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Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 260 4 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 17 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for John Sappington Marmaduke or search for John Sappington Marmaduke in all documents.

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D. H. McIntire several from Callaway county. The Independence Grays came from Jackson county, and brought with them the four brass 6-pounders taken from the arsenal at Liberty. Capt. Jo Kelly's company of Irishmen, sent up from St. Louis in charge of the arms bought by Quartermaster-General James Harding, was still there. The first regiment organized was composed of eight companies from the counties close around Jefferson City. It was designated the First regiment of Rifles, and John S. Marmaduke was chosen to command it. Marmaduke was born in Missouri, and was a son of a former governor of the State. A West Pointer, and a lieutenant in the regular army when President Lincoln called for 75,000 troops, he at once resigned and offered his services to the State. Both sides saw that war was inevitable and were making active preparations for it. But a considerable number of conservative citizens, who deprecated war and its attendant ravages, made an effort to avert it by trying
est material. Col. Colton Greene raised another, just as good in every respect. Lieut.-Col. Merritt Young raised a battalion, composed largely of men from northwest Missouri. These commands were afterward formed into a brigade of which Gen. John S. Marmaduke was given the command. After the affair at Booneville, Marmaduke had joined Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston in Kentucky, commanded a brigade and highly distinguished himself at the battle of Shiloh. At Hindman's request he was sent west of me as near not doing anything as at any time during its existence. There was nothing for it to do except to scout well to the front and keep informed of the enemy's movements. About this time General Hindman issued an order directing Brig.-Gen. John S. Marmaduke to take command of all the cavalry in the district of northern Arkansas, and to go at once to the front. By another order from General Hindman, Col. John T. Coffee was relieved of the command of his regiment and Col. Gideon W. Thompso
the movement by temporarily assigning to General Marmaduke, Col. George W. Carter's brigade of Texaable commissary and quartermaster stores. Marmaduke learned that Gen, John McNeil, of infamous md was given about half of Greene's brigade. Marmaduke, with Shelby's brigade and the other half of Fredericktown on the morning of the 22d and Marmaduke returned to Jackson on the evening, 26th—andistance until Bloomfield was reached. There Marmaduke halted and remained in line of battle all das led to a correspondence between Walker and Marmaduke, which resulted in a duel and the death of Walker. Marmaduke and his seconds were put in arrest after the duel, but were released, on a petitis, and went at a gallop to the assistance of Marmaduke. In the meantime Marmaduke, as soon as he ahe ground that the men would not serve under Marmaduke. Marmaduke promptly put Dobbins in arrest, to abandon the works and evacuate the city. Marmaduke had no alternative but to obey the order he [40 more...]
all brilliant Exploits of Shelby's command Marmaduke attacks Pine Bluff. The Arkansas river frnder General Brown, the dashing officer whom Marmaduke and Shelby had fought unsuccessfully at Sprias a conquering hero. Late in October General Marmaduke got permission from General Holmes to atght it would be well to teach him a lesson. Marmaduke's command for the expedition consisted of hieen Camden and Pine Bluff. By a night march Marmaduke reached Pine Bluff the next morning before sand his troops were in line for inspection. Marmaduke, supposing he would be overawed by superior from which it was difficult to dislodge him. Marmaduke got possession of the buildings fronting on of the attack. After serious consideration Marmaduke decided to withdraw. The Fifth Kansas, Clayursuit. Greene's regiment lost heavily, and Marmaduke's horse was killed under him. Marmaduke's loMarmaduke's loss was 94 killed and wounded, and the enemy's probably not as large, as they fought mostly under co
n the evening, Steele advanced in force, but Marmaduke resisted him so stubbornly that just after dops falling back on the Washington road, and Marmaduke's division retiring on the Camden road. Ste been fortified the year before by Holmes. Marmaduke retired before him, skirmishing lightly, untunn's Mill, probably ten miles from Camden. Marmaduke was encamped within two miles of the town. y's brigade was absent on detached service. Marmaduke's force consisted of his own and Cabell's br were changing front to meet it Cabell's and Marmaduke's brigades charged them under cover of a heaed, hungry and tired. General Smith ordered Marmaduke to locate the enemy, which he did, finding tby the terrible cross-fire of the enemy, General Marmaduke and his aide-de-camp, Capt. William M. Peption of the firing of the skirmishers, General Marmaduke galloped back and explained the situatiary to come on the field in person, but made Marmaduke his chief-of-staff and told him to make what[8 more...]
Chapter 17: Marmaduke and Greene's brigade on the Mississippi river the battle of Ditcround Camden; detached Shelby's brigade from Marmaduke's division and ordered it to operate around ia and watch Steele at Little Rock, and sent Marmaduke with Greene's brigade to Chicot county—the eof men and supplies over it. At Saline river Marmaduke received the order of General Smith announciling toward them in numberless social ways. Marmaduke established his headquarters at Lake Village began organizing a force for that purpose. Marmaduke learned of it, and asked for Cabell's brigadnt a brigade to cross the bayou a mile above Marmaduke's position. As Marmaduke's line was not mucMarmaduke's line was not much more than a heavy skirmish line at best, he could not meet this flank movement, and withdrew. Paory. This was June 6, 1864. That evening Marmaduke reoccupied his old camp at Lake Village. MaMarmaduke's loss in killed and wounded was 44. Maj. C. C. Rainwater, of his staff, was so severely wo[6 more...]
en Potosi and Iron Mountain. When Fagan and Marmaduke reached Fredericktown Shelby was there, load his division commanders were opposed to it. Marmaduke's division was ordered up from the east of Ftain, while Cabell attacked from the plain. Marmaduke was assured there was no ditch around the foam ferryboat General Price, with Fagan's and Marmaduke's divisions, marched southwest to Versailles's division with General Price was in front, Marmaduke's in rear. The ammunition train was betweenve in the stragglers on the unguarded road. Marmaduke was riding at the head of his division with ine county, General Clark and his brigade of Marmaduke's division, reinforced by Colonel Jackman's few miles below Independence, October 21st, Marmaduke had a stubborn fight with a brigade of Colorback the enemy formed and charged again, but Marmaduke had got another regiment over and repulsed tsed them decisively. Shelby, who was behind Marmaduke, crossed the stream higher up and attempted [4 more...]
d sabered in the act of firing their guns. Marmaduke, after getting out of Independence, took thetrain and preparing to help either Shelby or Marmaduke. The object was to get the train out. The bmiles to the south and east of the crossing, Marmaduke was hotly engaged with Rosecrans, but he wasie. In the meantime Rosecrans was pushing Marmaduke's depleted command before him, and Shelby wahe duty of guarding it, and was free to help Marmaduke and Shelby in their extremity, which it did d Cabell, though hotly engaged himself, sent Marmaduke two regiments when his need was the greatestidently for prompt and decided action. When Marmaduke reached the rise in the prairie that overloo movements that there was something wrong in Marmaduke's rear and ordered a charge. The two regimet waiting to receive the enemy's charge, and Marmaduke ordered a countercharge by Clark's brigade, l as the Federals, were dressed in blue, and Marmaduke returning from the charge and seeing his bat[5 more...]
gadier-general. He served with honor in company with such dashing leaders as Marmaduke and Shelby. After the war he returned to his home and resumed the practice oaround the hearts of his troops, but of all who knew him. Major-General John Sappington Marmaduke Major-General John Sappington Marmaduke was born near Arrow RMajor-General John Sappington Marmaduke was born near Arrow Rock, Mo., on March 14, 1833. Brought up on his father's farm, with such preparation as he could get in country schools, he entered Yale college at the age of seventove he was warmly commended by General Hindman, who noted in his report that Marmaduke had apparently not been confirmed as brigadier, and declared that if the highuel with Brig.-Gen. L. M. Walker, which resulted in the death of the latter. Marmaduke was put in arrest, but was ordered to resume command during pending operationerry he rendered important services. In recognition of his valuable services Marmaduke was made a major-general, though his commission was not received until March