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Recognition by foreign powers. --We are heartily sick and tired of the weakness and want of self-reliance and self- respect evinced in the disposition to lean upon the recognition of foreign powers. What is the practical value of such recognition? It does not amount to taking sides with us against the North; it will not provoke the United States into a war with those powers, for such recognition would be no casus belli, and, if it were, the LincolnGovernment, despite the blustering talk of the New York Herald, could not be kicked into a war at this time with France or England. We ought to be content that the foreign powers have declared strict neutrality between the two sections. --As to their active aid, we either need it or we do not. If we do, then of course we are unable to achieve our own independence, and even supposing any European power willing to take up our quarrel, we must expect to pay a price for such assistance, which will simply amount to transferring us from t
id he, in the face of an overwhelming majority, battle in advocacy of Virginia's declaring herself independent of the North. Never yielding, he continued, with his little hand, to meet his opponents, fighting but the harder as success seemed more doubtful, until Old Virginia took her stand by the side of her Southern sisters. Having accomplished the object he most ardently desired, and fulfilled his judiciary trust, yet willing to render more service, he, we learn, was the first after Lincoln's proclamation to tender to the Governor of Virginia the services of the Cavalry company of which he was Captain. Regardless of danger, when his country called her sons to her defence, he resigned his seat in the Convention, that he might meet the foe on the field of battle, and has since remained in the army. By his courtesy and meritorious conduct he has already won the admiration of his comrades, and received the high compliment of being promoted to the position of Major of the 2d Regi
The naval expedition. It Lincoln's ships should happen to get caught off Hatteras during the prevalence of the equine gale, there might he a straining and cracking of timbers that would furnish work for the navy-yards of the North.
ed of having shown cowardice. The surrender of Lexington was made at five o'clock on Friday afternoon. The flag was hauled down by the Home Guards. Col. Mulligan is spoken of in the highest terms. He displayed great bravery during the action; and when asked to surrender, he refused. His sword was taken away by force. Col. Mulligan and all the commissioned officers are held prisoners by the rebels. Extract from one of Bennett's Editorials. Speaking on the subject of Lincoln's proclamation about Fremont, the Herald says: General Fremont ought to have aided the President in Missouri. Instead of that he became a source of weakness and embarrassment to him. When he entered upon his duties in that State the rebels had been swept out us chaff before the wind. But now more than half the State has been reconquered by the Confederate arms. Disaster after disaster has befallen our arms there. --The death of Lyon, and the retreat front Springfield, caused from wa
rmer promised the latter to aid in expelling the Federal troops from the State of Kentucky. It is said that the endorsement of Fremont's infamous proclamation by Lincoln has opened the eyes of Gen. Anderson to the real intention of the Abolition Government at Washington, and that he intends to resign his commission forthwith. We be conceived will be visited upon the Goths and vandals when Maryland is relieved. No quarter will be given by the outraged people. The barbarians know it, and Lincoln, in his terror, gives another turn to the screws. It seems to be as much a duty to humanity as a military necessity that the Confederates should march into Marylw under arrest in the Fourth district on a charge of being an abolitionist and using blasphemous language. Among other things he is said to have remarked that, Abe Lincoln was "as good a man as Jesus Christ or anybody else." The case was this morning called to the notice of Gen. Twiggs, who sent word to Recorder Adams to investiga