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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
he head of his line, was killed in an open field in front of a thick wood while watching the movements of his foe. He died almost at the moment of victory, for at that time the position was fairly within the grasp of his friends. His command devolved on General Cox. Meade had followed Hooker from the Kittoctan Creek, and went into action with great gallantry on the right of Doubleday (Hatch's division) and fought heavily, his brigades being skillfully managed by General Seymour and Colonels Magilton and Gallagher. General Duryee, with his fine brigade of Ricketts' division, which had performed signal service under its gallant commander during the later struggles of Pope with Lee, was just coming up to the support of Meade, when the contest of that point ceased. Meanwhile the brigade of Gibbons and Hartsuff had pushed steadily lap the turnpike along the Gap, fighting bravely and winning steadily, until almost nine o'clock in the evening, when, having reached a point near the summi
rest of the mountain was won. Here fell, about sunset, Maj.-Gen. Jesse L. Reno, mortally wounded by a musket-ball, while, at the head of his division, he was watching through a glass the enemy's movements. Gen. Meade, with the Pennsylvania Reserves, had followed Hooker from Catoctin creek up the old Hagerstown road, so far as Mount Tabor church. He went into action on the right of Hatch's division, and was soon heavily engaged; his brigades being admirably handled by Gen. Seymour and Cols. Magilton and Gallagher, the last of whom was wounded. It had not fully reached the summit in its front, when darkness arrested the conflict. Gen. Duryea's brigade of Ricketts's division, which had been ordered to its support, was just then coming into action. Our advance up the turnpike in the center, being contingent on success at either side, was made last, by Gibbon's brigade of Hatch's, and Hartsuff's of Ricketts's division; the artillery fighting its way up the road, with the infantry s
ty of, 19. Louisville Courier, The, citations from, 43. Lovejoy, Hon. Owen, on fugitive slaves, 257. Lovejoy, Ga., Sherman's army at, 634. Lovell, Gen. Mansfield, in command at New Orleans, 85-95. Lynchburg, Va., Hunter miscarries at, 601. Lynde, Maj., 19; treachery of, 20. Lyons, Lord, on Democratic leaders, 484-5-6. Lytle, Col., killed at Perryville, 220. M. Macon, Ga., Stoneman's disastrous raid to, 633. Maffitt, J. N., commander of the Florida, 643. Magilton, Col., at South Mountain, 198. Magrath, Gov., S. C., orders conscription, 697. Magruder, Gen. J. B., at Yorktown, 120; on siege of Yorktown, 121; abandons Yorktown, 122: report on the Seven Days struggle, 159; at Malvern Hill, 165; at Galveston, 323. Mahone, Gen., at Malvern Hill, 165. Major, Lt.-Col., 1st N. C., killed at Olustee, 531. Makall, Gen., surrenders Island No.10, 55. Mallon, Col. James E., 42d N. Y., killed, 396. Mallory, Col., demands fugitive slaves from
force. Meade was then directed to advance his division to the right of the road, so as to outflank them, if possible, and then to move forward and attack, while Hatch was directed to take with his division the crest on the left of the old Hagerstown road, Ricketts's division being held in reserve. Seymour's brigade was sent up to the top of the slope, on the right of the ravine through which the road runs, and then moved along the summit parallel to the road, while Col. Gallagher's and Col. Magilton's brigades moved in the same direction along the slope and in the ravine. The ground was of the most difficult character for the movement of troops, the hillside being very steep and rocky, and obstructed by stone walls and timber. The enemy was very soon encountered, and in a short time the action became general along the whole front of the division. The line advanced steadily up the mountain-side, where the enemy was posted behind trees and rocks, from which he was gradually dislo
McClellan, arrests Col. Campbell, 295; to join McClellan, instructions, 347; force, 345, 347; order suspended, 351, 481 ; again promised, 385, 410; must be subordinate, 389, 390. In Pope's campaign, 509, 532, 536, 537, 547,. 568. McLaws, Gen. L., at Yorktown, 319; South Mountain, 561, 572, 573 McMahon, Capt. M. T., 122, 127. McMillan, Capt. J., 133. McMullan, Capt., 576. McQuade, Gen , 370, 371. Mack, Capt., 60. Mackall's Hill, Va., 576. Macomb, Lieut.-Col. J. W., 125. Magilton, Col., 560. Magruder, Gen. J. B., in Peninsula, 227, 235, 249, 256, 307, 319, 324. Mahan. Prof., 87. Malvern Hill, Va., battles of, first, 433-437, 484; second, 461-463, 492. Manassas, Va., 74, 75, 78, 179, 194, 222, 231, 236, 240, 510-515, 518, 647. Mansfield, Gen. J. K. F., 67, 82 ; at Antietam, 584, 590, death 591, 606, 613. Marcy, Gen. R. B., 45, 61, 217-221, 279, 583. Martimprey, Gen., view of telegraph, 278. Martindale. Gen. J. H., at Yorktown, 302 ; Hanover C. H., 370, 3
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 12: Boonsboro or South Mountain, and Harper's Ferry (search)
, Thomas7 JacksonWinder, Jones, J. K., Taliaferro, Starke6 Hill, D. H.Ripley, Garland, Rodes, Anderson, G. B. Colquitt4 Total 2d Corps4 Divisions19 Brigades, 24 Batteries, 100 Guns24 ArtilleryPendletonPendleton's Reserve, 58 Guns12 CavalryStuartHampton, Lee F., Robertson, 14 Guns3 Aggregate2 Corps, 10 Divisions43 Brigades, 284 guns, 55,000 Men67 CORPSDIVISIONSBRIGADESBATTS. 1st CorpsKingPhelps, Doubleday, Patrick, Gibbon4 HookerRickettsDuryea, Christian, Hartsuff2 MeadeSeymour, Magilton, Gallagher4 2d CorpsRichardsonCaldwell, Meagher, Brooke2 SumnerSedgwickGorman, Howard, Dana2 FrenchKimball, Morris, Weber3 5th CorpsMorellBarnes, Griffin, Stockton3 PorterSykesBuchanan, Lovell, Warren3 HumphreysHumphreys, Tyler, Allabach2 6th CorpsSlocumTorbert, Bartlett, Newton4 FranklinSmith, W. F.Hancock, Brooks, Irwin3 CouchDevens, Howe, Cochrane4 9th CorpsWillcox, O. B.Christ, Welsh2 BurnsideSturgisNagle, Ferrero2 RodmanFairchild, Harland1 CoxSeammon, Crook3 12 CorpsWilli
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 14: fall of 1862 (search)
Andrews8 Batteries Sumner9th Corps WillcoxSturgis GettyPoe, Christ, Leasure Nagle, Ferrero Hawkins, Harland6 Batteries Centre Grand Division3d CorpsBirneyRobinson, Ward, Berry StonemanSickles WhippleCarr, Hall, Revere Piatt, Carroll9 Batteries Hooker5th CorpsGriffinBarnes, Sweitzer, Stockton ButterfieldSykesBuchanan, Andrew, Warren8 Batteries HumphreysTyler, Allabach Left Grand Division1st CorpsDoubledayPhelps, Rogers, Gavin, Meredith ReynoldsGibbon MeadeRoot, Lyle, Taylor Sinclair, Magilton, Jackson11 Batteries Franklin6th CorpsBrooksTorbert, Cake, Russell W. F. SmithHowePratt, Whiting, Vinton11 Batteries NewtonCochrane, Devens, Rowley 6 Corps18 Divisions51 Brigades53 Batteries Burnside began his campaign with a blunder. He adopted Richmond as his objective, instead of Lee's army. The latter was within a day's march of him, and its wings were separated by two days march. Here was an opportunity for a skilful commander, but Burnside decided to make Fredericksburg a b
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), South Mountain, battle of (search)
en General Doubleday took his command, his own passing to the care of General Wainwright, who was soon disabled. At dusk Hooker had flanked and beaten the Confederate left. Reno's command, which had gained a foothold on the crest, fought desperately until dark. At about sunset their leader, at the head of the troops in an open field, was killed. He died almost at the moment of victory, and his command devolved on General Cox. Meade, with his brigades, led by General Seymour and Colonels Magilton and Gallagher, fought on the right of Hatch's division. General Duryee, whose fine brigade of Ricketts's division had participated in the later struggles of Pope with Lee, was just coming up when the contest ceased at that point. Meanwhile the brigades of Gibbons and Hartsuff had pushed up the road along the Gap, fighting and winning steadily until about 9 P. M., when, having reached a point near the summit of the Gap, their ammunition was exhausted. But the victory for the National
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VI:—Virginia. (search)
with grape. Nothing, however, could stop them; the extremity of the wood was reached, and Brockenborough forcibly driven to the other side of the railroad, the battery posted in the vicinity being also obliged to retire in great haste. Meade's dash did not stop there; but quickly crossing the railway track without slackening his pace, he carried the entrenchments defended by Lane's brigade. The first line of the Confederates was pierced. Sinclair's Federal brigade, supported by that of Magilton, dispersed Lane's soldiers, while, on his left, the brigade of the Union general Jackson, having penetrated into the interval of the enemy's line, flanked Archer's left, drove it back in disorder and pushed on as far as the military road, where it encountered Gregg's brigade, which scarcely expected such a vigorous attack. Gregg himself, having mistaken the enemy for Confederate soldiers of the first line, forbade his men to fire; and when a discharge of musketry at short range undeceived
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 8 (search)
, ......; 2d Brigade,...... 3d Division, Parke. 1st Brigade, ......; 2d Brigade,...... Cavalry Division, Cox. 1st Brigade, Bayard; 2d Brigade, Buford. Ii. Report of the army of the Potomac the garrison at Washington is not comprised in this exhibit. On the 15th of September, 1862. Commander-in-chief, Major-General McClellan. Right wing, Burnside. 1st corps, Hooker; 14,850 men strong. 1st Division, Meade. 1st Brigade, Seymour; 2d Brigade, Gallagher; 3d Brigade, Magilton. 2d Division, Ricketts. 1st Brigade, Hartsuff; 2d Brigade, Christian; 3d Brigade, Duryea. 3d Division, Doubleday. 1st Brigade, Patrick; 2d Brigade, Gibbon; 3d Brigade, Phelps. 9th corps, Reno (afterward Cox); 13,819 men strong. 1st Division, Cox. 1st Brigade, Crook; 2d Brigade, Brooks; 3d Brigade, Scammon. 2d Division, Wilcox. 1st Brigade, ......; 2d Brigade, ..... 3d Division, Sturgis. 1st Brigade, Ferrero; 2d Brigade, ...... 4th Division, Rodman. 1st Brigade, Harl
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