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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 20: commencement of civil War. (search)
he brigade of Indianians who were at Camp Morton, under Brigadier-General T. A. Morris. In a brief speech at the Bates House, he assured the th Indiana), at or near Grafton on the 2d of June, on which day General Morris arrived. Kelley was on the point of pursuing Porterfield. His troops were in line. Morris sent for him, and a new plan of operations was agreed to, by which Porterfield and his command at Philippi mightiles farther up Tygart's Valley. report of Colonel Dumont to General Morris, June 4, 1861; Grafton correspondent of the Wheeling Intelligenral McClellan from Cincinnati to General Benjamin F. Kelley. Morris, on the day of the battle, that I cannot believe that one who has o cannot be by his side to thank him in person. God bless him! General Morris also sent to Kelley a cordial recognition of his bravery and vasidering his lack of wagons and other means for transportation, General Morris thought it prudent to recall his troops from Philippi to Grafto
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 21: beginning of the War in Southeastern Virginia. (search)
were everywhere greeted by the most hearty demonstrations of good-will. At Grafton, it received ammunition; and on the night of the 9th, it reached the vicinity of Cumberland, June, 1860. where it remained, near the banks of the Potomac, until the next day. Its advent astonished all, and gave pleasure to the Unionists, for there was an insurgent force at Romney, only a day's march south from Cumberland, said to be twelve hundred strong; while at Winchester there was a much heavier one. General Morris, at Grafton, had warned Wallace of the proximity of these insurgents, and directed him to be watchful. Wallace believed that the best security for his troops and the safety of the railway was to place his foes on the defensive, and he resolved to attack those at Romney at once. He procured two trusty guides at Piedmont, from whom he learned that there was a rude and perilous mountain road, but little traveled, and probably unguarded, leading from New Creek Station, westward of Cumberla
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 22: the War on the Potomac and in Western Virginia. (search)
nd, and was joyfully received. He appealed to both Morris and McClellan at Grafton, and to Patterson at Hager Burnett's Artillery, of Cleveland, Ohio. under General Morris, moved from Grafton toward Beverly, by way of Pghany Mountains, to join Johnston at Winchester. Morris was instructed not to attack Garnett, but to thoroum employed until McClellan should gain their rear. Morris carried out the plan faithfully. He advanced to BeMilroy. The troops were so eager for conflict that Morris found it difficult to restrain them. The scouting nsurgents gave them the name of Swamp Devils. T. A. Morris. McClellan reached Buckhannon on the 7th of J W. Benham, his Chief Engineer, to join that of General Morris, and the united forces started eagerly after th the person who owned the land there. main body of Morris's force soon came up, and the victors slept near the morning after the conflict at Carrick's Ford, General Morris returned to his camp at Bealington, The thre