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ton, March 1, 1861. my dear sir: Allow me to introduce, to your acquaintance, my friend Thomas B. Lincoln, of Texas. He visits your capital mainly to dispose of what he regards a great improvemenr of the twentieth, just received, I have to say that I have been, personally acquainted with Mr. Lincoln for more than twenty years, he having been at that time a prominent merchant of your city, wh letter to which you refer is no doubt genuine. I have no recollection of writing it, but if Mr. Lincoln says I did, then I am entirely satisfied of the fact, for I am quite sure I would have given,e 27, 1860. dear sir: I take pleasure in introducing to you an old and valued friend, Mr. Thomas B. Lincoln. He has a proposition to make you connected with a kind of machine he understands you ad them to the letter he had written to Mr. Jefferson Davis, and to the character given him by Mr. Lincoln, who had known him for many years, and who always considered him a worthy man He contended th
Opinions of a Connecticut paper --Though Lincoln and his followers and advisers have determined upon the subjugation of the South, there are some in the far corners of Yankeedom who do not approve of the tools employed to effect the purpose. For instance, the New Haven Register says: One of the most disgraceful of the acts which have characterized the present Administration in its brief but fine exampled career, is the appointment of Jim Lane to a Brigadier Generalship, and "Capt." Montgomery to a Colonelcy in the Army--two as deep-dyed scoundrels as ever went unhung. The murders and robberies committed by these fellows during the troubles in Kansas are known to the whole country, and have linked their names in appropriate connection with the board villain, but less fortunate, John Brown. These men did all in their power to keep alive the bloody strife in Kansas, and are personally responsible for a large share of its atrocities. Lane murdered a Free State man named Je
Virginia traitors. It is undebatable that the worst enemies Virginia has had to encounter in this war have been found among her own people. Up to the time of Lincoln's Proclamation there was room for an honest difference of opinion, but, after that Proclamation, and more especially after the sovereign voice of the Virginia peoedeem bad faith. The amount of treason developed in some portions of Virginia, is enough to bring the scarlet blush of humiliation on every check. Threatened by Lincoln with the annihilation of every political and civil right, with the defilement of households, and the very extermination of our race, our soil trampled down by thewar.--Even in this war of aggression, this wicked and unprovoked invasion of the South, the Yankees stand by their own section to a mai, the Democrats, who oppose Lincoln and who labored to avert the war, having furnished most of the soldiers. When war began they all stood by their section, and not a single soul was allowed to be
Col.Frement. The return of this adventurer from France is hailed by the Republicans as an important accession to their scanty stock of Generalship. We have never heard that Col. Fremont had any special merit as a military leader. His reputation as a man of science will not add much to his efficiency in the field. Nevertheless, being a native of Virginia, he will do all that he can to establish himself in the confidence of Lincoln by making war to the bitter and against the land that gave him birth.--Born in the State, and the husband of a Virginia woman, he will have to be zealous and active to commend himself to his present masters.
The Daily Dispatch: July 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Northern Congress.--the Pan-Handle traitors Assume to represent Virginia! (search)
What it will Require to Conquer the Souththe confession of Lincoln's Message. There is a fatal confession in the Lincoln Lincoln message which destroys all its sophistry and sets at naught all its artful periods. It is, that four hundred thousand men anarter for the South than all the messages which Seward and Lincoln could put forth in a century. Europe might have hesitated such huge armies and such vast funds as are called for by Lincoln to crush it, she can no longer doubt. Whether Lincoln canLincoln can raise the armies and the funds he needs, is another question; for whether he can or not, the confession is the same, that thy has resources of the magnitude measured and confessed by Lincoln himself in the measures proposed for putting it down. t the South was miserably poor, weak, silly and helpless. Lincoln himself measured her powers of resistance by only seventy-what to the true state of the case; but this confession of Lincoln will open them wider. They are therefore, in a fair way o
The Daily Dispatch: July 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], England and the Southern Confederacy. (search)
Arrivals. --Among those who arrived at the Exchange yesterday were E. F. Keen, Pennsylvania; John Goode, Jr., Bedford; Wm. Norris, Baltimore; Wm. Ballard Preston, Montgomery; Capt. John R. Gaither, Maryland; R. G. Lumpken, Baltimore; T. W. Dillard, Columbus, Ga; James M. McCue, Staunton; Dr. Greenwood, New Orleans; W. A. Buckner, Va.; A. D. Hunt, Florence, Ala. At the Spotswood House: Alfred Madding, Baltimore; Thomas B. Lincoln, Texas; W. Colcord, Kentucky; Lieut. Webb, Newburn, N. C.; A. W. Johnson, Arkansas; Capt. Geo. N. Hollins, Md.; James Barney, Alabama, and others.
War matters. The latest Baltimore, papers (Saturday, July 6) contain out little news of interest, being principally devoted to the publication of Lincoln's Message, which has already been laid before our readers. On Thursday, the New York Twenty-fourth and Thirty-fourth Regiments passed through, Baltimore for Washington, and Baltimore California Regiment (enlisted in New York) embarged for Fortress Monroe. The latter is 1,100 strong, and well armed and equipped. Police Commissi the division north of the Ohio, and to Missouri. The Government is losing confidence in General Scott. His health is very bad, having a complication of diseases. He insists on doing everything himself. It was General Scott who induced Mr. Lincoln to appoint General Dix to command the army on the Potomac, thereby superseding, with a civilian of seventy, the young, vigorous officer in command. The appointment was not agreeable to the Cabinet, which desired to have it changed, which may
The Daily Dispatch: July 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], England and the Southern Confederacy. (search)
Vessels recaptured and prisoners taken. A dispatch from Cedar Keys, Fla., gives the gratifying information that the schooners Fanny Bassedy and Three Brothers, of New Orleans, and the Olive Branch, of Mobile, all recently captured by Lincoln's cruisers, and sent as prizes to Key West, were recaptured off Cedar Keys on the 3d inst. by the Florida forces. Lieut. Selden, U. S. N., and nineteen seamen, were taken prisoners, and have been sent to Tallahassee. The crews of the schooners are safe at Cedar Keys, and will be sent home.
From Washington. Washington, July 7 --P. M.--There is very little news of general interest here. The Republican caucus have decided to push business rapidly through. The war appropriations will be made a once. Senator Wilson's bills to increase the Army and to ratify Lincoln's acts, have been referred to appropriate committees. It is rumored that Messrs. Crittenden and Wickliffe are preparing a compromise. There is no prospect that any measure of that sort will be received for discussion. Senator Breckinridge is a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations.
at rascal, and we have no doubt that he is, His general reputation among Western Virginians is that of a sharper and cheat. He acquired very considerable knowledge of the country, and learned all the high-ways and by-ways of the mountains. It was possibly this knowledge, more than any real merit, that placed so unmeritorious a man in a position of command. It was, no doubt, thought that a man so well posted on the topography of the country could easily find his way to its heart, and desolate the hearth-stones of those kind and hospitable people who had shared so often their fare with him, and whom he had so often cheated of their property. Such a man for such a purpose was a marvellous proper one for Lincoln, and, of course, was promoted from, his occupation to go a coloneling among the people he had so often defrauded. It is to be hoped the Colonel will fall into the hands of some who remember him for past offences. If he does, he may thank his stars if he saves his own skin.