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th banks, without officers to command them. The crews of these guns are worthy of special notice. I have to thank you, sir, for the splendid example you gave us of coolness and masterly handling of this vessel in both actions, and I close this hasty report by recommending to especial notice Quartermaster Buck, who, on the first morning, though wounded, stood bravely at the wheel for seven hours, and to-day again took his post and steered the ship from early daylight until half-past 1 P. M., over eight hours. note.--The engine, berth-deck, and powder-divisions were well served by their respective officers and men stationed there, and everything connected with them was kept in perfect order. Third Assistant-Engineer Morgan stood at the bell, and executed your orders promptly and efficiently. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, R. B. Lowry, Lieut. United States Navy. To Captain Thomas T. Craven, Commanding United States Steamship Brooklyn, Off New-Orleans, La.
d the engineers of Col. Bissell--those who took the steamboats over-land to New — Madrid — would clear away the debris and repair the bridges, so that at three o'clock the vanguard emerged from the swamp. Now commenced the fight in earnest. The enemy had posted four pieces of artillery upon an elevation of perhaps twenty feet in height, completely commanding the road, and making it utterly impossible for our troops to gain the open field, except by a detour to the right or left. Then Col. Morgan's (Tenth) regiment were sent to the right, with the Yates sharpshooters to the left, who soon poured such a fire of musketry upon their ranks as sent the gunners from their pieces in confusion, and caused the infantry to rush pell-mell over the hill to their second position, where they formed in line of battle. Then the rebel postillions galloped up to the guns, limbered them up, and dragged them away, under a most galling fire from our infantry. Their second position was taken upon t
ely on my brigade. Lieut.-Col. Strong, Thirty-eighth New-York regiment, deserves special mention for his gallant conduct. His wound, although disabling him, I am happy to report is not mortal, and he will be soon returned to his regiment. I am yours truly, D. B. Birney, Brigadier-General. Lieut. W. G. Sturgis, A. A. General, Kearney's Division. Letter from General Kearney. headquarters Third division Heintzelman's corps, camp Berry, Barhamsville, May 10, 1862. To His Excellency Gov. Morgan: sir: It is with great satisfaction that I have the honor of bringing to your notice the distinguished conduct of officers and regiments of the State of New-York, comprised in my division, and as particularly illustrated in the late severe but victorious engagement of the fifth instant in front of Williamsburgh. These were the Thirty-seventh, Col. Hayman; the Thirty-eighth, Col. J. H. Hobart Ward, and Fortieth, Colonel Riley. New-York will ever hold her place as Empire State as
Doc. 22.-the fight at Lebanon, Tenn. General Dumont's despatch. Lebanon, Tenn., May 5. I surprised and attacked the enemy under Cols. Morgan and Wood this morning at four o'clock, at this place, and after a hard-fought battle of one and a half hours, and a running fight of eighteen miles in pursuit, achieved a complete and substantial victory. My force was about six hundred, composed of detachments from Col. Wynkoop's Seventh Pennsylvania, Col. G. Clay Smith's Fifth Kentucky, and neral W. W. Duffield. headquarters Twenty-Third brigade, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Tuesday, May 6, 1862. Captain: Agreeably to verbal instructions received from Brig.-Gen. E. Dumont, I started in pursuit of the rebel force commanded by Colonel John H. Morgan, which attacked Gen. Mitchel's train at Pulaski, leaving early on the morning of the third instant, and taking with me the Ninth Michigan infantry, Lieut.-Col. Parkhurst, and the Eighth Kentucky infantry, Col. Barnes. Upon reaching War
ickets at the ferry and preventing the further retreat of Adams's men over the river. My main force came by Anderson's road. Col. Scribner's command is occupying an important point, which I omit alluding to except by saying that it is for the benefit of Starns and his artillery, who are now at Altmount. We captured a large number of rebel cavalry pickets and scouts; also, a large quantity of contraband stores. The Union people are wild with joy, while the rebels are panic-stricken. Col. Morgan is in Chattanooga, also Gen. Adams. The enemy's force there is about three thousand with ten pieces of artillery. The gunboat has not been heard from as yet; we are looking for it this morning. Two steamboats have left Chattanooga for Knoxville. We shall soon need supplies. Can we get them from Bellefonte or Stevenson? Will send you further news this evening. Jas. S. Negley, Brigadier-General Commanding. headquarters, before Chattanooga, June 8, 1862--8 A. M. Gen. O. M. Mitchel, H
day morning following, and then resumed his march and proceeded to Salem, where he arrived the same day. The next day he reached Winchester. It had been reported that the rebels were in considerable force in that place, and the Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry made a dash into the town, but found the enemy had dispersed. They succeeded, however, in capturing Capt. Trimble and three of his men, belonging to Starn's cavalry. This Trimble is a clergyman, a bitter rebel, who has been emulating Morgan in capturing pickets and couriers, and denouncing Union men to the hangmen. He has been very enterprising in bringing up Union men, who were compelled to accept either one or the other of two alternatives, namely, to go into the confederate army or be hanged. He was also the principal of a large female seminary in Winchester, which seems to be still in full operation, educating the feminine youth of the locality in the arts, sciences, and philosophies of the heresy of secessionism. Trimbl
Doc. 87.-rebel raid into Lebanon, Ky., July 11-12, 1862. A correspondent of the Louisville Journal gives the following account of this affair: Lebanon, Ky., July 15. Now that things are somewhat quiet in and near Lebanon, I have concluded to give you a fair and impartial history of events that have transpired since the coming and going of the farfamed Acting Brig.-Gen. J. H. Morgan, C. S. A. On Friday, the eleventh, it was reported here about noon, that Gen. Morgan had attacked and routed the Federal forces in Southern Kentucky, and that he was making his way to Lexington through Lebanon. Shortly after a despatch of this character was received, it was currently and correctly reported that the General, with a large force, was about twenty miles south-west of Le banon, near the little village of Pinch 'em, and that he would take Lebanon on that (Friday) night. Lieut.-Colonel A. Y. Johnston, in command at this place, immediately sent runners to the Home Guards to hol
is place by the forces under command of Col. John H. Morgan, comprising three regiments, composed o near the Licking bridge, from which direction Morgan's main force seemed to be approaching, with ind a cavalry charge made through the streets by Morgan's forces. At this time I rallied a part of my I met an officer of the rebel band, aid to Col. Morgan, (a son of the late Beverly L. Clark,) who an give no accurate account of the rebel dead, Morgan having taken off eight burial-cases from this nty good muskets. These, of course, fell into Morgan's possession, together with our equipments and the Williamsburgh pike, as an alarm came that Morgan's cavalry were coming down that way. This comp parties through Desha's corn-field picking up Morgan's. dead and wounded. I was kept as a prisonded, and no one permitted to speak to me. When Morgan was ready to start, a horse was brought to thee an officer, to present my compliments to Colonel Morgan, and ask for me the privilege of an interv[6 more...]
this morning. Colonel Ruggles, General Pope's Chief of Staff, had his horse shot under him. Colonel Morgan, Aid-de-Camp to Gen. Pope, and Major Perkins, General Banks's Chief of Staff, both had bullewhom met my hearty approval and merits high commendation: Cols. Macomb, Clary, Marshall, Butler, Morgan, and Welch; Majors Selfridge and Meline; Captains Archer, Douglas Pope, Haight, Atcheson, De Kay, in the second engagement, by a portion of the Third Kentucky infantry, who had passed from General Morgan's command, at the Cumberland Gap, with some Government horses. These men dismounted, hitcheand Gap, he took position in the rear of the Federal army stationed at the latter place under Gen. Morgan, effectually cutting off his communications, and rendering his surrender only a question of trk and O'Connor, and Lieutenants Smith, Orr and Martin, of the Sixth Louisiana; Captains Herrin, Morgan and Harper, and Lieutenants Knox, Tarpey, Flower, Talbot, and Wells, of the Seventh Louisiana; M
e sought and the whiz of friendly bullets was a little startling; but there was nothing to do but keep on, for the fire continued, and the longer we waited the worse it would be. Two of General Pope's body-guard were killed and one wounded. General Banks was severely injured by a runaway cavalry horse, which struck him on the side, but he kept his seat and remained in the field all last night and this morning. Colonel Ruggles, General Pope's Chief of Staff, had his horse shot under him. Colonel Morgan, Aid-de-Camp to Gen. Pope, and Major Perkins, General Banks's Chief of Staff, both had bullets through their hats. It was destined to be a night of adventure. General Sigel had been sent for to report to Gen. Pope, but as his position had been thus suddenly changed, the aid who carried the order could not find his General. While they were in search of him, the cannonade, stimulated by the infantry fire, had again become general. Some enterprising artillery captain who was stationed