Browsing named entities in Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders.. You can also browse the collection for McCulloch or search for McCulloch in all documents.

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Carthage. Confederate reinforcements under McCulloch. Disagreement between Price and McCulloch. McCulloch. noble conduct of Price. the battle of Oak Hill. McCulloch surprised. a fierce fight. death of rces from Arkansas under the command of Brig.-Gen. McCulloch. No serious thought was entertained ch for the Southwest, where he hoped to join McCulloch. In the mean time, however, Gen. Sigel, witss, arrived at Carthage, accompanied by Brig.-Gen. McCulloch of the Confederate forces, and Maj.-Gene was a Major-General in the State service. McCulloch was a Brigadier-General in the Confederate sthe regular service. On the 9th of August McCulloch moved up to Wilson's Creek, intending to advrried in the direction of Sigel's attack. Gen. McCulloch sent forward Col. Hebert's Louisiana Volunederal rule — it unfortunately fell out that McCulloch and Price could not agree upon a plan of cam and here Price again formed a junction with McCulloch, at the head of 5,000 men. It was at this ti[19 more...]
Horn. Van Dorn's command. an obstinate fight. death of McCulloch. the Confederate success indecisive and imperfect. reasken up a strong position and fortified it, expecting that McCulloch would move forward to his assistance; but that commander ged to cut his way through towards Boston Mountain, where McCulloch was reported to be. This he successfully accomplished, wierson to take command of the combined forces of Price and McCulloch, and reached their headquarters on the 3d of March. Vans, moved out of camp on the 4th of March, with Price and McCulloch's forces, his intention being to surround the enemy's advy. Price's forces constituted our left and centre, while McCulloch was on the right. To prevent the junction of reinforce. About two o'clock, Gen. Van Dorn sent a dispatch to Gen. McCulloch, who was attacking the enemy's left, proposing to him asily end the battle. Before the dispatch was penned, Gen. McCulloch had fallen; and the victorious advance of his division