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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 4 0 Browse Search
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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
s good, as his father wrote, she labored to keep him so. If his principles were sound and his life a success, to her, more than to any other, should the praise be given. This lovely woman, as stated, was the daughter of Charles Carter, of Shirley, who resided in his grand old mansion on the banks of the James River, some twenty miles below Richmond, then, as now, the seat of an open, profuse, and refined hospitality, and still in the possession of the Carters. Mrs. Henry Lee's mother was Anne Moore, and her grandmother a daughter of Alexander Spottswood, the soldier who fought with Marlborough at Blenheim, and was afterward sent to Virginia as governor in 1710, and whose descent can be traced in a direct line from King Robert the Bruce, of Scotland. Robert Edward Lee could look back on long lines of paternal and maternal ancestors, but it is doubtful whether he ever exercised the privilege; in a letter to his wife, written in front of Petersburg, February, 1865, he says: I have
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
02, 304. Meagher's Irish brigade, 231. Meigs, General, 107. Merrimac frigate, 138. Merritt, General, Wesley, mentioned, 333, 373. Mexican Republic, 31. Mexican treaty, 40. Miles, Colonel, 203. Milroy, General, mentioned, 143, 262, 263, 264. Minnigerode, Rev. Dr., 379. Mitchell, Private W. B., 204. Moltke, Field-Marshal, 261, 423. Molino del Rey, 41. Monocacy, battle of, 351. Mont St. Jean, Waterloo, 421. Monroe, James, I. Montezuma's gifts, 31. Moore, Anne, 20. Morales, General, 35. Mosby, Colonel, John, 183. Mount Vernon, Ala., 99. Mount Vernon plate, 94. Mount Vernon, Va., 71. Napier, General, quoted, 148. Napoleon at Austerlitz, 247; at Waterloo, 278, 421; mentioned, 13, 17. Negro division at Petersburg, 356. New England States, 82. Newton, General, John, at Gettysburg, 286; mentioned, 362. Ney, Field-Marshal, 424. Nineteenth Corps, the, 352. Oates, Colonel, 282. On-to-Richmond movement, 327. Orange Court