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re was no quorum. Mr.Wise went on with his objections, when Mr.Morton reminded the President that the hour had arrived for going into Com Charles K. Mallory, James B. Mallory, Marr, Marye, Miller, Morris, Morton, Richardson, Rives, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, n, of Harrison, said he voted in the affirmative by mistake. Mr. Morton moved to amend Mr. Scott's amendment, in the first line, by strik his seat.)--The gentleman evidently wants to make a speech. Mr. Morton proceeded to explain his amendment, which required but few words.d, said a word or two in opposition to the amendment, thus giving Mr. Morton an opportunity to resume. Mr. Morton controverted the theoryMr. Morton controverted the theory of a Border Conference, proposed by the gentleman from Fauquier, (Mr. Scott.) His own position was, secession first, and co-operation afterwathat threatened the destruction of the interests of his section. Mr. Morton then withdrew his amendment. Mr. Boulbin, of Charlotte, move
be protected by law south of that line. Debated by Messrs.Wise and Robert Y. Conrad. Mr. Morton moved to amend Mr. Wise's amendment by striking out the last sentence--"In all territory which may hereafter be acquired," &c. Debated by Messrs. Morton and Wise, and rejected. The question recurred on Mr, Wise's motion to strike out, and was decided in the negative — yeas 27; nays 84. es, with or without involuntary servitude, as such Constitution of the State may provide. Mr. Morton said that this was an important amendment, and with a view of having it printed, he moved thatd to strike out the 1st section and insert a substitute, which we will publish to-morrow. Mr. Morton moved that the Committee rise, and Mr. Borst, of Page, demanded the yeas and nays. The motionceedings of a meeting of a portion of the citizens of that county, which, on his motion, were referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. On motion of Mr. Morton, the Convention adjourned.