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C. moved that when the House adjourn to-day it adjourn to meet on Monday next. Last — yeas 24 nays 48. Mr. Vest of Mo., moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the bill to provide for the arrest of soldiers absent from their command without leave, was laid upon the table. Mr. Gartcell, of Ga., called for the order of the day, and the House took up the bill entitled "in act to aid committees of Congress in the investigation of matters referred to them, and to punish false swearing before said committees" The bill was variously amended and passed. Mr. Miles, of S. C., from the Committee on Military Affairs to whom was referred a bill for the acceptance of troops from Missouri and Kentucky for a term of service less than three years reported the same back with a recommendation that it be laid upon the table, and that the committee be discharged from its further consideration. Pending which on motion of Mr. Kenner, the House went into secret session.