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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gregg's brigade of South Carolinians in the Second. Battle of Manassas. (search)
ow late in the afternoon. Pope was hurrying up his troops in pursuit of Jackson, as he had telegraphed to Washington; and King's Division of McDowell's corps, without a thought of their proximity to us, were marching quietly along the Warrenton turnof the columns Pope had ordered to press forward in our pursuit. Jackson was fully aware of Pope's movements, and to meet King he had at noon sent forward Taliaferro and Ewell through the woods along the deep cuts and steep embankments of the unfinirds the Centreville pike. Here he formed his line in a wood on the brow of a hill, with Groveton on his left, and awaited King's approach, and King, all unconscious, marched to his destruction. You recollect, my comrades, how the noise of this battKing, all unconscious, marched to his destruction. You recollect, my comrades, how the noise of this battle on our right burst upon us: —death shots falling thick and fast As lightnings from the mountain cloud. Our brigade was hurried to the scene of action, and ordered to report to General Ewell, who was directing the battle; but we were not e
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Appendix. (search)
unded mortally—died; Orr's Regiment—Rifles: Colonel J. Foster Marshall, Lieutenant-Colonel D. A. Ledbetter, Captain M. M. Norton, and Lieutenant William C. Davis; Twelfth Regiment. Lieutenants J. A. May and——Hunnicut; Thirteenth Regiment. Adjutant W. D. Goggins and Captain A. K. Smith; Fourteenth Regiment: None—II. Wounded—First Regiment: Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Mc-Crady, Jr., commanding, Lieutenant Z. B. Smith, Adjutant, Captain M. P. Parker, Lieutenants T. H. Lyles, J. R. Congdon, John King, and Thomas McCrady; Orr's Rifles: Captain J. B. O. Barkley, Lieutenants James S. Cothran and——Fannery; Twelfth Regiment: Colonel Dixon Barnes, Major W. H. McCorkle, Captain L. M. Grist, Lieutenants J. Burdock and David L. Glenn; Thirteenth Regiment: Colonel O. E. Edwards, Lieutenant-Colonel T. Stobo Farrow and Major B. T. Brockman, Captains R. L. Bowden, P. A. Eichelberger, J. W. Meetze, Lieutenants J. D. Copeland, J. S. Green, W. T. Thorn, J. B. Fellows, R. M. Crocker; Fourteenth R
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 11 (search)
. The standing order was to attack every day, and annoy the enemy by every possible means. Then a series of desultory engagements followed, in which in the morning, we drove back the enemy's pickets and outposts, to be driven in our turn by their supports of infantry and artillery, while the plantations around were set ablaze by the Federals. These skirmishes, producing no apparent advantages, cost us many lives. In Debray's regiment, Lieutenant Kerr, of Company C, was killed, and Lieutenants King, of Company E. and Burts, of Company B, were wounded; the former mortally, and the latter severely. At Polk's plantation Colonel Myers rejoined the regiment with the men whom he had been detached to bring from Texas, and resumed command. Meanwhile, Banks felt uncomfortable at Alexandria. The low stage of the water in Red River prevented his gunboats and heavier transports from passing down the rapids immediately above that city, and below his communications and line of supplies we
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official reports of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
ing fallen, the command of this regiment devolved upon me, and during the remainder of the battle, both that day and the next and until the present time I have continued in command, and it now becomes my duty to report the part taken by the regiment in the action. Lieutenant-Colonel Mounger was killed by a piece of shell, soon after the advance commenced, while leading the regiment with his characteristic gallantry, and for about an hour afterwards Major Jones was in command, when he and Captain King were both wounded and taken from the field nearly at the same moment. The regiment occupied its usual position in line on the left of the brigade and the extreme left of the division, and having for near an hour and a half no support on its left, the advance of Mc-Laws's division being, for some reason, thus long delayed, which left the flank very much exposed, while advancing near the distance of a mile, to an enfilading fire of the enemy's batteries, and also to the fire of a flanking
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A sketch of the life of General Josiah Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance of the Confederate States. (search)
s Donelson and Henry. Such speculations are of no value now, and the subject is only introduced as showing how actively General Gorgas entered into all matters pertaining to the conduct of the war. When the Confederate Government was removed to Richmond, General Gorgas removed to that place, and within twenty-four hours after his arrival, he had located the workshops, armories and buildings which were occupied by his department during the war. He immediately recognized that Cotton was not King, in the sense in which this had been urged by those who insisted that the true policy was to destroy cotton and tobacco, and thus destroy the North by financial embarrassment. He insisted upon the right to use these articles to procure the supplies which were essential to maintain his department, and at once arranged for the purchase of the fine blockade steamers R. E. Lee and Cornubia, and for the shipment of large quantities of cotton and tobacco on these and other vessels, with the procee
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Sherman's method of making war. (search)
o open private communication with Governor Brown and Vice President Stephens, whom he knew to be at variance with the Administration at Richmond on certain points of public policy. Mr. Stephens refused to reply to a verbal message, but wrote to Mr. King, the intermediary, that if the General would say that there was any prospect of their agreeing upon terms to be submitted to the action of their respective governments, he would, as requested, visit him at Atlanta. The motives urged by Mr. KingMr. King were General Sherman's extreme desire for peace, and to hit upon some plan of terminating this fratricidal war without the further effusion of blood. But in General Sherman's dispatch of September 17th to Mr. Lincoln, referring to these attempted negotiations, the humanitarian point of view is scarcely so prominent. He says, It would be a magnificent stroke of policy if I could, without surrendering a foot of ground or of principle, arouse the latent enmity to Davis of Georgia. On October
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid against Richmond. (search)
, twenty-five; Captain Todd, Home Guards, nine; King & Queen Cavalry, twenty-eight. Respectfully,the ground, stationed the men, and then sent to King & Queen Courthouse for Captain Fox. J. E. B. Virginia cavalry, with some of his men, was at King & Queen Courthouse and sent for him to join me,d to retreat through Hanover, King William, and King & Queen counties. I was carried along with thik—that divided the counties of King William and King & Queen—we found a boat sunken, and when we attarried to Richmond. I remained several days in King & Queen county. I was ragged and dirty and broward W. Halbach, was living at Stevensville, in King & Queen county, Virginia. I had already been eur force determined to go down the road towards King & Queen Courthouse, and barricade it. But, a the lieutenant, and several other gentlemen of King & Queen county. We walked into the woods aboutead of one of them, attempted to return through King & Queen county, but was killed, as far as I kno[6 more...]<