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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 1: organization of the regiment. (search)
d in no event be delayed beyond the last day of the month. You are ordered to favor expedition in every practicable way. Yours truly, Wm. Schouler, Adjt. Gen. On August 26, 1861, the following order was issued: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, A. G. O., Boston, Aug. 26, 1861. Col. Hinks, Commanding, 19th Regt. Mass. Vols. Sir: You are directed to proceed with your command on Tuesday, 27th inst., to Washington, D. C. When you arrive there, you will report yourself to Brig. Gen. Mansfield U. S.A. and await orders. Quartermaster General Reed is directed to furnish you with transportation for your Regiment and you will take the route prescribed in the orders you receive from him. By order of His Excellency, John A. Andrew, Gov. & Com. in Chief. In consequence of this, the following Special Order was issued: S. O. 411. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Headquarters, Boston, Aug. 27, 1861. Col. Edw. Hinks, commanding the 19th Regt. Mass. Vols., having requ
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 17: to South Mountain and Antietam. (search)
tched the artillery duel and the constant arrival of troops, and drew rations of food and ammunition. The enemy seemed to know that the men were there and sent leaden messengers over the hill every few minutes to find them, but although these made a great deal of noise, they did no harm to the Nineteenth. There was a sharp skirmish between Hooker's left and the enemy during the afternoon, but without result except that Hooker established his lines to attack the enemy in the morning. Gen. Mansfield's Corps was sent across Antietam Creek during the night to join him. On the night of Sept. 16, 1862, while the destiny of a nation remained undecided, and while the fate of a multitude of soldiers was obviously pending, it is not strange that the minds of the combatants were imbued with unusual solemnity. Lossing remarks that the night of the 16th was passed by both armies with the expectation of a heavy battle in the morning. Few officers found relief from anxiety, for it was belie
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 18: the battle of Antietam. (search)
hem with the gallant First and Twelfth Corps. At 7.30 o'clock the regiment fell in and learned that it was going with Sumner's Corp to the support of Hooker and Mansfield. Upon Burnside had been imposed the task of carrying the Stone Bridge opposite Lee's right flank and of intruding his Corps between Lee's right wing and the rivk for 36 hours and might have opened the attack on the previous day, but no orders had come to him. His Corps was now two miles from the battlefield. Hooker and Mansfield had encountered the enemy and driven them across the Sunken Road, near the Dunker Church, but in the engagement Mansfield had been killed and Hooker disabled. S across the Potomac to his own soil. The battle of Antietam resulted in the largest list of casualties of any one day's battle. The Union cause lost Brigadier General Mansfield, killed: Major Generals Hooker and Richardson, and Brigadier Generals Rodman, Sedgwick, Harts uff, Dana and Meagher wounded, with 12,469 killed, wounded
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
h. Jan. ‘63. Manning, Thos. P., priv., (I), Aug. 13, ‘61; 21; killed in action, Nov., 27‘63, Robinson's Cross Roads. Mansfield, Charles, priv., (A), Aug. 26, ‘61; 20; dropped Oct. 13, ‘62. Mansfield, George, priv:, (A), Aug. 28, ‘61; 20; droppedMansfield, George, priv:, (A), Aug. 28, ‘61; 20; dropped Oct. 13, ‘62. Mansfield, Geo. A., priv., (H), Mar. 19, ‘64; 21; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Mansfield, Joseph, priv., (F), July 25, ‘61; 35; M. O. July 29, ‘64; see E, 1 Batt. H. A. Mansur, Elijah H., priv., (H), July 25, ‘61; 22; re-en. Dec. 21, 1863; Mansfield, Geo. A., priv., (H), Mar. 19, ‘64; 21; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Mansfield, Joseph, priv., (F), July 25, ‘61; 35; M. O. July 29, ‘64; see E, 1 Batt. H. A. Mansur, Elijah H., priv., (H), July 25, ‘61; 22; re-en. Dec. 21, 1863; disch. June 20, 1865; pris. June 22, ‘64, to Mar. 1, ‘65. Marden, Eldridge, priv., (I), Aug. 26, ‘61; 19; never joined for duty. Marie, Charles, priv., (F), Nov. 17, ‘64; 26; transf. to Co. G; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Marsh, Martin, priv., (E), FebMansfield, Joseph, priv., (F), July 25, ‘61; 35; M. O. July 29, ‘64; see E, 1 Batt. H. A. Mansur, Elijah H., priv., (H), July 25, ‘61; 22; re-en. Dec. 21, 1863; disch. June 20, 1865; pris. June 22, ‘64, to Mar. 1, ‘65. Marden, Eldridge, priv., (I), Aug. 26, ‘61; 19; never joined for duty. Marie, Charles, priv., (F), Nov. 17, ‘64; 26; transf. to Co. G; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Marsh, Martin, priv., (E), Feb. 23, ‘65; 42; died July 23, ‘65, Fort Monroe, Va. Marshall, John, sergt., (K), Aug. 13, ‘61; 23; deserted a priv. June 30, ‘62. Marshall, Joseph, corp., (G), Aug. 23, ‘61; 21; wound
ey, Edward,............................................. 1... 152, 270 Maloney, Edwin C.,..................................... 286 Malvern Hill,.................................................93, 98, 99, 114 Manchester, Va.,...................................................... 337 Mann, John,..................................................... 107, 249 Manning, Peter,...................................................... 106 Manning, Thomas P.,..................... ... 163, 276 Mansfield, Brigadier General,...................................... 6, 131, 142 Mansur, Elijah E. H.,.................................................. 329 Marblehead, gunboat,................................................. 69 Marshall, Joseph,..................................................... 145 Marshall, Robert,..................................................... 145 Marshall, William,..................................................... 292 Marston, Charles E.,...................