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eyerre,  Acting Midshipmen. A. M. Mason,Geo. R. Bryan, Wm. E. Pinkney,A. T. Brady, R. C. Fant,D. Talbott, D. H. Daugherty,E. H. Edwards, Thos. L. Moore,D. H. Dyke, F. M. Robey,J. T. Mahan, H. B. Littlepage,Va. Newton, H. H. MarmadukeW. F. Clayton, R. S. Flag,T. Boughman, R. A. Camm,H. St. G. T. Brooke, F. T. Chew,Wm. Carroll, John T. Walker,Barron Carter, J. A. Merriwether,J. M. Gardner, R. H. Bacot,Thos. S. Garrett, H. C. Holt,W. D. Goode, W. C. Hutter,D. G. McClintoc, Wm. P. Mason,W. R. Mays, I. C. Holcome,C. Meyer, D. M. Scales,J. M. Morgan, E. J. McDermott,R. J. Moses, Jr., D. A. Telfair,J. A. Peters, W. C. Jackson,Jeff. Phelps, W. W. Read,C. T. Sevier, Daniel Carroll,G. W. Sparks, A. S. Worth,J. M. Stafford, A. P. Bierne,H. L. Vaughn, S. S. Gregory,L. H. Washington, Daniel Trigg,C. K. Mallory, Jr., John R. Price,J. B. Ratcliffe, H. S. Cooke,J. W. Pegram, J. C. Long,G. T. Sinclair, Jr., H. C. McDaniel,M. H. Ruggles, W. F. Robinson,F. M. Harris, F
ard B. Irwin, aide-de-camp, and during the organization of the army by the following-named officers: Capts. Joseph Kirkland, Arthur McClellan, M. T. McMahon, William P. Mason, and William F. Biddle, aides-de-camp. My personal staff, when we embarked for the Peninsula, consisted of Col. Thomas M. Key, additional aide-de-camp; Corps; Maj. F. Le Compte, of the Swiss army, volunteer aide-de-camp; Capts. Joseph Kirkland, Arthur McClellan, L. P. d'orleans, R. d'orleans, M. T. McMahon, William P. Mason, Jr., William F. Biddle, and E. A. Raymond, additional aides-de-camp. Of these officers, Col. Gantt performed the duty of judge-advocate-general; Maj. Le Com adjutant-general's office; Capt. Raymond with the chief of staff; Capt. McMahon was assigned to the personal staff of Brig.-Gen. Franklin, and Capts. Kirkland and Mason to that of Brig.-Gen. F. J. Porter, during the siege of Yorktown. They remained subsequently with those general officers. Maj. Le Compte left the army during the
d be no power to separate families, and the right of marriage ought to be secured to them. . . . Nov. 12. Last night the German division gave a grand torchlight procession and serenade. What little I saw of it was very fine, but I had to attend a pseudo cabinet meeting while it was in progress, so that I saw by no means the whole of it. Quite a party came here to see the performance. Nov. 17 . . . I find that to-day is not to be a day of rest for me. This unfortunate affair of Mason and Slidell has come up, and I shall be obliged to devote the day to endeavoring to get our government to take the only prompt and honorable course of avoiding a war with England and France. . . . It is sickening in the extreme, and makes me feel heavy at heart, when I see the weakness and unfitness of the poor beings who control the destinies of this great country. How I wish that God had permitted me to live quietly and unknown with you! But His will be done! I will do my best, try to p
island by one or two regiments from below, and that much work was going on in the way of new batteries and lines, and strengthening old ones. At night on the same day he telegraphed that work had been done at Smart's Hill, that the pickets near Mason's island were largely reinforced, and that he anticipated an early attempt by the enemy to secure Mason's or Harrison's island, perhaps both, but probably the latter, commanded, as it was, by the bluffs on their side. On the 15th he telegrapheMason's or Harrison's island, perhaps both, but probably the latter, commanded, as it was, by the bluffs on their side. On the 15th he telegraphed that there was considerable movement between the river and Leesburg-apparently preparations for resistance rather than attack. On the 18th, at 10.45 P. M., he telegraphed that the enemy's pickets were withdrawn from most of the posts in our front; that he had sent an officer over the river within two miles of Leesburg the same evening, and that he should push the reconnoissances farther the following day, if all remained favorable. Such was the state of affairs when, on the morning of the
ey, Gen., view of telegraph, 278. Martindale. Gen. J. H., at Yorktown, 302 ; Hanover C. H., 370, 371 ; Gaines's Mill, 414, 416. Martinsburg, W. Va, 178, 193, 555, 573. 621-625. Maryland, secession in, 94, 146, 147; members of legislature arrested, 146, 147. Maryland campaign, 549-661 ; Harper's Ferry, Crampton's Gap, 558-565; South Mountain, 572-583; Antietam, 584-613. Maryland Heights, Va.., 550, 559-561, 563, 565, 573, 598, 616, 622, 627. Mason, Jr., Capt. W. P., 122. 123. Mason and Slidell affair, 175. Meade, Gen. G. G., 81, 83, 140; at Gaines's Mill, 414-416 ; Glendale, 430; South Mountain, 579-581; Antietam, 590, 593, 619. Meagher, Gen. T. F., 81; at Fair Oaks, 382 ; Gaines's Mill, 418 ; Malvern, 437 ; Pope's campaign, 514; Antietam, 595, 597. Mechanicsville, Va., battle of, 363, 414-416. Mehaffey, Lieut. C. D., 133. Meigs, Gen. M. C., 156, 157, 159; report on supplies, 636, 637. Memorandum (McClellan's) : object of the war, military success, 101
The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Seizure of a steamer — examination of Passengers — a Lady's Petticoat Quilted with Sewing Silk. (search)
ents of honor, still cherished in the inner chambers of his heart the maintenance of his daughter's love. The weather still continues beautiful, but somewhat colder than it has been for two weeks past. The roads are still good, but there are no signs of an advance of the army of subjugation. On the contrary, I have information that the Yankees have fallen back from Annandale, and have probably gone into small huts that have been built in the woods on the plain in front of Munson's and Mason's hills. Tuesday night it is supposed nearly the entire force near Annandale fell back to the fortifications, or to the rear of them, and that they burned the building that had been used for storing provisions and ordnance. There has been no apprehension of an attack here for a week, notwithstanding the thousand and one rumors that come up in some of the Richmond papers.--On Saturday an inspection of a division of the army took place, which seemed to furnish material for supposing an advan
the New York Herald, of the 11th inst: The following order, appointing John Jacob Astor an aid to Gen. McClellan, has been issued: General Orders No. 51. Headq' are Army of the Potomac. Washington, Nov. 30, 1861. John J, Astor, of New York, is announced as volunteer Aid de Camp to the commanding General, with the rank of Colonel, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of Major General McClellan S. Williams, Asst. Adjutant General. [Official — Wm. P. Mason, Aid-de-Camp.] The Navy Department invites proposals for furnishing, fitting and securing to vessels-of-war iron plates fifteen and a half feet in length, to have planed edges and counter-sunk holes to be beat to the shape of the set from stem to stern, and listened to the timber with comical-heathed bolts of one and a half inches in diameter. It is understood that the Department designs to thus clear the vessels of war with the least possible delay. The Mephistoph
entreville, Va., Dec. 13. --There are no present indications of a battle here. We have New York dates to the 1st inst., and you probably have as late dates in Richmond.--There are no tidings from Europe about the Mason and Sildell affair. The abolition press are much exercised at Gen. McClellan's tardy execution of the war, and are ouging a forward movement. Sherman, of Ohio, in the Senate, in adverting to the inquiry into the Bull Run and Bull's Bluff affairs, thought that there were causes why the whole conduct of the war should be investigated. The special correspondent of the New York Tribune states that Thaddens Stevens had announced in the Republican caucus that Gen. McClellan had threatened to resign unless the obnoxious part of Cameron's report about slaves should be expunged. Messrs. Mason, Slidell, Eustis, and McFarland had published a report in the New York Herald protesting against their seizure. Butler's expedition sails on the 18th inst.