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had always espoused. Now was the crisis of his fame. That body, on the fourth, elected nine delegates to the continental congress. Of these one was too ill to serve; of the rest, Franklin stood alone as the unhesitating champion of independence; the majority remained to the last its unyielding opponents. It was known that, two days before the king issued his proclamation, his secretary of state had received from Richard Penn a copy of the second petition of congress; and that Penn and Arthur Lee, who had pressed earnestly to obtain an answer, had been told that as his majesty did not receive it on the throne, no answer would be given. The proclamation included Dickinson among the dangerous and designing men, rebels and traitors, whom the civil and military officers were ordered to bring to justice; but with the bad logic of wounded vanity he shut his mind against the meaning of the facts; and on the ninth he reported and carried these instructions to the Pennsylvania delegates: W
uld not be kept full by enlistments in Britain. The foreign relations of England became, therefore, of paramount importance. The secretary of state desired to draw from the Chap. L.} 1775. Sept. French ambassador at London a written denial of Lee's assertion, that the Americans had a certainty of receiving support from France and Spain; but the intimation was evaded, for the king of France would not suffer himself to be made an instrument to bend the resistance of the Americans. If they sportunities of gaining information from the most various sources, encouraged the notion that England might seek to recover her colonies by entering on a war with France, and thus reviving their ancient sympathies. Having become acquainted with Arthur Lee, and having received accurate accounts of the state of America from persons newly arrived, he left London abruptly, ran over to Paris, and through De Sartine, presented to the king a secret memorial in favor of taking part with the insurgents.
d the Americans the best success in the maintenance of their liberty: on the twelfth of December the congressional committee of secret correspondence authorised Arthur Lee, who was then in London, to ascertain the disposition of foreign powers; and Dumas, at the Hague, was charged with a similar commission. Just then De Bonvoulectation that America Chap. LV.} 1775. Dec. would soon form itself into a republic of united colonies. Such was become the prevailing desire of the army, although Lee still hoped to act a part in bringing about a reconcilement through a change of the British ministry. This is the real purport of an elaborate letter addressed by ave not virtue enough for independence, nor do I think it calculated for your happiness; besides, I have some remaining prejudices as an Englishman. In December, Lee left the camp for ten days to inspect the harbor of Newport, and plan works for its defence. His visit, which had no permanent effect, was chiefly remarkable for h
d made eight voyages to London, had been very fretful, as if the scheme which he had importunately urged upon the king had been censured and rejected. I sat long in the pit, so Vergennes defended himself, before I took a part on the stage; I have known men of all classes and of every temper of mind; in general, they all railed and found fault; and yet I have seen them in their turn commit the errors which they had so freely condemned; for an active or a passive principle, call it as you will, brings men always towards a common centre. Do not think advice rejected, because it is not eagerly adopted; all slumber is not a lethargy. The French court resolved to increase its subsidy, which was to encourage the insurgents to Chap. LXI.} 1776. May. persevere; and in early summer, Beaumarchais announced to Arthur Lee, at his chambers in the Temple, that he was authorized to promise the Americans assistance to the amount of two hundred thousand louis d'ors, nearly one million of dollars.
of the continental congress, the veteran Armstrong arrived to take the command of the army, he found little more to do than receive the hospitalities of the inhabitants. The designs against the Carolinas left Virginia Mar. free from invasion. Lee, on his arrival at Williamsburg, took up his quarters in the palace of the governor; querulous as ever, he praised the provincial congress of New York as angels of decision compared with the Virginia committee of safety. Yet his reputation ensureof Norfolk and Princess Anne counties; an inconsiderate order which it was soon found necessary to mitigate or rescind. Letters, intercepted in April, indicated some concert of action on the part of Eden, the governor of Maryland, with Dunmore: Lee, though Maryland was not within his district, and in contempt of the regularly appointed committee of that colony, directed Samuel Purviance, of the committee of Baltimore, to seize Eden without ceremony or delay. The interference was resented as