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irm open field for the working of their artillery, which latter they formed in a half-circle, throwing a concentrated fire on the entrance to the woods we had just passed. The rebels left in their retreat a caisson full of ammunition, which latter fortunately fitting the boat-howitzers, enabled us at a later period of the day to keep up our fire when all other ammunition had failed. Still pursuing the flying rebels, I arrived at that point where the Coosahatchie road, joining that from McKay's Landing, runs through a swamp to Pocotaligo bridge. Here the rebels opened a murderous fire upon us from batteries of siege-guns and field-pieces, on the further side of the creek. Our skirmishers, however, advanced boldly to the edge of the swamp, and from what cover they could obtain did considerable execution among the enemy. The rebels, as I anticipated, attempted a flank movement on our left, but for some reason abandoned it. The ammunition of the artillery here entirely faile
g. Sergeants Titus and Houston were carrying the colors at the time they were wounded. Lieutenant Blythe, Quartermaster, was with the regiment during the engagement on Wednesday, and rendered efficient service. Both officers and men displayed great coolness and steady bravery throughout the entire engagement, performing all manoeuvres with accuracy and precision, and even when not engaged, and suffering severely from the enemy's artillery, not attempting to move until ordered to do so. Sergeant McKay, of company E, commanding the company from the commencement of the engagement, and Sergeant McMahon, temporarily in command of company II, displayed great coolness and courage, and are eminently deserving of promotion. Corporal J. P. Patterson, of the colorguard, seized the colors when Sergeant Houston fell, and bore them gallantly during the remainder of the engagement. I have the honor to be, Your most obedient servant, Aquilla Wiley, Lieut.-Col. Forty-first Ohio V., Com'g Reg'