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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 4: Five Forks. (search)
skets, and with hands and faces up cried out, We surrender, running right in upon us and almost over us. I was very glad of it, though more astonished, for they outnumbered us largely. These were Colonel Hutter of the 11th Virginia Infantry of Mayo's Brigade and part of the 3d Virginia Cavalry dismounted which Munford had sent to reinforce Ransom. I was a little afraid of them, too, lest they might find occasion to take arms again and revoke the consent of the governed. They were pretty solpment. To meet this, the enemy, instead of giving up the battle as they would have been justified in doing, stripped still more their main works in front of our cavalry by detaching nearly the entire brigade of General Terry, now commanded by Colonel Mayo, and facing it quite to its rear pushed it down the Ford Road and across the fields to resist the advance of Warren with Crawford. We, too, were pressing hard on the Ford Road from the east, so that all were crowded into that whirlpool of
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 33: battles around Spottsylvania. (search)
n a piece of woods in front of my line, the 9th corps, under Burnside, moving up to attack a salient on my front. Lane captured over three hundred prisoners and three battle flags, and his attack on the enemy's flank taking him by surprise, no doubt contributed materially to his repulse. Mahone's brigade did not become seriously engaged. The attacking column which Lane encountered got up to within a very short distance of a salient defended by Walker's brigade of Heth's division, under Colonel Mayo, before it was discovered, as there was a pine thicket in front, under cover of which the advance was made. A heavy fire of musketry from Walker's brigade and Thomas' which was on his left, and a fire of artillery from a considerable number of guns on Heth's line, were opened with tremendous effect upon the attacking column, and it was driven back with heavy loss, leaving its dead in front of our works. This affair took place under the eye of General Lee himself. In the afternoon an
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
98, 132, 134, 157, 159, 160, 161, 164, 185- 186, 241, 243-44, 367, 369, 371, 380-81, 384, 402-03, 409, 414, 416, 455, 461 Maryland Heights, 135-36-37-38, 154, 164, 176, 254, 284, 333, 365, 368, 385-86-87, 389, 391, 394, 400, 403, 408, 414 Mason's Hill, 48, 49, 50 Massanutten Mountain, 165, 366-67, 407, 431, 438, 457 Massaponix, 167-68-69, 171, 183, 188, 191, 194, 195, 197, 199 Massie, Captain, 433 Matadaquean, 363, 364 Matapony, 357 Matthews' House, 26, 27, 334, 339 Mayo, Colonel, 356 McCausland, General, 374-75-76, 378, 381, 383, 385-86-87, 389, 391, 396, 401-02, 404, 407, 409- 10, 416, 423, 434, 453, 454, 456, 466 McClanahan's Battery, 333-34-35 McClellan, General (U. S. A.), 44, 48, 50, 51, 54, 58, 64, 66, 72, 74, 75, 85, 87-92, 104, 105, 114, 131-32- 33, 140, 148, 150, 154-159, 161, 163-64-65, 361, 404 McDonald, Lieutenant (A. A. G.), 24, 25 McDowell, 326 McDowell, General (U. S. A.), 2, 10, 13, 28, 31, 33, 36, 38-42, 44, 46, 48, 74, 75, 9
as filling her basket with cakes and pies. Well, said I, has your husband gone? No, but he's agwine tomorrow, and I'm getting something for him now Don't you feel sorry as the time approaches for him to go? Oh, yes, I shall miss him mightily; but I ain't never cried about it; I never shed a tear for the old man, nor for the boys neither, and I ain't agwine to. Them Yankees must not come a-nigh to Richmond; if they does, I will fight them myself. The women must fight, for they shan't cross Mayo's Bridge; they shan't git to Richmond. I said to her, You are a patriot. Yes, honey-ain't you? Ain't everybody? I was sorry to leave this heroine in homespun, but she was too busy buying cakes, etc., for the old man, to be interrupted any longer. March 8th, 1862. The family of Captain-- , of the navy, just arrived. They have been refugeeing in Warrenton; but now that there is danger of our army falling back from the Potomac to the Rappahannock, they must leave Warrenton, and are o
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 23: the War in Missouri.-doings of the Confederate Congress. --Affairs in Baltimore.--Piracies. (search)
people showed that the mantle of Washington fell gracefully upon. the shoulders of the arch-conspirator, the historian of the journey said: Never were a people more enraptured with their chief magistrate than ours are with President Davis, and the trip from Montgomery to Richmond will ever be remembered with delight by all who witnessed it. Richmond Examiner, May 28, 1861 North Carolina mounted Rifleman. Davis and his party were met at Petersburg by Governor Letcher and the Mayor (Mayo) of Richmond; and he was escorted into his future capital by soldiers and civilians, and out to the Fair grounds, where he addressed a great crowd of people, May 28, 1861. and declared that, to the last breath of his life, he was wholly their own. On the evening of the 31st he was serenaded, when he took the occasion to utter that memorable speech, so characteristic of the orator whenever he was impressed with a sense of power in his own hands, which gave the people of the Free-labor States
at the head of the basin, near the Petersburg railroad depot; Shockoe ware-house, situated near the center of the city, side by side with the Gallego flour-mills; Mayo's warehouse, and Dibrell's warehouse, on Cary-st., a square below Libby prison. Late in the night, Mayor Mayo had dispatched, by a committee of citizens, a remoMayor Mayo had dispatched, by a committee of citizens, a remonstrance against this reckless military order, which plainly put in jeopardy the whole business portion of Richmond. It was not heeded. Nothing was left for the citizens but to submit to the destruction of their property. The warehouses were fired. The rams in the James river were blown up. The Richmond, Virginia, and another also fired, save the flag-of-truce steamer Allison. The bridges leading out of the city — namely, the Danville railroad bridge, the Petersburg railroad bridge, Mayo's bridge, leading to Manchester and the opposite side of the James were also fired, and were soon wrapped in flames. Morning broke upon a scene such as those wh
P. Jan., ‘64 2d Maine 2 8 10   334 334 344   Nineteenth.   Heavy Artillery.                   Aug., ‘62 1st Maine 23 400 423 2 258 260 683 Birney's Second.   Light Batteries.                   Dec., ‘61 1st Maine. Reenlisted and served through the war. Bradbury's 2 13 15   28 28 43 Grover's Nineteenth. Dec., ‘61 2d Maine. Reenlisted and served through the war. Hall's 1 4 5   26 26 31 Wadsworth's First. Dec., ‘61 3d Maine. Reenlisted and served through the war. Mayo's   3 3   14 14 17 Willcox's Ninth. Dec., ‘61 4th Maine. Reenlisted and served through the war. Robinson's   5 5 1 22 23 28   Sixth. Dec., ‘61 5th Maine. Reenlisted and served through the war. Stevens's 2 16 18   17 17 35 Robinson's First. Dec., ‘61 6th Maine. Reenlisted and served through the war. Dow's   13 13   27 27 40   Second. Dec., ‘63 7th Maine. Twitchell's   3 3   15 15 18 Willcox's Ninth.   Infantry.      
ation on the river. It was four miles from Newbern, and mounted thirteen heavy guns, two of them rifled thirty-two pounders. Fort Ellis, three miles from Newbern, mounted eight heavy guns. It was commanded by Capt. Edelin's company B, First Maryland regiment. Finding that the other fortifications had fallen, Capt. E. ordered his guns to be dismounted, (having no spikes,) and they were thrown down the embankment. Fort Lane, mounting eight guns, two miles from Newbern, was blown up, Capt. Mayo losing his life by remaining to fire the magazine. He was killed by the explosion. Union Point battery, one mile from Newbern, mounted two guns. It was manned by the Confederate Minstrels, under the command of Charles O. White, manager. This battery fired but twice, and then with but little effect, the enemy being out of range. Three of the Minstrels are missing. It is thought they were taken prisoners. Their names are given us as Prof. Iradella, James Wood and Frank Hineman. C
time to assert your rights! Too many stars on the flag! The Scorpion of Secession — it has stung itself. The South--the land of the white man. The Northern advance--it is the tread of the freeman, etc. We candidly believe that these devices, appearing in different parts of Richmond, and betraying a singular unity of design, was the work of traitors in our midst. Without any police worth the name, and with traitors scrawling their appeals in the most public places of the city, while Mr. Mayo's night-watchmen are snoring in the doorways of houses, the time has come for our citizens to wake up to their situation, and to establish at once a Vigilance Committee for their protection against the spies, incendiaries and assassins who are lying in wait, perhaps only for the next disastrous turn in our affairs. Every man and woman too, (for there are Union brawlers and adventurers in petticoats as well as in breeches,) who utters treasonable sentiments should be held to instant respons
mmand from its first position, and hurried as rapidly as possible to the point indicated. We moved up by the left flank, and so urgent and repeated were the calls for reenforcements that my two leading regiments, viz., Forty-seventh Virginia, Colonel Mayo, and the Twenty-second battalion, Colonel Tayloe, the only regiments actively engaged, advanced in a run, separated themselves from the brigade, passed well to the left, and encountered the enemy in rear of our front lines, about midway betweeehind them, could come to their assistance. During the fight several of the enemy's mounted officers were shot down, and the colors of one regiment were seen to fall four times. It affords me much pleasure to mention the good conduct of Colonels Mayo and Tayloe, and the officers and men under their command. The valor and daring of the men were unprecedented. Many of them were fighting in sight of their homes, and seemed determined to drive back the enemy at all hazards. Our loss wa