 Latimer's Artillery Battalion, 217-18. Latrobe, Osmun, 272 Law, Evander McIvor, 276, 286 Lawton, Alexander Robert, 135, 158 Lee, Fitzhugh, 18, 164, 178, 263 Lee, George Washington Custis: described, 312; mentioned, 238-39, 316-17, 332-34. Lee, Mary Custis (Mrs. Robert E.), 238-39, 357 Lee, Robert Edward: attitude of his men toward, 18-23, 72, 169-70, 189, 205, 226, 259-60, 26
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
orning of the 2d of May. 1863. Much of the railway in that vicinity was immediately destroyed, and at daylight Colonel Kilpatrick, with his regiment, dashed into the little village of Louisa Court-House, terrifying the inhabitants by his unexpected ee's communications by separate parties, led respectively by General David McM. Gregg, Colonel Percy Wyndham, Colonel Hugh Judson Kilpatrick, and Colonel Hasbrouck Davis. In the bright moonlight these expeditions started on their destructive erranmolish the massive stone aqueduct there where the waters of the canal flow over the river, and then rejoined Stoneman. Kilpatrick, with the Harris Light Cavalry (Sixth New York), reached Hungary Station, on the Fredericksburg railway, on the morning the railway property there, and damaged the road. Finally the whole of Stoneman's command, excepting the forces under Kilpatrick and Davis, was concentrated at Yanceyville, when it marched northward, crossed the Rapid Anna at the Raccoon Ford, and
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
encounter the Confederate cavalry was charged by Kilpatrick's brigade (First Maine, First Massachusetts, and swept across its front to Carlisle, encountering Kilpatrick on the way, and then followed in the track of Ewe63. occupied Gettysburg. At about the same hour, Kilpatrick, with his command, while passing through Hanover, as we have seen, was in the National rear, while Kilpatrick and Gregg were on the flanks of the foe. KilpaKilpatrick, who had been out trying to intercept Stuart's cavalry on their way to join Lee, had a severe fight withies of each. The Confederates were worsted, when Kilpatrick, according to an order, hastened to two Taverns, t were the services of Merritt and Farnsworth, of Kilpatrick's command, on the Confederate right, for they presh corps to commence a direct pursuit, and sent. Kilpatrick to harrass the fugitives and destroy their train cavalry in a charge on the occasion, was killed. Kilpatrick's total loss was one hundred and five men. Thus e
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
were killed. A month later Sept. 1. 1863. General Kilpatrick crossed the Rappahannock at Port Conway, belo three columns, commanded respectively by Buford, Kilpatrick, and Gregg, supported by the Second Corps, under was first revealed by an attack upon a portion of Kilpatrick's cavalry, who were holding the advanced posts onon. The Second Corps, under General Warren, with Kilpatrick's cavalry, was at that time covering the Nationalr of darkness, but he finally resolved to Hugh Judson Kilpatrick. try another plan. So he hid his men in o, near Buckland's Mills, between the divisions of Kilpatrick and Hampton, the latter under the personal directions of Stuart. Kilpatrick was defeated by a stratagem. Stuart allowed him to flank Hampton, when the latteritzhugh Lee to come down from Auburn, and fall on Kilpatrick's flank. This was done. At the same moment Stuart pressed his front, and Kilpatrick was driven back in some confusion, and a loss of over one hundred men mad
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 10: the last invasion of Missouri.--events in East Tennessee.--preparations for the advance of the Army of the Potomac. (search)
bedience to orders from Washington. He sent Kilpatrick's cavalry across the Rapid Anna at Elly's Foone from the Army of the Potomac, led by General Kilpatrick. Its object was to effect the release omstances which we shall consider hereafter. Kilpatrick left camp at three o'clock on Sunday morningtsylvania Court-House, about five hundred of Kilpatrick's best men, led by Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, ae capital from the south simultaneously with Kilpatrick's assault from the north, release the prison that little repose could be obtained there, Kilpatrick's column moved on, crossed the Chickahominy, which General Butler had sent to the aid of Kilpatrick. These consisted of a brigade of colored and Belger's Rhode Island Battery. Thus far Kilpatrick had been pretty hotly pursued by the Confedethe Chickahominy, annoyed at every step, for Kilpatrick's swoop had aroused the Confederates into infantry, was placed in command of it; and General Kilpatrick was assigned to the command of the caval[3 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 11: advance of the Army of the Potomac on Richmond. (search)
rated all of his available cavalry. Sheridan attacked him at once, and, after a sharp engagement, drove the Confederates toward Ashland, on the north fork of the Chickahominy, with a loss of their gallant leader, who, with General Gordon, was mortally wounded. Inspirited by this success, Sheridan pushed along the now open turnpike toward Richmond, and made a spirited dash upon the outer works. Custer's brigade carried them at that point, and made one hundred prisoners. As in the case of Kilpatrick's raid, so now, the second line of works were too strong to be carried by cavalry. The troops in and around the city had rallied for their defense, and in an attack the Nationals were repulsed. Then Sheridan led his command across the Chickahominy, at Meadow Bridge, where he beat off a considerable force of infantry sent out from Richmond, and who attacked him in the rear, while another force assailed his front. He also drove the foe on his front, when he destroyed the railway bridge th
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
as pushed forward from that gap, preceded by Kilpatrick's cavalry, which drove the Confederates from a cross-road near Resaca. Kilpatrick was wounded, and his command was turned over to Col. Murray. orders for the time being, and directed General Kilpatrick to make up a well appointed force of fivposition to take advantage of the result. Kilpatrick made the prescribed movement with strict fid day proceeded to Sherman's Headquarters. Kilpatrick declared that he had so much damaged the Macne. The reason was that Hood, on account of Kilpatrick's raid, had divided his army, and sent one h the assistance of Howard. At the same time Kilpatrick was sent down the west bank of the Flint to ps, which was disposed so as to connect with Kilpatrick's horsemen. By four o'clock in the afternood, was at Decatur, and the other, led by General Kilpatrick, was stationed near Sandtown, where he c Division, excepting a single division under Kilpatrick, which he reserved for operations in Georgia
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
J. Jackson, J. W. Geary, and W. T. Ward. General Kilpatrick commanded the cavalry, consisting of oneor that purpose his troops marched rapidly. Kilpatrick swept around to, and strongly menaced Macon,o swept over the country in all directions. Kilpatrick's march from Atlanta to Gordon had appeared objective, until after he had passed Millen. Kilpatrick had several skirmishes with Wheeler on the wd their companions. Wheeler still pressing, Kilpatrick chose a good position, dismounted his men, cas repulsed at all points. Soon after this, Kilpatrick was met by Hunter's brigade of Baird's divis. In order to distract his foe, he directed Kilpatrick to leave his wagons and all obstructions witrteenth Corps moved farther to the left, and Kilpatrick, supported by Baird's infantry division of t latter was closely followed by Wheeler, but Kilpatrick and Baird gallantly covered the rear ,of the. troops, from the sea. He therefore ordered Kilpatrick to cross the Ogeechee on a pontoon bridge, r[4 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
by the day above named, and from that point seriously menaced Charleston. The left wing, under Slocum, accompanied by Kilpatrick's cavalry, was to have crossed the Savannah River on a pontoon bridge laid at the city; but incessant rains, which floo of these obstacles, and with a well-organized pioneer force to remove them, the Nationals moved forward. Slocum, with Kilpatrick's cavalry comprising the left wing, pressed through the wet swamps from Sister's Ferry toward Barnwell, threatening Aug on to the South Carolina railroad, at Midway, Bamberg, and Graham's stations, and destroyed the track for many miles. Kilpatrick, meanwhile, was skirmishing briskly, and sometimes heavily, with Wheeler, as the former moved, by Barnwell and Blackvilnd night. But Slocum was very little troubled excepting by Wheeler's cavalry; and those troopers were kept too busy by Kilpatrick to be very mischievous. Through the swamps and across the streams he trudged on, by Barnwell, Windom and Lexington, fo
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