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he finest army ever raised, and that it included all the regulars and veterans of the service, who had been expressly gathered in order to insure success. Their total loss in killed, wounded, and missing, has been placed at from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand by Northern journals of respectability. Among their killed were General Bayard, chief of cavalry, and General Jackson. Among the wounded, General Stoneman, General Vinton, General Gibbons, General Caldwell, General Meagher, General Kimball, and others. This defeat and slaughter sent such a thrill of horror through all classes at the North, that official inquiry was demanded, when it appeared that General Sumner, of the right wing, General Franklin, of the left, and General Hooker, of the centre, had decided against the movement in a council of war, but that Burnside did not heed their advice, but resolved on crossing; thinking that through feints made lower down the river he had deceived Lee as to his true designs, and t
ucumber pickles. This innocent old genman proves to have been a spy, and obtained his reward in the loss of a leg at Rich mountain. July, 19 To-day, eleven men belonging to a company of cavalry which accompanied the Fourteenth Indiana to the Summit, were sent out on a scouting expedition. When about ten miles from camp, on the opposite side of the mountain, they halted, and while watering their horses were fired upon. One man was killed and three wounded. The other seven fled. Colonel Kimball sent out a detachment to bring in the wounded; but whether it succeeded or not I have not heard. A musician belonging to the Fourth Ohio, when six miles out of Beverly, on his way to Phillippi, was fired upon and instantly killed. So goes what little there is of war in Western Virginia. July, 20 The most interesting of all days in the mountains is one on which the sky is filled with floating clouds, not hiding it entirely, but leaving here and there patches of blue. Then the
certainly no battle and no victory, and the operations in this vicinity have at no time risen to the dignity of a skirmish. Captain McDougal, with nearly one hundred men and three days provisions, started up the valley this morning, with instructions to go in sight of the enemy, the object being to lead the latter to suppose the advance guard of our army is before him. By this device it is expected to keep the enemy in our front from going to the assistance of the rebels now threatening Kimball. October, 3 To-night, half an hour ago, received a dispatch from the top of Cheat, which reads as follows: All back. Made a very interesting reconnoissance. Killed a large number of the enemy. Very small loss on our side. J. J. Reynolds, Brigadier-General. Why, when the battle was progressing so advantageously for our side, did they not go on? This, then, is the result of the grand demonstration on the other side of the mountain. McDougal's company returned, and re
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.53 (search)
t's consultation with Lieutenant-Colonel Betts and Captain Jardine, who commanded the right company, I ordered my bugler to sound the charge. At that moment I heard a great cheer down the line, and, looking in that direction, discovered that Major Kimball had broken the regiment in two parts and was heading the left companies in a direct charge up a causeway running through the center of the field of fallen timber directly to the sally-port covered by a 24-pounder howitzer. Soon the right comated that he had with him two regiments and was in command of the expedition. The transports were soon under way, and reached the point of debarkation at about 1 o'clock the next morning. My brigade, consisting of the 9th New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Kimball; the 89th New York, Colonel H. S. Fairchild; and the 6th New Hampshire, Colonel S. G. Griffin, was landed and on the march by 3 o'clock. A light mulatto man for a guide came to me from one of the gun-boats and by a circuitous route took
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Stonewall Jackson's Valley campaign. (search)
. At daylight he sent three companies of infantry to reinforce Ashby, and followed with his whole force. He reached Kernstown at two P. M., after a march of fourteen miles. General Shields had made his dispositions to meet attack, by advancing Kimball's Brigade of four regiments and Daum's Artillery to the vicinity of Kernstown. Sullivan's Brigade of four regiments was posted in rear of Kimball, and Tyler's Brigade of five regiments, with Broadhead's cavalry, was held in reserve. Ashby keptKimball, and Tyler's Brigade of five regiments, with Broadhead's cavalry, was held in reserve. Ashby kept up an active skirmish with the advance of Shields' force during the forenoon. But, though thus making ready, the Federal generals did not expect an attack in earnest. Shields says he had the country, in front and flank, carefully reconnoitred during the forenoon on the 23d of March, and the officers in charge reported no indications of any hostile force except that of Ashby. Shields continues: I communicated this information to Major General Banks, who was then with me, and, after co
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 12: Winchester. (search)
through the mountains, Blenker's division was now hurried to the support of him and General Fremont. It arrived just when Jackson had left them alone, and it left General Banks just when he was about to be assailed by him. Worse than all: as though an army of nearly forty thousand men, under Generals McDowell and Augur, were not enough to protect the road from Fredericksburg to Washington against the embarrassed Confederates, Banks detached the best brigades he had,--those of Shields and Kimball, containing seven thousand men,--and sent them on the 14th of May, by way of Luray and Front Royal, to support the forces on the Rappahannock. It was this movement, so unaccountable in its folly, which, being observed by General Ewell, led him to believe, for a moment, that Banks's whole force had gone to assail Richmond from that quarter. This unlucky General thus reduced himself to about eighteen thousand men, at the critical moment when the storm was about to burst upon him. And he com
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Siege of Vicksburg (search)
and and which proved very useful, up to Haines' Bluff to hold it until reinforcements could be sent. On the 26th I also received a letter from Banks, asking me to reinforce him with ten thousand men at Port Hudson. Of course I could not comply with his request, nor did I think he needed them. He was in no danger of an attack by the garrison in his front, and there was no army organizing in his rear to raise the siege. On the 3d of June a brigade from Hurlbut's command arrived, General Kimball commanding. It was sent to Mechanicsburg, some miles north-east of Haines' Bluff and about midway between the Big Black and the Yazoo. A brigade of Blair's division and twelve hundred cavalry had already, on Blair's return from the Yazoo, been sent to the same place with instructions to watch the crossings of the Big Black river, to destroy the roads in his (Blair's) front, and to gather or destroy all supplies. On the 7th of June our little force of colored and white troops acros
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 22: the War on the Potomac and in Western Virginia. (search)
, Virginia. On the morning after the conflict at Carrick's Ford, General Morris returned to his camp at Bealington, The three months term of enlistment of these troops had now expired, and they returned to their homes, a greater portion of them to re-enlist for three years or the war. while detachments from McClellan's force pursued the fugitives from Beverly, under Major Tyler, to the summit of the Cheat Mountain Range, on the road toward Staunton, where the Fourteenth Indiana, Colonel Kimball, was left. as an outpost. A camp was established at the eastern foot of the mountain, an.d detachments were posted at important points along the eastern slopes of the Alleghanies. On the 19th, July, 1861. McClellan issued an address to his troops, from Huttonsville, telling them that he was more than satisfied with their conduct; that they had annihilated two armies well intrenched among mountain fastnesses; recounted the results of the campaign, and praised their courage and endu
, it would be necessary to clean the window for light to penetrate its present thick, sombre covering of dirt. The window-frames and mantel-piece, once, I faintly guess, painted of a light color, are in keeping with their dirty surroundings. The fire-place holds a little, rusty grate; the plastering immediately around it is nearly all knocked off; and the rest of it is covered with tobacco juice, and bears the marks of dirty boots. I don't know but I'll buy the fender, and send it to Kimball. It is of copper, weighing about two pounds, but is so bent up, covered with verdigris and tobacco juice, that, until one lifts it up and examines it, it is impossible to tell what manner of metal it is of. A dirty slop-pail, with a broken wire handle, a dirty mirror hung like the curtain, a couple of the cheapest kind of chairs, a good bedstead and ward robe (locked, however), a cheap dressing-table, and a dirty little pine table to hold the washbowl, completes the inventory of this ro
6. my country. by Augusta cooper Kimball. I tremble, O, my country! for thy long exalted name; For the purity and glory that has gathered round thy fame; For the ancient blood-bought altars, where the fires of Freedom burn, Enkindled from the ashes of each Pilgrim Father's urn: I tremble, O my country! lest the lamp that flamed of yore, And lit thy crown of radiance, shall burn for thee no more. Are there not spirits brave, among the sons of patriot sires, To stand beside these menaced shrines and guard the sacred fires? Shall Justice no true champions find? shall Tyranny take down From Freedom's light-encircled brow her star-enameled crown? It cannot be — I'll not believe that Truth has fought in vain, And left thee, O my country! with a deeper, viler stain. And yet I live so anxiously! as mothers watch and fear, When Death seems almost hovering around the loved and dear; Or, as a maiden on the beach, stands with a shuddering form, And knows the one light of her life, is