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political parties. John A. Andrew, of Boston, was the candidate of the Republicans; Erasmus D. Beach, of Springfield, of the Douglas wing of the Democrats; Amos A. Lawrence, of Boston, of the conservative party; and Benjamin F. Butler, of Lowell, of the Breckenridge wing of the Democratic party. John A. Andrew received 104,527 votes; Erasmus D. Beach, 35,191; Amos A. Lawrence, 23,816; Benjamin F. Butler, 6,000; all others, 75. Mr. Andrew's majority over all the opposing candidates was 39,445. The eight councillors elected were all Republicans, as were all the members of Congress. The presidential electors in favor of the election of Abraham Lincolnthe Senate bill creating an emergency fund of $100,000. He moved that the rules be suspended, that it might take its several readings at once. Mr. Parsons, of Lawrence, opposed the suspension of the rules, on the ground that a bill of so much importance should be carefully considered. Mr. Slack, of Boston, thought extraordin
the Sixth were Edward F. Jones, of Pepperell, colonel; Benjamin F. Watson, of Lawrence, lieutenant-colonel; Josiah A. Sawtell, of Lowell, major; Alpha B. Farr, of Lomartyr to liberty and American independence. Company F, Warren Light Guard, Lawrence. Officers: Benjamin F. Chadbourne, captain; Melvin Beal, Thomas J. Cate, and ourth of July in camp. The chaplain read the Declaration of Independence, Colonel Lawrence made a speech, and the Star-spangled Banner was sung. On the 16th of Julythree months from the day the regiment left Faneuil Hall. In this battle, Colonel Lawrence was slightly wounded. The regiment left Washington on the 28th of July, a Lowell, Captain Follansbee; Company D, of Lowell, Captain Hart; Company I, of Lawrence, Captain Pickering; and Company L, of Stoneham, Captain Dike,—were vacated by Charles A. Taylor, of Company D, Lowell, and Sumner H. Needham, Company I, of Lawrence. Thirty-six were wounded, three of whom were Captain Dike, and Leander F. Lyn
Lieutenant-Colonel Greene, and the right wing, under Colonel Lawrence, by railroad during the night. This arrangement coul Simeon Draper, New York, Procure, to be delivered to Colonel Lawrence, of our Fifth Regiment, to-morrow morning, eight hundneham; Edward Coburn, of Lowell; and S. Henry Needham, of Lawrence: but I desire to obtain final and official information asry; and I should be pleased to meet you, and the Mayor of Lawrence, and the Selectmen of Stoneham, as soon as you may convensday. I took Senator Wilson with me, and consulted Colonel Lawrence, the senior officer in command of the Massachusetts mnd had only been partially landed when they started. Colonel Lawrence wanted to wait for it; but the danger and necessity oen made, here and at Annapolis, to supply them. Colonel Lawrence is doing, and has done, all in his power, and is entitledin how it happens that we hear so much complaint from Colonel Lawrence's regiment about being stinted for food on the voyage
he sixteenth day of April to the thirty-first day of December, 1861, in the aggregate was thirty thousand seven hundred and thirty-six officers and enlisted men. This is exclusive of six companies, raised in Newburyport, West Cambridge, Milford, Lawrence, Boston, and Cambridgeport, which went to New York in May, and joined what was called the Mozart Regiment, and Sickles's brigade; nor does it include two regiments which were recruited by Major-General Butler at Pittsfield and Lowell, and which arly related to the young man, as well as in behalf of all my people, for your Christian, brotherly conduct towards the strangers who fell in your way, rendering the offices of a good Samaritan. I have sent a copy of your letter to the Mayor of Lawrence, who will send it to the Needham family. I beg leave to add the assurances of my personal respect, and the hope that I may yet see you in Boston. He writes to Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury:— I have consulted with the re
e of Maryland. My dear Sir,—It is with feelings which I will not attempt to express that I have received, on this anniversary day, your letter, addressed to me from Annapolis. I immediately addressed the Mayors of the cities of Lowell and Lawrence on the subject of your inquiries, and hope to be able to transmit their answers at an early day. The past cannot be forgotten; but it can be and will be forgiven; and, in the good providence of God, I believe that the day is not distant, whene rout of the Union army brought the church within the rebel lines, and forced a retreat. The Massachusetts regiments engaged in this battle were the First, Colonel Cowdin, the Eleventh, Colonel Clark, three years volunteers; and the Fifth, Colonel Lawrence, three months regiment. The reports of these officers, and the testimony of others, show that the regiments behaved with great bravery, and that no part of the defeat can properly be attributed to them. We could fill many pages with extrac
t my discretion, I devoted one thousand dollars ($1,000) of it to this purpose, and gave our friend, Mr. Forbes, a check for that amount. I knew but little of the subject, save that I knew your brother was interested in the matter. His name is good evidence always in Massachusetts. Among the gentlemen of Boston who took an early and earnest interest in furnishing the military contingent of Massachusetts, in their donations for the maintenance and support of soldiers' families, was Amos A. Lawrence, a well-known and distinguished merchant. He was particularly active and efficient in raising the Second Regiment of Cavalry, and received from the Governor, Jan. 19, a letter of acknowledgment for his generous and efficient services, in which appears the following paragraph:— And in respect to the project for confirming the intellectual ascendency of Massachusetts by inaugurating a system of university education in advance of the other States, and which shall be to them a model