Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 18, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Milroy or search for Milroy in all documents.

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) Gen. Early stormed the works around that town. There is no telegraphic communication thence with Richmond. Staunton, seventy miles off, presents the first telegraph. Yet almost before the smoke of the battle field had cleared away rumors of the result began to spread.--On Monday morning they pervaded the whole city, and described the actual condition of affairs with a minuteness and accuracy absolutely astounding. The number of guns and prisoners were designated, and it was stated that Milroy had escaped, which turns out to be true. We leave it to metaphyst to account for this singular phenomenon. We content ourselves with saying that it was very singular, and, to us, altogether unaccountable. The capture of Winchester is one of the most glorious, and we believe it is destined to prove one of the most important, events of the war. It seems to be the first in a projected series of operations, which there is every reason to believe will result most beneficially to the cause
The victory at Winchester.Milroy's entire army captured!our troops in possession of the town!Rumored capture of Milroy.&c., "c. "c. Harrisonburg, Va., June 16. Milroy.&c., "c. "c. Harrisonburg, Va., June 16. --Glorious victory in the Valley. Gen. Milroy's entire army is captured. Gen. Ewell attacked the enemy at Winchester on Saturday, and fought them on Sunday, reneGen. Milroy's entire army is captured. Gen. Ewell attacked the enemy at Winchester on Saturday, and fought them on Sunday, renewing the attack on yesterday morning at 4 o'clock, and after a struggle of one hour the Abolition flag was lowered, and our victorious veterans entered and took entire possession. The entire command of Milroy was surrendered, numbering from six thousand to seven thousand men, together with all their stores, &c., embracing severaled, wounded and missing will not exceed one hundred. No officers killed. Milroy was endeavoring to escape, but rumor has it that he has since been captured. been captured. Col. Alcott, while endeavoring to reinforce Milroy with about 2,000 men, was captured by Gen. Edward Johnson on Sunday evening, near Berryville.
Milrey's reign in Winchester. The reign of Milroy in Winchester, Va., which has rivalled in brutality and robbery that of Butler in New Orleans, is now over. A letter from a lady who was sent bness and cruelty of the Yankee General in Winchester, and we make some extracts from it: Gen. Milroy and his Yankee tribe still have possession, and, as you know, have had for six months. I did daring bravery and the Yankees like cowards." They put the officer under arrest for forty days. Milroy never goes out. He had his wife and four or five children — ugly little red-headed things — witht the women and children. The women were firm and faithful; never would give up one step. When Milroy's wife first came she had one little trunk, and when she left she had five very large ones--carrre kept for several hours. So you see we were not allowed even to laugh. A lady went to Gen. Milroy and asked for a pass to go over the lines. He said, "I will give you a pass to hell." She to
The accounts which we receive of the triumph of our forces at Winchester leave no doubt that the victory has been decisive and complete, with the exception that Milroy succeeded in making his escape. Under the telegraphic head will be found, in brief, a statement of the extent of the triumph achieved. We have been able to learn very little of the battle, which resulted in the capture of Milroy's army, but are assured that our loss in killed and wounded is quite inconsiderable, and will not, it is thought, exceed one hundred. A gentleman who left Winchester after the surrender of the enemy states that there were thirteen regiments, numbering in theve the reports which are in circulation, the haul has been the richest of any since the war commenced. Fifty pieces of cannon are also among the spoils. How Milroy effected his escape is not very clearly explained, but the report states that he selected a weak point in our lines, and with a regiment of cavalry cut his way ou