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The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 7. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Criticism (search)
ged against the colonists of New England, is unfounded in fact. The banishment of the Catholics was very sagaciously passed over in silence, inasmuch as the Catholic Bishop of New York was one of the invited guests, and (hear it, shade of Cotton Mather) one of the regular toasts was a compliment to the Pope. The expulsion of Roger Williams was excused and partially justified; while the whipping, ear-cropping, tongue-boring, and hanging of the Quakers was defended, as the only effectual method of dealing with such devildriven heretics, as Mather calls them. The orator, in the new-born zeal of his amateur Puritanism, stigmatizes the persecuted class as fanatics and ranters, foaming forth their mad opinions; compares them to the Mormons and the crazy followers of Mathias; and cites an instance of a poor enthusiast, named Eccles, who, far gone in the tailor's melancholy, took it into his head that he must enter into a steeple-house pulpit and stitch breeches in singing time, —a circumst
r, and lying up and down in Booths, the 30th of July, 1630, by recommendation of Governor Winthrop, was set apart for solemn fasting and prayer, by the people of Charlestown and Watertown. The first settlers of the latter town had resolved, says Mather, that they would combine into church fellowship as their first work; accordingly after the religious exercises of the day were over, under the guidance of the Rev. George Phillips, who was a worthy servant of Christ and Dispenser of his Word, aborant for Long Island and the adjacent islands from the Council for New England, in 1635. They settled at Edgarton, and invited Mr. Henry Green, Mr. Henry Green, first minister of Reading, died after a pastorate of only two and one-half years. Mather wrote of him:— On earth's bed thou at noon hast laid thy head. a scholar, to be their pastor, but he went not, and Thomas Mahew, Jr., was ordained their pastor, and found himself presently employed in missionary work The missionary labors
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 8., Strangers in Medford, (Continued from vol. 7, no. 4) (search)
PompApr. 16, 1784Negro. Malcolm, SarahBoston, May 22, 1761Feb. 16, 1762Deaf and dumb, 3 yrs. old. In family of Wm. Faulkner, Mallard, JamesJuly 10, 1751       (wife and family) Mallett, ElizabethDec. Ct., 1764 Manning, JosephJan. 30, 1791    ElizabethJan. 30, 1791    SarahJan. 30, 1791 Marble, Jonathan Children.Dec. Ct., 1758In family of Benj. Teel.    Joseph Children.Dec. Ct., 1758In family of Benj. Teel. Margaret (negro)Boston, July, 1762April n, 1763See Margaret Hammon. Mather, Mary So called. Cammel erased.Watertown, Mar. 27, 1761May 30, 1761Age 5 mos. In family of John Clark. Maul, MaryBoston, Apr. 1, 1754Feb. 26, 1755Maid in family of Stephn Willis. Mayes, SusannaCharlestown.Age 18. In family of Samuel Angier, Jan. 7, 1771. May, ZebulonWoburn, Oct. 29, 1758Sept. 5, 1759In house of Capt. Isaac Forster. In house of William Tufts, Jr.    Martha (wife)Charlestown, Apr. 16, 1764Dec. 3, 1764    Mary (Children)    Martha(Children)   
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., Parson Turell's Legacy or the President's old Arm-Chair. (search)
But this is neither here nor there:— I'm talking about an old arm-chair. You've heard, no doubt, of Parson Turell? Over at Medford he used to dwell; Married one of the Mather's folk; Got with his wife a chair of oak,— Funny old chair with seat like a wedge, Sharp behind with broad front edge, One of the oddest of human things, Turned all over with knobs and rings, But heavy, and wide, and deep, and grand,— Fit for the worthies of the land,— Chief Justice Sewall a cause to try in, Or Cotton Mather to sit—and lie—in. Parson Turell bequeathed the same To a certain student,—Smith by name; These were the terms, as we are told; “Said Smith said Chaire to have and holde; When he doth graduate, then to passe To ye oldest Youth in ye Senior Classe, On payment of (naming a certain sum)— By him to whom ye Chaire shall come; He to ye oldest Senior next; And so forever—(thus runs the text,) But one Crown lesse than he gave to claime, That being his Debte for use of same.” Smith t
The Daily Dispatch: June 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], The killing of Dr. Mather at New Orleans. (search)
The killing of Dr. Mather at New Orleans. --The killing of Dr. Mather at New Orleans, by a Mr.Dr. Mather at New Orleans, by a Mr. Withers, has already been noticed in our columns. We find the following particulars of the affair f the 31st ult.: Yesterday afternoon as Dr. Mather was sitting in his house, a servant came and whispered to Mrs. Mather some message from Mrs. Withers, which, on inquiry by Dr. M., proved to beened to take her life if she did not leave. Dr. Mather, against his wife's earnest entreaty, procee, with which he had threatened to shoot her. Dr. Mather said he would go up stairs and expostulate w do that." "Then I will shoot you." At this, Dr. Mather threw open his coat and said, "You can do so" Whereupon Withers fired, the ball lodging in Mather's breast, who fell upon his knees and called o a third time. The second ball took effect in Mather's body, and at the third, Mrs. Withers rushingunds last night. Withers is in prison. Dr. Mather had quite recently returned from Pensacola, [1 more...]
ssage of Federal troops. Quincey, Ill., July 10. --The railroad bridge between here and Palmyra, Mo., was burnt last night — also the bridge on the Palmyra road — by the Secessionists, in order to prevent sending troops into Missouri. General Mather has sent a detachment of one company of artillery, with infantry and cavalry, by boat across the Mississippi to Marion city, on the Missouri shore, with orders to push from there by land to aid Col. Smith. By the route taken they will avoid the bridges, but will have to march thirty miles. Gen. Mather has also sent a strong detachment by the Quincey and Palmyra road, with orders to open the route by to-night. Cairo, July 10.--A gentleman from Rush Ridge, eight miles below Cairo, says that three of the Confederates who were wounded in the skirmish at Bird's Point on Monday night, died of their wounds, and that a fourth was also dangerously wounded. Cairo, July 11.--A gentleman from Memphis reports that a regiment lef
The Daily Dispatch: November 22, 1861., [Electronic resource], A strange proceeding of the Governor of Illinois. (search)
to bring to the boat when she should appear. About 11 o'clock the steamer hove in sight, when a shot from the cannon was fired across her bows. The men on board, supposing that this was intended as a compliment to them, took off their hats and cheered. Another shot was fired with the same result, and still the steamer kept on her way. A third shot was fired, which struck the steamer near the bow, just above the water line. This hint brought her to. She was immediately boarded by Adjutant-General Mather, Colonel Davis and his troops, and the men on board were ordered to surrender, which they did. Without noticing the formalities of surrender, it is sufficient to say that the men were all brought to this place, and are now prisoners at Camp Butler. With the men arrested were one or two officers from St. Louis, who, it is alleged, had enticed the troops away from the State. What will be done with them all remains to be seen. This affair has given rise to several "cards," which
Latest from the North. Norfolk, April 4th. --Northern dates is Tuesday last have been received here. The Herald says that a dispatch to the Navy Department, from Commander Dupont, reports that Lieuts. Budd and Mather, and six seamen were killed in an expediton to Mesquite Inlet, Florida. The captured steamer Magnolia arrived a New Fork on Monday, with 1,050 bales cotton. It is reported from Nashville that there will be concentrated in Tennessee a rebel force of 200,000, and that the impending battle will be the most important one of the war. The Herald says that Virginia will be conquered without much bloodshed. The New York stocks are languishing.--Cotton has slightly declined, sales at 28 cents. Gen. Curtis, in Arkansas, has issued a special order emancipating three slaves, on account of their being employed in the rebel service. The Baltimore American of Wednesday says that next month will end the active fighting. Afterwards there will be n
The fight at New Smyrna, Fla. --A correspondent of the Floridian and Journal gives an account of the recent brush at New Smyrna, in which two Federal navy officers, Captain Mather and Lieut. Budd, with a considerable number of man, were killed. The bodies of the two officers, as our readers are aware, arrived at Washington, D. C., a few days ago. It appears that six Yankee launches with eight or ten men in each, went up the river either on a stealing expedition or in search of Union sentiments. In the afternoon of the same day our advance pickets gave notice of their return, and Capt. Strain, who had command of the guard, arranged his little force to meet them. The correspondent thus describes the result. The first boat fell an easy prey, coming incautiously up to the landing, a volley of Enfield halls soon silenced the party. Somebody was hurt this time, and the commanding officers of each of the steamers, Capt Mather and Lieut. Budd, were each found pierced by half a d
sixty in number, for half a mile along the banks of the river, with instructions to reserve their fire until all the boats should come within range. The foremost boat attempted to land, but a well-directed fire immediately killed or wounded all on board; the boat drifted off, but a few volunteers soon succeeded in bringing her ashore. Three of the men sunk to rise no more, four were found pierced by half a dozen balls apiece, and four more were severely wounded. Among the killed were Captain Mather, of the Henry Andrew, and Lieut. Budd, commanding the Penguin. A runaway negro was among the wounded, who had piloted them up the river; he is to be hanged this afternoon. Meanwhile the other boats, which had at first retreated under the galling fire, advanced in order, firing upon our men with their guns and muskets; but they soon beat a hasty retreat to the opposite shore, and abandoned their boats. The Henry Andrew now poured a shower of shells upon our men, but, I am happy to say,
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