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The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1861., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James P. McLane or search for James P. McLane in all documents.

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Suicide.--A difficulty occurred at the Sprigg House, in Wheeling, Va., on the 13th inst., between Richard Hadden and James P. McLane, a salesman in a drug store, in which the former was shot in the breast, and it is thought mortally wounded. The Intelligencer thus relates the conclusion of the tragedy: Young McLane, yesterday morning, came down to the store at which he was engaged, on Main street, as usual, though evidently agitated on account of the rash act of the few hours previous, atives were startled by a dispatch from Bellaire, stating that he had shot himself near that village, and was dead. Young McLane was about twenty years of age, and was greatly admired by his employers and loved by his associates. It appears that upon leaving the store in the morning, McLane went down slowly to the West Wheeling Ferry Landing, and, after crossing, stood for some time on the Ohio shore looking into the water, and then proceeded down towards Bellaire. He is supposed to have