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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1862., [Electronic resource] 3 1 Browse Search
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second first class fireman, and Edward Bonsell, coxswain. After the rebels had fired their first volley, they called cut in most offensive language to surrender; but this demand was refused by Dr. Shoats, who, with the assistance of Acting Paymaster Kitchen and H. Kitchen and his wounded boat's crew, pulled as rapidly as they could towards the Pocahontas, the enemy continuing their fire. In a few minutes a shell from one of the eleven-inch guns of the Mohican dropped among them, and quite H. Kitchen and his wounded boat's crew, pulled as rapidly as they could towards the Pocahontas, the enemy continuing their fire. In a few minutes a shell from one of the eleven-inch guns of the Mohican dropped among them, and quite near to another company of about sixty men, who were advancing rapidly-- He rebels scattered and find in all directions. Several shells were also fired at a locomotive and train observed in the distance, it is supposed with effect. Throughout this cowardly assault Doctor Rhoads displayed great coolness and courage, and in his report of the occurrence, whilst commending the crew generally, he especially mentions the bravery displayed by Danish Harrington, landsman, into which I shall m