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son, Mary E. Stearns, Mrs. William J. Loring, Mrs. Governor Andrew, Mrs. Robert C. Waterston, Wright & Potter, James B. Dow, William Cumston, John A. Higginson, Peter Smith, Theodore Otis, Avery Plummer, James Savage, Samuel May, Mrs. Samuel May, Josiah Quincy, William Claflin, Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis, George Bemis, Edward Atkinson, Professor Agassiz, John G. Palfrey, besides several societies and fraternities. Most of the papers connected with theMrs. Samuel May, Josiah Quincy, William Claflin, Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis, George Bemis, Edward Atkinson, Professor Agassiz, John G. Palfrey, besides several societies and fraternities. Most of the papers connected with the labors of the committee were destroyed in the great Boston fire, so that it is difficult now to set forth properly in greater detail the work accomplished. In the proclamation of outlawry issued by Jefferson Davis, Dec. 23, 1862, against Major-General Butler, was the following clause:— Third. That all negro slaves captured in arms be at once delivered over to the executive authorities of the respective States to which they belong, to be dealt with according to the laws of said States.
State. Friends had procured flags, and it was determined to make the occasion of their presentation, on May 18, a memorable one. The day was fine and cloudless. Very early, friends of the command began to arrive in private carriages, and by the extra trains run to Readville. Many prominent persons were present, including Surgeon-General Dale, Hon. Thomas Russell, Professor Agassiz, Prof. William B. Rogers, Hon. Josiah Quincy, George S. Hale, William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, Samuel May, Rev. Dr. Neale, Frederick Douglass, and many others. The parade was thronged with white and colored people of both sexes, to the number of over a thousand. Line was formed at eleven o'clock, and the regiment was broken into square by Colonel Shaw. Governor Andrew, with his military staff in full uniform, took position inside the square. Brilliant in color and of the finest texture, fluttering in the fresh breeze blowing, the flags destined for the regiment were ready for presentatio
avalry: Independent Battalion, 152, 154, 161. Regiments: Second, 19, 24. Fourth, 236, 242, 273, 290. Fifth, 11. Infantry: Twenty-Fourth, 53, 63, 64, 74, 85, 106, 115. Fortieth, 111, 143, 154, 155,160,178, 183. Fifty-Fifth, 11, 22, 24, 37, 108, 122, 125, 136, 142, 143, 158, 171, 176, 184, 185, 191, 200, 213, 230, 236, 241, 243, 244, 251, 255, 257, 260, 272, 274, 275, 295, 315. Material of regiment, 21. Matthews, E. O., 250. May, John J., 16. May, Miss, Abby, 23. May, Mrs., 16. May, Samuel, 16, 24. Mayflower, steamer, 46, 61, 257. Maysville, S. C., 295. McAllister, Fort, 261. McClellansville, S. C., 314. McCullar, Thomas, 304. McDermott, William, 315, 317. McDonald, J. R., 226. McDonough, gunboat, 52, 201. McGirt's Creek, Fla., 174, 178. McGuire, P., 121. McKay, George F., 260. McLaws, Lafayette, 267, 272, 275. Medal of Honor, 134. Merceraux, Thomas J., 256. Metcalf, Henry, 161. Michie, P. S., 109, 118. Middleton Depot, S. C., 306. Military Situatio
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Chapter 7: the man of action (search)
at a shop window without a name to it, went in and bought it, and framed it as the most saintlike of countenances. The end of the story is, that when the citizen found whose portrait he had been hanging up in his parlor, he took the print out of the frame and huddled it away. The lion and the lamb dwelt together in Garrison; but the lion was a peculiar lion, he was never really in control of Garrison, as the lion in Luther was sometimes in control of Luther. The following anecdote from Mr. May's reminiscences gives us a glimpse of the social side of Garrison and shows the perplexities into which his methods of agitation naturally led the public. The scene is upon a steamboat. There was much earnest talking by other parties beside our own. Presently a gentleman turned from one of them to me and said, What, sir, are the Abolitionists going to do in Philadelphia? I informed him that we intended to form a National Anti-Slavery Society. This brought from him an outpouring of
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Chapter 8: the Rynders mob (search)
t us. Rynders found himself in the midst of Francis and Edmund Jackson, of Wendell Phillips, of Edmund Quincy, of Charles F. Hovey, of William H. Furness, of Samuel May, Jr., of Sydney Howard Gay, of Isaac T. Hopper, of Henry C. Wright, of Abby Kelley Foster, of Frederick Douglass, of Mr. Garrison--against whom his menaces were spas you confined yourself to your subject, I did not interfere; but I will not permit you or any other man to misrepresent the President. Mr. Garrison, as the Rev. Samuel May testifies, calmly replied that he had simply quoted some recent words of General Taylor, and appealed to the audience if he had said aught in disrespect of 's formal offer of the floor to Rynders as soon as Mr. Garrison had finished his remarks; with an invitation meanwhile to take a seat on the platform. This, says Mr. May, he scoutingly refused; but, seeing the manifest fairness of the president's offer, drew back a little, and stood, with folded arms, waiting for Mr. Garrison to
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Index (search)
117, 119, 238. Lundy, Benjamin, 42, 43, 46. Lunt, George, 124, 125, 127. Lunt Committee, 124 f. Luther, Martin, 35, 193. Lyman, Theodore, Mayor of Boston, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 121, 122, 123. McCarthy, Justin, 251. McDuffie, George, 127. MacAULAYulay, Zachary, 245. Martineau, Harriet, quoted, 195, 196, 248; her Martyr Age in America, 245; 105, 124. Massachusetts, southern attempt to enslave, 010-Io3. And see Boston. Matthew, Saint, Gospel of, quoted, 181-84. May, Samuel, Jr., 210, 211, 212. May, Samuel J., quoted, 73-75, 78-80, 81-86, 93-95, 196-98; converted to Abolition by G., 77 ff.; the angel of Anti-slavery, 78; and G., 80, 81; and the Lunt Committee, 124, 126, 127; 29, 32, 71, 138, 150, 227. Methodists, and Abolition, 208. Mill, John Stuart, 251. Milton, John, 165. Missouri, admission of, with slavery, Io. Missouri Compromise, 10, 25, 256, 258; repeal of, 10, 256, 258. Nashville, vigilance committee at, 76. National Anti-Slavery So
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 17: as in a looking glass. (search)
Abolitionism. In the summer of 1848, from Northampton, whither he had gone to take the water cure, Garrison counseled Quincy, who was filling the editorial chair, in the interim, at the Liberator office, in this sage fashion : As for the Free-Soil movement, I feel that great care is demanded of us disunionists, both in the Standard and the Liberator, in giving credit to whom credit is due, and yet in no case even seeming to be satisfied with it. In the winter of 1848 in a letter to Samuel May, Jr., he is more explicit on this head. As for the free-soil movement, he observes, I am for hailing it as a cheering sign of the times, and an unmistakble proof of the progress we have made, under God, in changing public sentiment. Those who have left the Whig and Democratic parties for conscience's sake, and joined the movement, deserve our commendation and sympathy; at the same time, it is our duty to show them, and all others, that there is a higher position to be attained by them or t
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 21: the last. (search)
was organized March 28, 1866, at the house of Dr. Henry I. Bowditch. John A. Andrew, who was its chairman, wrote the address to the public, to which were appended the chief names in the politics and literature of the land. Nearly two years afterward, on March io, 1868, the committee were able to place in Mr. Garrison's hands the handsome sum of thirty-one thousand dollars with a promise of possibly one or two thousand more a little later. To the energy and devotedness of one man, the Rev. Samuel May, Jr., more than to any other, and perhaps than all others put together, this noble achievement was due. The pioneer was deeply moved at the high and generous character of the recognition accorded his labors. Little, indeed, did I know or anticipate how prolonged or how virulent would be the struggle, said he in his reply to the committee, when I lifted up the standard of immediate emancipation, and essayed to rouse the nation to a sense of its guilt and danger. But having put my hands
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 6: the schism.—1840. (search)
anti-slavery profession, was put on (Lib. 10: 111, 131, and Ms. July 16, 1841, Oliver Johnson to W. L. G.) C. M. Burleigh, Samuel J. May, N. P. Rogers, and J. A. Collins, which were frequently responded to in an enthusiastic manner. The muster was not confined to the friends of the old organization. The New Organizationists, too, and the Lib. 10.90, 122. New York Executive Committee did what they could to pack They were very sore over their failure to effect a larger rally. The Rev. Samuel May, of Leicester, Mass., one of the delegates to the Convention, wrote to Francis Jackson on May 18, 1840 (Ms.): I found a number of New Organizationists in the Norwich boat on my return; and, from conversation with them, I find that there is no accusation, however mean or flagrant, which some of them are not ready to make against the old Massachusetts Society, and the Board of Managers in particular. the Convention. The Fourth Free Church could hardly contain the delegates alone, who n
rdon St. Convention, 424.—Letters to J. Stedman, 2.250; from J. T. Buckingham, 2.7, S. J. May, 2.60, N. B. Borden, 2.311, S. May, 2.348, N. P. Rogers, 2.419, J. C. Jackson, 2.436. Jackson, James C. [b. Manlius, N. Y., Mar. 28, 1811], on revival of Col., 1.213, 217. Brother of May, Samuel [b. Boston, Dec. 4, 1776; d. there Feb. 23, 1870], 1.495. Father of May, Samuel, Rev. [b. Boston, April 11, 1810], sketch of Mrs. Garrison, 1.423; at N. Y. anniversary, 2.348.—Letter to F. Jackson, 2.3May, Samuel Joseph, Rev. [b. Boston, Mass., Sept. 12, 1797; d. Syracuse, N. Y., July 1, 1871], Unitarian, 2.38; nephew of S. May, 1.495; career, 213; founds a Peace Soc., 426; welcomes Lundy, 213; attends G.'s Julien Hall and Athenaeum lectures, 212, Lib., 1.462, 463, 2.258, doctrinal timidity, 224.—See, also, W. E. Channing, R. W. Emerson, C. Follen, E. S. Gannett, S. May, Jr., S. J. May, J. G. Palfrey, J. Pierpont, R. F. Wallcut, H. Ware, Jr. Universalists, Maine, mum about slavery, 2.78.