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vention to meet not later than the 15th of February, at the city of Montgomery, in the State of Alabama. Resolved, That, in view of the hostile legislation that is threatened against the seceding States, and which may be consummated before the 4th of March, we ask instructions whether the delegations are to remain in Congress until that date, for the purpose of defeating such legislation. Resolved, That a committee be and are hereby appointed, consisting of Messrs. Davis, Slidell, and Mallory, to carry out the objects of this meeting. have been magnified, by the representations of artful commentators on the events of the period, into something vastly momentous. The significance of these resolutions was the admission that we could not longer advise delay, and even that was unimportant under the circumstances, for three of the states concerned had taken final action on the subject before the resolutions could have been communicated to them. As an expression of opinion, they me
nty of the people thereof, appointed delegates. Telegraphic intelligence of the secession of Mississippi had reached Washington some considerable time before the fact was officially communicated to me. This official knowledge I considered it proper to await before taking formal leave of the Senate. My associates from Alabama and Florida concurred in this view. Accordingly, having received notification of the secession of these three states about the same time, on January 21st Yulee and Mallory of Florida, Fitzpatrick and Clay of Alabama, and myself, announced the withdrawal of the states from which we were respectively accredited, and took leave of the Senate at the same time. In the action which she then took, Mississippi certainly had no purpose to levy war against the United States, or any of them. As her Senator, I endeavored plainly to state her position in the annexed remarks addressed to the Senate in taking leave of the body: I rise, Mr. President, for the purpose
Chapter 3: Commissioners to purchase arms and ammunition my letter to Captain Semmes resignations of officers of United States Navy our Destitution of accessories for the supply of naval vessels Secretary Mallory food supplies the commissariat Department the Quartermaster's Department the disappearance of delusions the supply of powder saltpeter sulphur artificial niter beds services of General G. W. Rains destruction at Harpers Ferry of machinery the master Armorero ships of war. These efforts and their results will be noticed more fully hereafter. It may not be amiss to remark here that if the anticipations of our people were not realized, it was not from any lack of the zeal and ability of Secretary of the Navy Mallory. As was heretofore stated, his fondness for and aptitude in nautical affairs had led him to know much of vessels, their construction and management, and, as chairman of the Committee on United States Naval Affairs, he had superadded
h profound esteem, Your obedient servants, Louis T. Wigfall, John Hemphill, D. L. Yulee, S. R. Mallory, Jefferson Davis, C. C. Clay, Jr., Benjamin Fitzpatrick, A. Iverson, John Slidell, J. P. Benof said correspondence. Very respectfully, your obedient servants, Benjamin Fitzpatrick, S. R. Mallory, John Slidell. To his Excellency James Buchanan, President United States. To the letter we have received a letter signed by the Secretary of War, and addressed to Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Mallory, and Slidell, on the subject of our proposition, which letter we now inclose to you. Although ithe 23d inst., inclosing a communication dated the 22d inst., addressed to Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Mallory, and Slidell, from the Secretary of War ad interim. This communication from the Secretary is faspondence, as I am informed, was made the subject of a communication from Senators Fitzpatrick, Mallory, and Slidell, addressed to you, and your attention called to the contents. These gentlemen rec
136, 138-39, 147, 161,219. Advocation of U. S. Constitution, 87, 94, 105-06, 113-14, 144. Remarks on sovereignty, 122. Opposition to armed force against states, 150. Extracts from speech on sectional inter-ests, 158. Drawing of Virginia resolutions, 160-61. Magoffin, Gov. B. (of Kentucky). Correspondence with Lincoln and Davis on status of Kentucky, 333-36. Reply to U. S. call for troops, 354. Magruder, Gen. John B., 296, 297, 406. Checking enemy, 260. Maine, 63. Mallory, S. R., 175, 189, 272. Selected secretary of navy (Confederacy), 207. Manassas, Battle of. Preparation for, 300. Conflict, 302-05, 311-12. After the battle, 306, 310-11. Beauregard's plan for defense and the endorsement, 319-21. Extracts from narrative of Gen. Early, 322-28. Extract from reminiscences of Col. Lay, 329. Maney, —, 352. Marshall, John, 114, 151, 219. Extracts from speeches, 139-40. Thornton F., 338. Martin, Luther, 118. Description of three parties at Phila