Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henry May or search for Henry May in all documents.

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Mr. Cox, of Ohio, moved as an amendment that Mr. May be notified of the passage of the resolution Clark, of Mo., expelled on Saturday. Neither Mr. May nor Mr. Clark had taken their seats here, norde through the newspapers, and, in justice to Mr. May himself, the charge should be investigated. Illinois, denied entirely the assertion that Mr. May's visit was undertaken under the authority ofllinois, had ample reasons for believing that Mr. May did receive a special passport to visit, but aid that he had this morning been informed by Dr. May that his brother was now detained by illness on. Mr. Vallandigham repeated again that Mr. May went to Richmond on a political mission, withond. Mr. Calvert, of Maryland, said that Mr. May did go to Richmond under the authority of thesdiction of this House, but as the friends of Mr. May boldly asserted that that gentleman had underst served by delaying the investigation until Mr. May's recovery, and he renewed his motion to lay [8 more...]
Congress. Washington, July 18. --In the House to day a bill was passed remitting fines where ships are unable to get proper papers. A bill was passed authorizing the forwarding of soldiers' letters without additional charge. A bill to pay volunteers from the time they rendezvoused, was passed. In the Senate, Secretary Forney called the body to order, and announced that Vice President Hamlin would be absent the balance of the session. The bill authorizing the appointment of an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and the bill for the better organization of the Marine Corps, were passed. The bill to modify the Tariff act met with unexpected opposition in the House to-day. In the House to-day the action in regard to Mr. May, member from Baltimore, in regard to his visit to Richmond, was laid on the table. Washington, July 19.--In the Senate, to-day, the military bill was passed. The House concurred in the Senate's amendments to the Navy bill.