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d shall be preserved, cost what it may in time, treasure, and blood! Geo. B. Mcclellan. General Lee issued Order No. 75, after the Seven Days Campaign before Richmond, which wonderfully contrasin a cause so just and sacred, and deserving a nation's gratitude and praise. By order of General Lee, R. H. Chilton, Assistant Adjutant-General. The following is the address of President Davhich was read with uproarious delight by millions at the North, at the very moment, perhaps, when Lee was giving him his quietus: Headquarters, Groveton, August 30th. We fought a terrific battle tures, but I am not yet able to form an idea of their extent. John Pope, Major-General. General Lee's despatch to President Davis regarding the Battle of Manassas throws light upon Pope's false Border States, Southern leaders have shown no desire to act aggressively. The following was General Lee's address to the people of Maryland on entering their territory: Headquarters, Army of North
for more than two weeks. None doubted that a retreat was inevitable: the enemy had shown their strength on our right, and driven in Crittenden, while Grant was preparing to ascend the Cumberland. The fortifications were dismantled and blown up. General Buckner watched Green River and our whole front; the sick and baggage had been sent away many days before; and while Buckner was engaging the enemy along the river-bank, our whole force departed. Floyd, as you will remember, had been under Lee in Western Virginia, among the mountains, but as that campaign, from paucity of numbers on our part, had been productive of more expense than profit, he was ordered to cross the mountains and report to Johnston at Bowling Green. His force was a small one, but well seasoned; so that, upon Grant appearing in the Cumberland, he was ordered to Fort Donelson, and was chief in command by seniority. Buckner's force was also ordered there, arid myself with it, but our total strength did not amount
was unaware of this, or he would have obeyed, and Winchester been ours; for when our forces retired, the enemy were amazed, and, instead of retreating themselves, followed us up very closely and spiritedly. General. Garnett is a Virginian; entered the old service as Second Lieutenant of infantry, July first, 184; was captain Sixth Infantry, May ninth, 1855; and resigned, to enter the Confederate service. He is reputed a very able officer, and has seen much service in Western Virginia, under Lee, and subsequently in every fight in the Valley under Jackson. We withdrew rapidly southward, but the enemy did not pursue until next morning, by which time we had got far on our journey. Having rested at Strasburgh, we rapidly pushed across the mountain towards Harrisonburgh; Ashby's cavalry and the enemy's being continually engaged to our rear in fierce skirmishing, in which the latter suffered considerably. After many hardships and fast travelling, we reached this place on the twenty-
behind the lines he had so scientifically planned and perfected in secrecy; but Lee and Johnston could penetrate more deeply into the enemy's plans there than the fpart, though smiled at by the would-be wiseheads, I heartily rejoiced to hear of Lee's appointment as Commander-in-Chief; nor were my opinions of him hastily formed,s: Smithers, I entirely disagree with you. The campaign wasn't worth a cent till Lee took the helm, and I believe that Davis himself endeavored to map out operationsserable failures Roanoke and Donelson were. Who was commander — in chief before Lee? Nobody that I know; and the fact of sending men to be cooped up, surrounded, ahers; every one knows there has been gross mismanagement in several cases; until Lee came in there was no visible head at work, and those that were at work, the fath Moore, becoming indignant, swore roundly that Beauregard was from Limerick, and Lee from Cork, so that those of us who had not gone beyond a dozen glasses, were obl
Chapter 24: Preparations for the defence of Richmond in may operation of the Conscript law earthworks and other defences designed by Lee arrival of Federal boats and iron-clads works at Drury's Bluff immense raft capture of Richmond anticipated position of the two armies on the Chickahominy number of troops on either side McClellan advances. At this period the Conscript law came into operation, and there was much grumbling among such as fell under its provisions. Thoseg the river; earthworks of magnitude arose on every side around Richmond; and the speedy appearance of Yankee encampments north of the Chickahominy gave eloquent indications that things were coming to a crisis. The earthworks had been designed by Lee more than ten months ere our army reached their position. They were constructed in different shapes, to suit the conformation of the ground; they swept all the roads, crowned every hillock, and mounds of red earth could be seen in striking contra
Chapter 27: Further details of the Chickahominy battle Longstreet succeeds to the command General Lee the acknowledged chief skirmish at fair Oaks, an episode Gossip of officers scenes and incidents of the battle our negro servants the Louisiana Zouaves Brigadier General Jenkins and the South Carolinians carcommon consent, for though Gustavus Smith and others, perhaps, ranked before him, their energies were taxed in offices that became them more than field operations. Lee was now seen on horseback more frequently, and scarcely a day passed without my meeting him ambling along the roads, and in all kinds of out-of-the-way places. Thon him one whose genius and resources commanded the unbounded confidence and hopes of the nation. It was evident that Longstreet was chief in the field only until Lee should vacate his rooms in the War Office, and permanently assume command. Brigadiers, with couriers and orderlies at their heels dashing to and fro, would have pre
The knowledge that he acquired as Minister of War has proved of incalculable advantage to us, for he knows exactly what the North can and cannot accomplish, and fully understands all its resources beforehand. Whatever information he lacks is periodically transmitted through proper channels, so that he seems gifted with double sight, and astonishes the Cabinet at Washington by his accurate information of their designs and plans. Coming, as he did, in daily contact with such men as Scott, Lee, McClellan, Beauregard, Heintzelman, and a host of other talented officers, he could not be far from understanding the aspirations and particular qualifications of each: in fact, President Davis was the first to exclaim, from his thorough knowledge of the man, McClellan is the best officer they could select; but they will not keep him long a remark which seemed prophetic. Nor can we forget the part which Davis and his friends instigated Floyd, Cobb, and others to play when Cabinet Ministers
nearly sixty officers. When night closed in we found that our killed and wounded amounted to three hundred, and that of the enemy to one thousand, not counting the fight of Cross Keys, where our loss was three hundred, and that of Fremont five hundred. Thus ended Jackson's memorable campaign in the Valley, a chapter in history which is without parallel, but though the majority think that these movements were all his own, it may not be so. He was constantly in receipt of orders from Lee, and he faithfully obeyed them. No man in the army is half so obedient as old Stonewall, or so determined to be obeyed; the result is, that no army has shown greater endurance, marched farther, fought more frequently, suffered less, or done half the work that has fallen to our lot. Our men seem to know intuitively the designs of their commanders, and they second them without a murmur. Where we are marching to now, I cannot form the least idea, but as we move eastward, it is whispered that w
les, and return almost without the knowledge of the main body of the army. By these movements Lee had satisfied himself of McClellan's true position on our right, and felt convinced he,possessed on, resources, and force through this line of country, seemed to be an absorbing thought with General Lee, and although the army was not up to the standard he desired, and unfit for immediate offensicticable upon all the points mentioned. Selecting parts of the First Virginia Cavalry, (Colonel Fitz-Hugh Lee, son of our chief,) Ninth Virginia Cavalry, (Colonel Fitz-Hugh Lee, nephew of our chief,Colonel Fitz-Hugh Lee, nephew of our chief,) four pieces of Stuart's Flying Artillery, and four companies of the Jeff Davis Mounted Legion, all proceeded down the Branch turnpike, on Wednesday evening, and bivouacked in the woods. From scouthen in the United States service; and among the first prisoners captured was the trumpeter of Colonel Lee's old company of dragoons. Many of the prisoners took the affair good-humoredly, mounted on
on. McClellan acknowledges to have lost nearly fifty thousand men during his stay on the peninsula, chiefly from sickness! Johnston always managed to keep him in some kind of swamp or mudhole, and when a certain person complained of his inactivity before Seven Pines, he answered: I am fighting, sir, every day! Is it nothing that I compel the enemy to inhabit the swamps, like frogs, and lessen their strength every hour, without firing a shot? That was all very well, but I am convinced if Lee had not taken the helm when he did, we might have been falling back towards the Gulf. I see there is some difference of opinion on this point, and therefore keep to the doctor's chain of thought. There is no doubt that good bread and pure water are the two essentials of a soldier's welfare. He may exist for a long time, and do excellent work without any thing more, but these he must have. Beauregard managed things very indifferently at Corinth, in those respects; there was a superabund