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William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik 650 0 Browse Search
John G. Nicolay, A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay and Hayes' Abraham Lincoln: A History 172 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 156 0 Browse Search
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House 154 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 78 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 68 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 64 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 62 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 52 0 Browse Search
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid 50 0 Browse Search
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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xl. (search)
oln. This gave Mr. R. an excellent autograph of Mr. Lincoln, besides bearing witness to his hospitable and che committee of the Convention appointed to notify Mr. Lincoln of his nomination. He received them at the door, his parlor. On the reception of this committee, Mr. Lincoln appeared somewhat embarrassed, but soon resumed httee, arose, and, with becoming dignity, informed Mr. Lincoln that he and his fellows appeared in behalf of thet to that body his acceptance of the nomination. Mr. Lincoln, with becoming modesty, but very handsomely, reple nomination. After this ceremony had passed, Mr. Lincoln remarked to the company, that as an appropriate cry! Mary! A girl responded to the call, to whom Mr. Lincoln spoke a few words in an under-tone, and, closing the midst, and placed it upon the centre-table. Mr. Lincoln arose, and gravely addressing the company, said: hy with the Republican Convention which nominated Mr. Lincoln; but when he saw, as he did see for himself, his
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xli. (search)
ing of the most intimate character, he told Mr. Lincoln frankly, that he ought to remember that a mof that, if I were you. Defrees, replied Mr. Lincoln, that word expresses precisely my idea, and Mr. Defrees took in to him his amendment. Mr. Lincoln met him by saying: Seward found the same faas much amused and interested in a phase of Mr. Lincoln's character which came under his own observs signature. During the first few months, Mr. Lincoln would read each paper carefully through, alech to be delivered upon such an occasion. Mr. Lincoln was writing at his desk, as the clerk enter are to make to-day to the Swiss minister. Mr. Lincoln laid down his pen, and, taking the manuscririt of originality. Within a month after Mr. Lincoln's first accession to office, says the Hon. r, “that's all that made him go!” Now, said Mr. Lincoln, if Mr.--has a presidential chin fly bitingrrow it, provided he could see how it could be made to do something. Raymond's Life of Lincoln. [2 more...]<
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xlii. (search)
re, cheering as if their very lives depended upon it. After enjoying the scene for some time, making pleasant remarks about a face that now and then struck him, Mr. Lincoln said: Mrs. Ann S. Stephens told me a story last night about Daniel Webster, when a lad, which was new to me, and it has been running in my head all the morning.from behind his back came the left hand. Here it is, sir, was the ready reply. That will do, said the teacher, for this time; you can take your seat, sir. Mr. Lincoln's heart was always open to children. I shall never forget his coming into the studio one day, and finding my own little boy of two summers playing on the floormoving in prayer, the tears streaming down her cheeks. Said Daniel, I went up to her, and pulling her shawl, said, Madam, it was the baby that did it. When Mr. Lincoln visited New York in 1860, he felt a great interest in many of the institutions for reforming criminals and saving the young from a life of crime. Among others,
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Liii. (search)
ve done. Why, he is an old neighbor of mine; I can't allow him to be shot! Mr. Lincoln had remained in bed, quietly listening to the vehement protestations of his to death. She was successful in her petition. When she had left the room, Mr. Lincoln turned to me and said: Perhaps I have done wrong, but at all events I have mthe reply, I should have no hesitation in granting a pardon. Then, returned Mr. Lincoln, I will pardon him, and he proceeded forthwith to execute the paper. The grone -charity for all. Though kind-hearted almost to a fault, nevertheless Mr. Lincoln always endeavored to be just. The Hon. S. F. Miller, of New York, called upotil a proper medical examination could be made. This was so reasonable that Mr. Lincoln acquiesced in its justice. He immediately ordered a telegram sent to Elmira that pledge was never carried into execution. It was simply impossible for Mr. Lincoln to be cruel or vindictive, no matter what the occasion. In the serene light
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lv. (search)
ienced the next morning, when it was announced that Governor Todd had declined the position. Mr. Lincoln passed an anxious night. He received the telegram from Governor Todd, declining the nominatio consult with the President, and offer some suggestions. After a few moments' conversation, Mr. Lincoln turned to him with a smile, and said: I am obliged to you, Fessenden, but the fact is, I have position. The state of his health, he said, if no other consideration, made it impossible. Mr. Lincoln would not accept the refusal as final. He very justly felt that with Mr. Fessenden's experi-you must accept! They separated, the Senator in great anxiety of mind. Throughout the day, Mr. Lincoln urged almost all who called to go and see Mr. Fessenden, and press upon him the duty of accep would have everything to learn, and then even, his judgment would be distrusted. Upon this Mr. Lincoln said, with emphasis,--I believe McCulloch is a very good man! I think he repeated this once
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lvi. (search)
i. Much has been said and written, since Mr. Lincoln's death, in regard to his religious experien of the term, I would scarcely have called Mr. Lincoln a religious man,--and yet I believe him to, gave me an account of a conversation with Mr. Lincoln, on the part of a lady of his acquaintance,ance of her reply. When she had concluded, Mr. Lincoln was very thoughtful for a few moments. He rsation turned upon religious subjects, and Mr. Lincoln made this impressive remark: I have never u, said he, you may talk as you please about Mr. Lincoln's capacity; I don't believe him to be the aice of his private secretary, and told that Mr. Lincoln was busy just then, but would be disengagede House, and that she was then praying with Mr. Lincoln. After the lapse of a few minutes the prayg. I made up my mind then, gentlemen, that Mr. Lincoln was not a bad man; and I don't think it wil Nothing has been given to the public since Mr. Lincoln's death, more interesting and valuable than[2 more...]
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lxviii. (search)
hundred and twenty-five dollars a head! Mr. Lincoln sometimes had a very effective way of dealiph more characteristically and unmistakably Mr. Lincoln's. A gentleman was pressing very strenuoSome one was discussing, in the presence of Mr. Lincoln, the character of a time-serving Washington clergyman. Said Mr. Lincoln to his visitor:-- I think you are rather hard upon Mr.--. He remi Sherman, then on his march to the sea. Mr. Lincoln may not have expected death from the hand osked an interview with reference to peace. Mr. Lincoln was elated, and the kindness of his heart whaving said that the first time he ever saw Mr. Lincoln, he was in the Sangamon River with his trou author of this eloquent production? asked Mr. Lincoln. Whether eloquent or not, was the reply, itother shock. To show the magnanimity of Mr. Lincoln, I may mention that on one occasion, when a Frederick. As it lay unrolled before him, Mr. Lincoln took a pen, dipped it in ink, moved his han[20 more...]