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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—--the Mississippi. (search)
essary orders for assembling at Jackson, under Loring's command, the troops scattered along the railhe 1st of May it joined Bowen at Port Gibson. Loring was also ordered to march to his assistance, bed for the arrival of the reinforcements which Loring was to bring him. He decided, therefore, to de Gulf with the greater portion of his troops. Loring, who was coming to his assistance, was at Rockrder to oppose his landing. On the 3d of May, Loring, with his division and the three brigades thatws: Wirt Adams' cavalry was to clear the road; Loring was to form the head of column, Bowen the centrossing at the foot of the southern declivity; Loring deploys to the right along the cross-road and der to relieve him, Pemberton orders Bowen and Loring to make a vigorous attack upon the Federal cenose, for Bowen is not to make the attack until Loring gives him the signal. But the road in front og Black River, but nothing had been heard from Loring: it was necessary to wait for him in order to[22 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 6 (search)
Division, M. L. Smith. Brigade, Green. Brigade, Cockerell. Brigade, Gates. Brigade, Vaughn. Brigade, Shoupe. Brigade, Baldwin. Division, Stevenson. Division, Forney, Division, Forney, Division, Forney, Division, Loring. Division, Loring. Brigade, Reynolds. Brigade, Moore. Brigade, Lee. Brigade, Hebert. Brigade, Tilghman. Brigade, Buford. Brigade, Featherston. Division, Gardner, at Port Hudson, Brigade, Gregg. Division, Maxey. DiLoring. Brigade, Reynolds. Brigade, Moore. Brigade, Lee. Brigade, Hebert. Brigade, Tilghman. Brigade, Buford. Brigade, Featherston. Division, Gardner, at Port Hudson, Brigade, Gregg. Division, Maxey. Division, Beall. Cavalry brigade, Wirt Adams. Reinforcements arrived at Jackson: Brigade, W. H. Walker. Reinforcements arrived at Jackson: Brigade, Gist. This list having been prepared, not from official sources, but simply from information collected here and there from various reports, is very incomplete, and contains perhaps some inaccuracies. We have found it impossible to correct it and supply the documents that are wanting. Detailed statement of the forces. the following st