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welcome us with extravagant manifestations of joy. They keep time to the music with feet and hands, and hurrah fur de ole flag and de Union, sometimes following us for miles. Parson Strong attempts to do a little missionary work. A dozen or more negroes stand in a group by the roadside. Said the Parson to an old man: My friend, are you religious? No, massa, I is not; seben of my folks is, an dey is all prayen fur your side. Hailing a little knot, I said: Boys where do you live? Lib wid Massa--, sah. All Union people, I suppose? Dey say Dey is, but Dey isn't. One old woman-evidently a great-grandmother in Israel-climbed on the fence, clapped her hands, shouted for joy, and bressed de Lord dat dar was de ole flag agin. To a colored boy who stole into our lines last night, with his little bundle under his arm, the Major said: Doesn't it make you feel bad to run away from your masters? Oh, no, massa; dey is gone, too. Reached Murfreesboro in the afternoon
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), The Slaveholding Utopia. (search)
rtson: It is not the authority of any single, detached precept in the Gospel, but the spirit and genius of the Christian religion, more powerful than any particular command, which will abolish Slavery throughout the world. So, too, Fortescue, hard and dry old lawyer as he was: God Almighty has declared himself the God of Liberty. But we must not venture to multiply authorities, and in spite of temptation we abstain, simply referring the curious reader to Bodin's Six Books of a Commonweale, (Lib. I., Cap. 5,) in which he will find the whole case of Christianity against Slavery summed up with masterly erudition. To return to our original subject, we say that as Slavery is hostile to Christianity, it follows that it is hostile to Democracy. The Constitution guaranties to every white man, at least, in the Rebel States, a Republican form of government, which can never be maintained with social institutions based upon the worst practices of an outworn Heathenism. It is not only for
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Missouri, (search)
ards (Dem.)term beginsNov., 1844 Austin A. King (Dem.)term beginsNov., 1848 Sterling Price (Dem.)term beginsDec., 1852 Trusten Polk (Dem.)term beginsDec., 1856 Hancock JacksonactingMarch, 1857 Robert M. Stewart (Dem.)term beginsDec., 1857 Claiborne F. Jackson (Dem.)term beginsJan. 4, 1861 H. R. Gamble (provisional)electedJuly 31, 1861 Willard P. HallactingJan. 31, 1864 Thomas C. Fletcher (Rep.)term beginsJan. 31, 1865 Joseph W. McClurg (Rep.)term beginsJan. 31, 1869 R. Gratz Brown (Lib.)term beginsJan. 31, 1871 Silas Woodson (Dem.)term beginsJan. 31, 1873 Charles H. Hardin (Dem.)term beginsJan. 31, 1875 John S. Phelps (Dem.)term beginsJan. 31, 1877 Thos. T. Crittenden (Dem.)term beginsJan. 31, 1881 John S. Marmaduke (Dem.)term beginsJan. 31, 1885 Albert G. MorehouseactingDec. 28, 1887 David R. Francis (Dem.)term beginsJan., 1889 William J. Stone (Dem.)term beginsJan., 1893 Lou V. Stephensterm beginsJan., 1897 A. M. Dockeryterm beginsJan., 1901 United States Sen
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Presidential elections. (search)
page 291.VaWhig234 Martin Van BurenN. Y.Dem1,128,70260R. M. JohnsonKyDem48 James G. BirneyN. Y.Lib7,059L. W. TazewellVaDem11 James K. PolkTennDem1 1844. James K. Polk For foot-note reference page 291.PaDem170 Henry ClayKyWhig1,299,068105T. FrelinghuysenN. J.Whig105 James G. BirneyN. Y.Lib62,300Thomas MorrisO.Lib 1848. Zachary Taylor For foot-note references see page 291.LaWhig1,3Lib 1848. Zachary Taylor For foot-note references see page 291.LaWhig1,360,101139,557163Millard Fillmore For foot-note references see page 291.N. Y.Whig163 Lewis CassMich.Dem1,220,544127William O. ButlerKyDem127 Martin Van BurenN. Y.F. Soil291,263Charles F. AdamsMasem James BlackPa.Temp5,608John RussellMich.Temp Thomas A. HendricksInd.Dem42George W. JulianInd.Lib5 B. Gratz BrownMo.Dem18A. H. ColquittGaDem5 Charles J. JenkinsGa.Dem2John M. PalmerIll.Dem3 DavisIll.Ind.1T. E. BramletteKyDem3 W. S. GroesbeckO.Dem1 Willis B. MachenKyDem1 N. P. BanksMass.Lib1 1876. Samuel J. TildenN. Y.Dem4,284,885250,235184T. A. HendricksInd.Dem184 Rutherford B. Haye
(traced) in a book. Probably on a sheet of linen, bark, or a palm leaf; for this was before the invention of parchment by Eumenes II. of Pergamos (197 B. C.). The use of the papyrus was local, though very ancient, and Pliny ( History of nature, Lib. XIII. ch. 11) was much mistaken in stating that it was not used before the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, 332 B. C. Rolls of papyrus inscribed by a reed pen and a pigment are found in the mummy envelopes, and were common in ancient tiloring matter is then rubbed into the channels made by the stylus. Graven with an iron pen and lead. If this be the correct mode of analyzing the sentence, it refers to the mode of writing by a pointed instrument on a leaden tablet. Pausanius (Lib. XII. ch. 31), giving an account of the Boeotians, who lived near fount Helicon, states that they showed me a leaden table near to the fountain, on which Hesiod's works were written; but a great part had perished by the injuries of time. In t
an islands (Majorca and Minorca). The inhabitants of these islands petitioned the Romans for another land. They were eventually subdued by ferrets from Africa. (Strabo, Book III:) Pliny refers to similar instances of overrunning by animals, in Lib. VIII. chapter 29. The inhabitants of Abdera, in Thrace, were driven out of their town by rats and frogs, and settled on the frontiers of Macedonia. (Justin, Lib. XV. chapter 2.) Frogs annoyed the Egyptians once upon a time. At Casilinum Lib. XV. chapter 2.) Frogs annoyed the Egyptians once upon a time. At Casilinum (Nova Capua), 500 men of Praeneste sustained against Hannibal, in the hight of his power, so desperate a siege, that, by reason of the famine, a rat was sold for 200 drachmee, the seller dying of hunger and the buyer surviving. — Strabo,Book V: chapter 4. Cats are not mentioned in the canonical Bible, but were common in Egypt; they accompanied fowlers on their excursions, and were much revered. It was a capital crime to kill one. When they died they were embalmed, and buried at Bubastis.
school-book in Boston and vicinity, gave him great delight. He early became an excellent reader; and his speech, as might be well inferred from the influences of a home of culture, was naturally correct and easy. The eloquent Dr. James Freeman was his early pastor, and, with other learned gentlemen, a frequent visitor at the Sumner house, which was then, as afterwards, the centre of an intellectual and refined society. In accordance with Juvenal's idea, Maxima debetur puero reverentia--Lib. 5, Sat. 14. the courteous father of Charles Sumner entertained great reverence for boys, and most assiduously instructed his children, not only in respect to a polite behavior and the laws of health, but also in regard to the use of the most appropriate forms of speech; so that the training of his first-born son to the art of oratory might almost be said to have commenced with infancy. It is felicitous that the earliest words which greet the ears of children are correctly spoken. The mo
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 27: a Zambo village. (search)
Chapter 27: a Zambo village. what here-what dar? Lib here, paper dar. What place? Hi! hi! dis place Caddo; colour genl'men lib in Caddo-hi! Caddo, a village in the Choctaw district, thirtytwo miles north of Red River, thirty-seven miles south of Limstone Gap, is a Zambo settlement, one of the most singular hamlets in a country full of ethnological surprises. A scatter of log-cabins, standing in fenced fields, surrounds a little town, with school and prison, chapel and masonic lodge, main street and market-place, billiard-room and drinking-bar. A line of rails connects this little town with Fort Gibson, in the Creek region, and with Denison city, in Texas. Caddo can boast of a printing-press and of a weekly sheet of news. Yet neither school nor prison, railway plant nor printing-press excites so much attention as the marvel in the ruts and tracks. The people of Caddo are the sight of sights; these cabins in the fields and nearly all these shanties in the town being t
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 1: the Boston mob (second stage).—1835. (search)
he very close, holding in Julien Hall a debate Lib. 5.89. with Gurley on the subject of colonizatie promptly, the Boston Centinel declared that Lib. 5.153. Thompson would never be allowed to addrd his account of the sequel will now be given, Lib. 5.179. with such aids and checks as the best eoderate exercise, and his countenance composed (Lib. 5.171). And now the Mayor: On my way from the th, and again condemned, by Mr. Garrison, who Lib. 5.191, 197. reluctantly entered into the discuigh promise that he would write a true account Lib. 5.171. in general, leaving for you to give them, by the Ms. Marblehead Beach, Oct. 22, 1835; Lib. 5.175. way, you write nothing), which may answnish meetings like these with the State Prison (Lib. 28.91). to W. L. Garrison, at Brooklyn. Bosthich he had previously been assaulted publicly (Lib. 5: 27). Mr. Garrison came to his support by re District of Columbia, beginning Dec. 18, 1835 (Lib. 5.206; 6.1, 2, 8, 19, 20, 24, 26, 28, 32). con[79 more...]
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 2: Germs of contention among brethren.—1836. (search)
nd Jury of Dallas Co., Ala., for his treachery (Lib. 6.93), after the example of the presentment ofeligious bodies with a common voice holding up Lib. 6.5, 93, 194. the abolitionists to public reprfeat of the Mexican forces by Houston, and the Lib. 6.82. capture of Santa Anna; and the agents othe same pledge as his rival. He went further Lib. 6.65. on this side, anticipating the repressiostowed by Scotland. A powerful union, he says (Lib. 6.159), is now formed between the abolitionistred: Had it not been for the honest enthusiasm Lib. 6.53. of Wm. L. Garrison, I should have never e of five, of Account of the Interviews, etc.; Lib. 6.43, 46, 49; May's Recollections, pp. 185-202lishing it. Dr. Beecher, he added, stands very Lib. 6.43. far below him, in moral dignity, in rela The Vermont Chronicle warned the Liberator's Lib. 6.146. subscribers of their responsibility foorks. A New York Abolitionist, writing to the Lib. 6.141. Liberator, whom we can certainly identi[96 more...]
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