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Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 5 1 Browse Search
Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
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to visit her husband. She determined to return to her home by the way of Matamoras and Havana. General Frost got leave of absence to accompany her to Matamoras and place her on shipboard. But when she embarked he went along, and the Confederate army knew him no more. Colonel Clark was appointed brigadier-general in his place. Clark's brigade included the Third Missouri cavalry, Col. Colton Greene; Fourth cavalry, Col. John Q. Burbridge; Seventh cavalry and Davies' battalion, Col. Solomon G. Kitchen, Lieut.-Col. J. F. Davies; Eighth cavalry, Col. William L. Jeffers; Tenth cavalry, Col. Robert R. Lawther; Fourteenth battalion, Lieut.-Col. Robert C. Wood; Hynson's Texas battery, Capt. S. S. Harris' Missouri battery, Capt. J. T. Hogane's engineer company. Col. Thomas R. Freeman's brigade was composed of his regiment, that of Col. Edward T. Fristoe and the battalion of Lieut.-Col. Barney Ford. General Shelby's division included his old brigade, under Col. David Shanks; the Fift
form me whether the condition of your troops will justify the attempt. To this General Price sent the following prompt and encouraging reply: General: In regard to the condition of my troops, I am glad to say that they are all now fully rested and in excellent spirits. General Marmaduke also reports his command to be in efficient condition. He reports to me this morning the following number: Total present, Shelby's brigade, 1,561; Greene's brigade, 1,122; Burbridge's brigade, 1,089; Kitchen's battalion, 286. In all, 4,058. Of these, many are out on outpost duty. Carter's (Texas) brigade, now attached to General Walker's command, is reported 1,170, total present. From the most reliable information General Marmaduke can obtain, the enemy have not more than from 4,000 to 5,000 at Helena; and were a movement conducted with celerity and secrecy, by which you could concentrate the commands of Generals Frost and Fagan with this column, I entertain no doubt of your being able to c
d army, having been transferred to duty west of the Mississippi and ordered to report to General Holmes, had been assigned, June 2d, to the command of a brigade composed of Dobbin's and Newton's regiments of Arkansas cavalry, which brigade, with Carter's Texas brigade, should constitute a division to be commanded by General Walker. Brigadier-General Marmaduke, under whose command some of the troops had served, was ordered to form a brigade of Greene's, Burbridge's and Jeffers' regiments and Kitchen's battalion, to constitute Marmaduke's brigade (Greene's), which, with Shelby's brigade, should form a division under command of General Marmaduke. On August 17th, Shelby's brigade was sent to Walker. On the morning of August 24th, I reported to General Walker, who ordered Shelby's brigade to report to me, and ordered me to hold my force in the vicinity of Brownsville to guard the main approach (Wire road) to Little Rock. The next morning at sunrise the enemy were reported advancing in fo
wentieth Arkansas. Crawford's brigade, Col. Wm. A. Crawford—Third Arkansas (Slemons), Capt. O. B. Tebbs; Crawford's Arkansas regiment; Wright's Arkansas regiment, Col. John C. Wright; Arkansas battalion, Maj. Jas. T. Poe; Arkansas battalion, Maj. E. L. McMurtrey; Arkansas battery, Capt. W. M. Hughey. Marmaduke's cavalry division, Brig.-Gen. John S. Marmaduke: Greene's brigade—Third Missouri, Lieut.-Col. L. A. Campbell; Fourth Missouri, Lieut.-Col. Wm. J. Preston; Seventh Missouri, Col. Sol. G. Kitchen; Eighth Missouri, Col. Wm. L. Jeffers; Tenth Missouri, Col. Robert R. Lawther; Missouri battery, Capt. S. S. Harris. Shelby's brigade, Brig.-Gen. Jos. O. Shelby—First Missouri battalion, Maj. Benj. Elliott; Fifth Missouri, Col. B. Frank Gordon; Eleventh Missouri, Col. M. W. Smith; Twelfth Missouri, Col. David Shanks; Hunter's Missouri regiment, Col. D. C. Hunter; Missouri battery, Capt. Richard A. Collins. Maxey's cavalry division, Arrived from Indian Territory, April 7th to 12<