for knowledge which educated people are prone to. But, take him for all in all, I know no such other man. His children are most affectionate and free with him — yet they have their own opinions and express them freely, even when they differ most widely from his. . . . People who travel together have an excellent opportunity of knowing and testing one another. . . . I have never on the whole known a man who bears to be more thoroughly known, or is so sure to be loved and reverenced.
Harriet Martineau has left us a record of her first impressions in all their freshness:--At ten o'clock he came, accompanied by his introducer.
His aspect put to flight in an instant what prejudices his slanderers had raised in me. I was wholly taken by surprise.
It was a countenance glowing with health, and wholly expressive of purity, animation, and gentleness.
I did not wonder at the citizen who, seeing a print of Garrison at a shop window without a name to it, went in and bought it, and framed i
mancipation, 147; 97, 140, 165, 171, 175, 241, 243, 259.
Louisiana Purchase, 9, Io.
Louisiana territory, slavery in, 9.
Lovejoy, Elijah P., murder of, and its effect,128 if.; Emerson on, 231, 232; 117, 119, 238.
Lundy, Benjamin, 42, 43, 46.
Lunt, George, 124, 125, 127.
Lunt Committee, 124 f.
Luther, Martin, 35, 193.
Lyman, Theodore, Mayor of Boston, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 121, 122, 123.
McCarthy, Justin, 251.
McDuffie, George, 127.
MacAULAYulay, Zachary, 245.
Martineau, Harriet, quoted, 195, 196, 248; her Martyr Age in America, 245; 105, 124.
Massachusetts, southern attempt to enslave, 010-Io3. And see Boston.
Matthew, Saint, Gospel of, quoted, 181-84.
May, Samuel, Jr., 210, 211, 212.
May, Samuel J., quoted, 73-75, 78-80, 81-86, 93-95, 196-98; converted to Abolition by G., 77 ff.; the angel of Anti-slavery, 78; and G., 80, 81; and the Lunt Committee, 124, 126, 127; 29, 32, 71, 138, 150, 227.
Methodists, and Abolition, 208.
Mill, John Stuart,
Lincoln, Abraham, 365, 370, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 382, 384.
Lloyd, Fanny, 13-20, 24-26, 44-45.
Longfellow, Stephen, 148.
Loring, Edward Greeley.
354. Loring, Ellis Grey, 134, 135 136, 138, 245, 264.
Lovejoy, Elijah P., 254-257.
Lowell, James Russell, 136, 329.
Lumpkin, Wilson, 128.
Lundy, Benjamin,44, 45, 46, 48-54, 57, 58, 69, 71, 72, 75, 108, 133.
Lunt, George, 244 247, 248.
Lyman, Theodore, 223, 224. 227, 228, Macaulay, Zachary, 154.
Malcolm, Rev. Howard, 52.
Martineau, Harriet, 94, 240.
Mason, James M., 338.
Mason, Jeremiah, I I. Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 265, 280, 297, 310.
Mathew, Father, 304, 305.
May, Samuel, Jr., 325, 389.
May, Samuel J., 90, 93, 94, 134, 166, 167, 179, 180, 186, 199,
245, 272, 289, 393. McDowell, James, 124, 125.
McKim, James Miller, 149.
McDuffie, Governor, 243, 246. Mercury, Charleston, 126, Mill, John Stuart, 390. Missouri Compromise, Repeal of, 352-354.
Moore, Esther, 259.
Morley, Samuel, 390, Mott, Lucre