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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 3 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 6, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 23, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.22 (search)
nto Vicksburg and the resultant seige and inevitable capitulation that followed. Other Confederate agents. Several young men were sent abroad to excite the good will of foreign people toward the government of the Confederacy and its people. Major Norman S. Walker, of Richmond, was placed at Bermuda to receive and forward merchandise both ways. Mr. Henry Holze, some time one of the editorial writers of the Mobile Register, was sent to London in a confidential government office. Mr. Edwin de Leon, a noted newspaper paragraphist, was sent to England with $25,000 to purchase, if need be, space in important journals for the discussion by him of the Southern situation for the better enlightenment of the public as well as the government. Various other citizens were sent abroad on missions of the government from time to time. After the cruiser Alabama began upon her wonderful work on the high seas, the neutrality promised by Great Britain at the outbreak of the war languished. T
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Southern women in the Civil war. [from the New Orleans, la., Picayune, June 12, 1904.] (search)
on. Richmond women were eager to inspect the flounces and furbelows of their incoming cousins. All the churches were packed; the one where Mr. Davis and his family sat under the then famous Dr. Hoge, literally overflowing to the streets. [Mr. De Leon trips in this statement in his entertaining communication. Mr. Davis was then at Montgomery, Ala., the first capital of the Confederacy, and was besides, an Episcopalian, and attended, while in Richmond, St. Paul's Church, under the ministrateated in St. Paul's on the Sunday of April 2, 1865, when he received from General Lee intelligence of the intention to evacuate Richmond, and this incident of the Dies Irae of April 3, 1865, was doubtless the occasion of the lapsus memoriae of Mr. De Leon. The ludicrous Pawnee scare of Sunday, April 21, 1861, was only three days after the passing of the Ordinance of Secesson by the Virginia convention. The description of the consternation prevailing is not overdrawn; it pervaded all classes
The prize steamer Labrian, (British,) captured by the U. S. sloop-of-war Portsmouth, near the Rio Grande, has arrived at New York, in charge of her captors. It is more than likely that this affair will lead to fresh complications with Great Britain. Mr. Edwin De Leon, for some years past the Consul General to Egypt, passed through Lynchburg on Monday, with dispatches from Europe for our Government. Parson Brownlow is very ill at his home in Knoxville, Tenn., and not expected to recover. A petition has been very numerously signed in Petersburg, praying the President to proclaim martial law in that city.
the smaller Germaine Powers, seem to require intelligence of the true condition of our affairs, and of the nature of our struggle, and it is to be hoped you may find means to act with efficiency in moulding public opinion in those countries. The hearer of this goes in part to complete arrangements for more prompt communication, and I hope that for the future my dispatches will reach Europe more regularly and promptly. Your obedient servant, J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State. Edwin de Leon, Esq., care of Hon. John Slidell, &c., Paris. Mr. Benjamin to Mr. Mason. [No. 7] Department of State,Richmond, September 26, 1862. Hon James M Mason &c., &c., &c., London: Sir --Since my No. 6, of 10th July, I have received three communications from you, (not numbered,) all of which arrived the 25th August. I also received duplicate of your No. 14, of 16th May. I enclose you, for information, copy of a dispatch sent to Mr, Mann on the subject of a recent convention betw